American Truck Simulator: An Important Job Market Guide

Job Market Guide ATS

Welcome to our comprehensive American Truck Simulator (ATS) Job Market guide! This feature in ATS offers several job types, each with unique advantages and challenges. Understanding these job types and employing effective strategies can maximize your earnings and enhance your gameplay experience.

Let’s delve into the five job categories in American Truck Simulator and provide valuable tips along the way.

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Quick Jobs

quick jobs

Instant gratification awaits you in the Quick Jobs section! As a driver-for-hire, you won’t need to worry about fuel, tolls, or repairs since your employer takes care of those costs. You’ll be promptly transported to the hiring company’s truck upon accepting a job.

Keep in mind that you may still be responsible for covering ferry fares, train rides, and personal fines. Additionally, remember that higher-paying quick jobs often come with tighter delivery windows.

Tip: Use Quick Jobs to practice navigating different routes and handling diverse cargo while minimizing financial risks. It’s an excellent opportunity to hone your skills before diving into other job types.

Freight Market

freight market

Once you’ve completed a few Quick Jobs, unlock the Freight Market to utilize your customized truck and enjoy its benefits. Be aware that all transportation costs, including fines and repairs, now fall on your shoulders.

Moreover, you must physically travel to the designated pickup spot after accepting a job—look for the green marker on the map to guide you there.

Tip: Equip your truck with performance-enhancing modifications to optimize fuel efficiency, reduce repair frequency, and increase overall profitability. Strategically plan your route using tools like the Route Advisor to avoid costly detours.

External Contracts

external contracts

Available through your World of Trucks account, External Contracts offer tasks primarily located in nearby cities. Moreover, these contracts become accessible immediately upon acceptance, usually requiring you to use your truck. Delivery times reflect actual playing hours rather than in-game time.

Tip: Before committing to an External Contract, verify whether the specified deadline matches your availability. To minimize downtime between jobs, consider planning subsequent deliveries ahead of time.

Cargo Market

cargo market

The Cargo Market debuted in Update 1.32, offering opportunities similar to the Freight Market. With this feature, however, you can opt to deploy your trailer for specific assignments, provided you possess the necessary equipment. Upon arriving at the marked location, position your rig within the outlined zone to initiate the mission. Remember, damage to cargo is irreversible; exercise caution throughout the journey.

Tip: Prioritize investing in high-quality trailers to safeguard fragile cargo and boost potential profits. Develop efficient loading techniques to streamline the process and save precious time.

External Market

external market

Launched in Update 1.35, the External Market connects you with fellow ATS enthusiasts across the globe. Browse and accept jobs posted by World of Trucks users, who set realistic deadlines based on their schedules. Acceptance triggers an automatic 65 mph speed limit enforcement.

Tip: Engage with the community by sharing your services and seeking collaborative ventures. Maintain open communication channels to coordinate efforts and foster positive relationships with other virtual truckers.

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Tips for Maximizing Earnings

  1. Choose the Right Jobs: Look for jobs with high payouts relative to the distance and time it takes to complete.
  2. Maintain Your Truck: Regular maintenance keeps your truck in top condition, reducing the risk of breakdowns and repair costs.
  3. Use the GPS Destination Trick: For jobs that allow it, setting the job as your GPS destination and then changing your trailer can sometimes increase your pay.
  4. Be Careful with Cargo: Avoid damaging your cargo at all costs. Damaged cargo can significantly reduce your earnings.
  5. Plan Your Route: Sometimes, taking a slight detour to avoid tolls or areas prone to accidents can save you money in the long run.

Playing in Convoy Mode

In Convoy Mode, all players must have the same skills to take on identical jobs. This mode is great for friends looking to tackle the Job Market together on dedicated servers, offering a sense of camaraderie and shared success.

Special Jobs

In addition to the standard job types, American Truck Simulator occasionally introduces special jobs that offer unique challenges and rewards. These jobs can range from delivering emergency supplies during natural disasters to transporting high-value cargo under tight security.

  • Pros: Higher payouts, unique experiences, and sometimes exclusive rewards.
  • Cons: May have stricter conditions or require specific truck and trailer setups.

Tips for Special Jobs

  • Preparation is Key: Ensure your truck is well-maintained and equipped for the task. Special jobs often have unique requirements.
  • Be Prepared for Delays: These jobs may involve unexpected challenges, such as road closures or weather conditions, so plan accordingly.
  • Take Advantage of Time Skipping: If you find yourself waiting for a specific time or weather condition, use time skipping wisely to save real-time.

Ensuring Safety and Compliance

While maximizing earnings is important, it’s equally crucial to ensure your safety and compliance with traffic laws and regulations. Here are some tips to keep you on the right side of the law and safe on the road.

  • Obey Traffic Laws: Always follow speed limits and traffic rules to avoid fines and penalties.
  • Rest Stops Matter: Use rest stops to manage your energy levels and comply with Hours of Service regulations.
  • Weather Warnings: Pay attention to weather conditions and adjust your route or schedule accordingly.

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Community and World of Trucks

Engaging with the American Truck Simulator community can enhance your Job Market experience. Additionally, World of Trucks offers a platform for sharing your achievements, connecting with other players, and finding external contracts.

  • Join a Company: Participate in company missions for additional job opportunities and a sense of community.
  • Share Your Success: Upload your achievements to World of Trucks to share your success with the community and earn in-game rewards.
  • Follow the Community: Stay updated with the latest game news, events, and job opportunities through community forums and social media.


The Job Market in American Truck Simulator offers a wide range of opportunities for players at every level. By understanding the nuances of each job type, and adopting smart strategies. Also, by engaging with the community, you can enjoy a rich and rewarding trucking experience. Remember, the key to success in the Job Market is a combination of skill, strategy, and also a bit of luck. Happy trucking.

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What are the different job types in American Truck Simulator?
How can I maximize my earnings in the Job Market?
What is Convoy Mode, and how does it work?
How do I access Special Jobs?
How can I ensure safety and compliance on the road?
What is World of Trucks, and how can I benefit from it?
How can I stay updated with the Job Market and community events?
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