Nerub’ar Palace is set to release on September 10 as the first The War Within raid, kicking off the expansion’s seasonal endgame content. Ready to dive into the heart of the City of Threads and face Queen Ansurek and her minions head-on? Then buckle up because it’s going to be a wild ride! To help you get the hang of what’s to come, we’ll break down all the key details about this raid, from bosses and locations to rewards and the release schedule.
Depending on when you’re reading this, the raid might already be live, but no matter the timing, a Nerub’ar boost could be just what you need to crush it on any difficulty. With a boost, you can easily get up to seven guaranteed items, unlock epic achievements and mounts, and get the chance to play alongside top-tier pro players. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to level up your raid experience and snag some of the best rewards without breaking a sweat!
Nerub’ar Palace: The Basics

The instance is set in the new zone Azj-Kahet, specifically in the City of Threads, featuring a total of eight bosses you have to face throughout your run. Most of the encounters are one-on-one, but things get a bit more hectic in the penultimate fight, where you’ll take on two bosses at once in a council-style battle. Here’s the full boss lineup:
- Ulgrax the Devourer
- The Bloodbound Horror
- Sikran, Captain of the Sureki
- Rasha’nan
- Eggtender Ovi’nax
- Nexus-Princess Ky’veza
- The Silken Court
- Queen Ansurek
The raid opens its doors on September 10, marking the start of the expansion’s first season. During the opening week, you’ll be able to tackle the instance on Normal and Heroic difficulties. For those looking for an even bigger challenge, Mythic tier unlocks the following week on September 17.
Loot in this raid comes in four tiers, with item levels increasing after every two bosses. For example, the first two bosses will drop one tier of loot, while the next two drop gear with a higher item level, and so on. Regular drops range from 584 to 632 ilvl. On top of that, raiders will have a chance to score very rare items, which drop at the highest ilvl for that tier, with 639 ilvl pieces available on Mythic difficulty.
Taking down raid bosses also adds up to your Great Vault progress, allowing you to choose a piece of gear as a weekly bonus. Additionally, tier set pieces will be up for grabs, either dropped by bosses or available as Great Vault rewards.
Raid Preparations
To queue for LFR Wing 1, you’ll need to reach at least 567 item level. As usual, the requirements for Normal and higher difficulties will be steeper, so you’ll need to gear up beforehand. Early gearing options include Heroic dungeons, Bountiful Delves, and World Quests. You can also pick up pieces from Renown vendors or grab some rare items from the Auction House. Once the season kicks off, you’ll have more opportunities to hunt down powerful gear through Mythic+ runs and by tackling higher-tier Delves.
Before diving into the raid, there’s a bit of prep work to be done. Depending on your professions, you’ll want to purchase or craft a bunch of essential consumables. As always, make sure to bring along plenty of flasks and potions to buff your mana, attack power, and durability. Don’t forget food for the added buffs, and be sure to stack up on runes, enchants, and gems. Preparing this much gear will cost a fair amount of gold, so it’s a good idea to take up some profitable crafting professions like Alchemy or Enchanting, which not only help you rake in gold at the Auction House but also supply you with some of the consumables you’ll need for raiding. Also, a gathering combo like Mining and Herbalism works wonders at the start of an expansion, guaranteeing steady income through auction sales.
Last but not least, there’s a special Severed Strands buff in Nerub’ar Palace you’ll want to keep in mind. This stackable buff acts as a difficulty modifier, boosting your damage and healing output by 3% per stack. You’ll be able to unlock this buff later in the season through a special quest that lets you loot Nerub’ar Finery currency from raid bosses. Once you’ve gathered enough, you can purchase the buff to make things a little smoother. While the raid will still be a tough challenge, this handy difficulty nerf will make the sting of those boss fights just a bit more bearable!
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