On-Page SEO: What It Is and Why It Matters

What is On-page SEO

Creating a website is not just enough, keeping it well-optimized is important to make it successful. For this purpose, people use a wide variety of possible SEO tools. On-page SEO optimization is one of the basic SEO strategies for an engaging and valuable website. 

Let’s dive in to see the actual purpose of this optimization strategy!

What Is On-Page SEO?

The term On-page SEO is also called “On-site SEO”. It basically refers to website optimization by using different on page SEO tools and techniques. This helps to get a high ranking on SERPs. It also aids in improving websites to rank in search engines including Google and the target audience.

Onpage SEO is so-called “Onpage” as it is the visibility of your webpage adjustments to the search engines and users while they are on the page. Whatever changes you make on your web pages are internal and visible to the reader audience. It’s an excellent SEO strategy to boost organic traffic on websites as most of the time, on-page SEO factors are in your control.

Common on-page SEO strategies that serve as ranking factors for your website include optimization of website search intent, meta titles, meta descriptions, internal links, URLs, page speed, mobile-friendliness,and many other related factors. 

Why Does On-Page SEO Matter?

A fully optimized website can give you the desired results for SEO. It’s essential to optimize your site for both visitors and search engines to attract new traffic and secure top rankings on search results pages as there is high competition in the market. Your website should be easily accessible and visible to search bots and users. The main goal of on-site SEO must be making your website easily understandable for users, bringing it under the search queries of your page visitors so that it is worthy enough to rank well on the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). On-page SEO makes this possible! With the right SEO tools and techniques, you can easily optimize your website making it relevant to your audience. 

Essential On-page SEO strategies that bring success to websites

All important on-page SEO key components consist of 3 main divisions including:

  • Content elements
  • HTML elements
  • Site Architectural elements

Out of these categories, here are some important SEO strategies to keep in mind while optimizing your websites:

Reader’s Search Intent

Onpage SEO ensures that the content visible on your website is valuable enough to fulfill the search intent of an ideal reader of your website, making sure it is super-relevant to the search queries of your website visitors. If your website and its content is relevant for your targeted users, it will help you connect with your audience, attracting people who are willing to learn more about the topic, product or service you are offering on your website. In addition, linking with the audience also helps to communicate the value of your website to all kinds of visitors including Google and all other search engines.

For instance, Google would be responsible for displaying your webpage higher on the search results pages if it finds your content relevant to the search queries of readers, encouraging visibility of your webpage and highlighting the company or brand you are running it for.

Use of Relevant Keywords

Use of Relevant Keywords

What are Keywords? Keywords or “keyphrases” are words that reflect the content of your website. They tell what your website content is about. Creating content with the use of relevant keywords and topics matching the reader’s search intent is an important on page SEO strategy as different search engines pay attention to this feature before matching the audience to its desired content. This is why high-quality content and correct keyword strategy always capture the eye of your audience and search engine bots, ensuring to boost your website’s search ranking. Hence, it is obligatory to conduct good keyword research first and then use those sets of keywords to create quality content for your website. 

You can make this possible for your website by surfing on Google and searching for the necessary sets of keywords required for your website. mainly grab the attention of website visitors according to your website. You can always take help from tools such as AnswerthePublic, Ahrefs, UberSuggest, and SE Ranking. If your page seems useful and relevant, Google suggests your page to users as Google always prioritizes user experience. The algorithm used by Google is continuously developing, hence your website should also be updated with time to fit in the good ranks of search engines as Google always recommends focusing on “people-first content.” This shows the utmost importance of matching valuable website content with the viewer’s intent.

Efficient Placement of Target Keywords

Finding the respective keywords for your site isn’t enough. The best strategy to make use of your target keywords efficiently is to place them in the right places in your content. The key areas to place your target keywords are as follows:

  • H1 headers
  • H2, H3 subheaders
  • First Paragraph of your Content
  • Meta titles
  • Meta descriptions

3.4 On-page Visual Content

On page content should be composed of well-written text with correct placement of keywords. According to Google, the content should be EAT friendly which means “Expert, Authoritative and Trustworthy” for Google search results and it should showcase the meaning of your targeted keywords as well. On-page optimization allows us to create a unique website rich in information for users. In addition, image optimization is also an essential component of Content optimization

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On-page Image Optimization

The images on your website must be of high resolution and should be visually appealing to visitors. To make your page more engaging, you can also insert graphics, charts, and tables relevant to the page. Writing ALT text in image optimization also helps drive more website traffic. High-quality visual content ensures a high-value, user-friendly website. 

Optimization of Meta Titles for Search engines

What is a Meta Title? A Meta Title, also called “Title tag” is the first heading of your website. It should be catchy and descriptive, yet concise consisting of all relevant keywords for your website. The users should be able to understand the title and get a hint of what they are going to find on your website while visiting it. This helps to improve the users’ click-through rate for your website. 

Writing Click-worthy Meta Descriptions for Search Engines

What does a click-worthy Meta Description mean? A Meta Description is a short, summarized text that usually appears under the meta title of your page in search engine results. It highlights what the content on your website is about. Meta descriptions should be attractive and engaging to be click-worthy for users. Repetition of the title should be avoided in the description to make it unique; however; it must be relevant to the title. Title tags and descriptions are HTML codes for search engines that must include target keywords to be shown on SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages).

What is On-Page SEO

Internal linking is one of the most important tools in on-page SEO optimization. What are internal links? Internal links can be seen as hyperlinks on a website that refer to different web pages of the same website sharing the same domain. Internal linking helps to guide users to further helpful sites relevant to the content they visualize on a webpage. There are different pages related to each other on a single website and internal linking makes this possible! 

Internal links keep readers on your website longer, allowing Google to see more relevant content. This boosts your site’s value, potentially improving its SERP rankings. Internal linking also helps users navigate your site and aids search engines in understanding your site’s structure. However, low internal linking can hurt your conversion rate by making your pages less accessible. Building internal links improves crawl efficiency and topical authority, making your pages more prominent and enhancing your site’s authority with search engines.

Optimize your website’s internal linking strategy using our Instant VPS solutions. Free tools like Screaming Frog can help you check your internal linking status. 

Mobile-Friendly Website Design 

Just like on-page SEO holds its own value, Mobile SEO is equally important. You have to make sure your website is equally accessible on all platforms; and all kinds of devices including mobile phones, laptops, and desktops. When a user searches for any query on mobile, the most mobile-friendly websites appear higher in SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). This increases user satisfaction if the same website opens easily on all kinds of different devices. Search engines note this and give those websites a higher ranking in a very short time. Mobile-friendliness ensures that the website is easy to navigate and easy to use with a good site speed. 

In addition, mobile optimization of a website is essential as 50% of the web traffic is coming from mobile devices on a daily basis. This feature is also used by Google, mainly known as the “mobile-first approach”. 

You can always use tools like Google Lighthouse to check your website’s mobile friendliness.

Page Speed Optimization

Anyone can be impatient when it comes to the speed of a website. If your website takes hours to load only a few pages instead of a few seconds, it would irritate visitors and most of them will try to leave the site instead of holding onto it. Therefore, to keep your audience on your website for longer periods, page speed optimization is very important. Many search engines including Google use site speed as a ranking factor in search results pages. Page speed optimization always improves the on-page experience of users. You can do many best practices needed for a speedy site, and then check your page speed by using PageSpeed Insights. For instance, many companies carry out page speed tests for their WordPress sites.

You can increase your WordPress website speed with Ultahost’s High-Speed WordPress Hosting plans. Enjoy ultra-fast VPS servers with up to 1 GB port speed at an affordable price. 

Site Security Maintenance

Proper security is highly important for every website. A site must be secured with a proper HTML protocol. Google has been highlighting the importance of securing websites and their maintenance since 2014 by including website security in its website ranking algorithm. Since then, it has become an important element in on-page SEO as well. If you have a secure website, its data will be protected which will boost search engine rankings. Moreover, website security saves your website from being hacked by cybercriminals and it protects your confidential information as well. This also prevents malicious software get access to the website. In short, users all over the web are being pushed towards more secure sites which shows how essential it is to maintain website security. 


Lastly, making sure that your website is optimized for search engines is important. On-page SEO optimization is of prime importance as it reflects to users what your website and web pages are about. It is a key strategy to earn good, organic traffic by ranking for target keywords on your website. It explains the value of your website to both human users and search engine bots. Without proper on page optimization, people would not be able to find your website on the search results pages even if you have well-written content on your website. This is because proper optimization of your website improves its visibility on the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages) 

Without a good on-page SEO strategy, the ranking of your website lowers down on search results due to a high increase in competitors. So, for a successful website to exist, make sure you add on-page website optimization to your checklist which you can further enhance with Ultahost’s dedicated virtual server hosting solutions.


What is On-Page SEO?
Why does On-Page SEO matter?
What is a Meta Title?
Why should we write click-worthy Meta Descriptions?
Why is Internal Linking important in On-Page SEO optimization?
Why is maintaining site security important in SEO optimization?
Why is Page Speed optimization necessary in On-Page SEO?

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