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UltaHost は、スピード、セキュリティ、サポートのオールインワン ソリューションを提供します。カナダで最高の専用サーバーでデジタル プレゼンスを高めましょう。
カナダに拠点を置く専用サーバーに Linux または Windows を選択し、クライアント領域内で .iso ファイルを管理することで、ILO/KVM インターフェイス経由でカスタム OS を簡単にインストールできます。
Utilize our Canada dedicated server with its exclusive hardware resources, guaranteeing high latencies, zero packet loss, and no saturation, even during peak usage.
カナダの専用サーバー ホスティングをご利用ください。サイトやアプリは無制限のトラフィックを処理し、無料で無制限のデータ転送を利用できます。
カナダのサーバーへのルート アクセスにより、安全なリモート管理と監視が簡単に実行でき、最高レベルのセキュリティが保証されます。
ビジネスクラスのパフォーマンスと 99% の稼働率保証により、業界をリードする稼働率と安定性を実現します。
Our Canada dedicated server provides complete data security, allowing you to use the resources without sharing them with a neighbor. Our hardware is also outfitted with cutting-edge security measures.
カナダ専用サーバーでは Windows または Linux OS を選択し、さまざまなオプションを使用してエクスペリエンスをカスタマイズする柔軟性をお楽しみください。
最先端の SSD を搭載したカナダの専用サーバーは、エンタープライズ規模のアプリケーションに最適な、最高のパフォーマンスと堅牢なストレージを提供します。
Customize your Canadian Dedicated server based on your website needs. Pick your OS, amount your Storage and your control panel, Server location, server protection.
Automated daily or weekly backups with full server control, Restore of your Managed Canadian Dedicated server files available upon request.
Enjoy friendly, smart assistance from our world-class Canadian Technical Support. we keep your server running & up-to-date with security patches, OS updates, and more.
Toronto is renowned for its many cultural, entertainment, and sporting attractions. With a variety of industrial centers and business districts, hosting your company's website in a hosting environment that is consistently quick is a necessity.
転送料金なしで、カナダ専用ウェブホスティングへのシームレスな移行を体験してください。当社の専任チームが転送、再インストール、再構成を含むプロセス全体を処理し、Web サイトと電子メール サービスのダウンタイムを最小限に抑えます。移行中もアプリケーションとデータは安全に処理されますのでご安心ください。
Enjoy the assistance of our team of experts so that you can focus on your other products without worrying about business management. Our specialists provide technical support for your service whenever and wherever it is required.
Our data center technical staff monitors your dedicated server updates around-the-clock to ensure peak performance. Our hardware is also outfitted with cutting-edge security measures, protecting you from all types of malicious and traffic-based attacks.
カナダのカスタム専用サーバーでビジネスのホスティング機能を高めましょう。お客様の特定のビジネス ニーズに合わせて設計された当社のサーバーは、優れたパフォーマンス、信頼性、セキュリティを提供します。自信を持ってオンライン プレゼンスを管理し、ビジネスを新たな高みへと導きます。
You can find here a list of frequently asked questions about Dedicated Canada Server Hosting.
Yes, your dedicated server hosting account includes full root access. You will be granted root access once you create an account with Canada's dedicated server hosting provider.
You can use as many operating systems as you want, including Linux and Windows. Because you have complete access to the server, you should be able to install whatever you want. They are also compatible if you plan on using other applications, such as NET, MVC, ASP, and so on. However, if you have a specific requirement, you should research the web host from which you intend to purchase hosting.
Yes, you are free to reboot your Canadian server remotely whenever you want, and there are no charges. This is one of the benefits of having a dedicated server in Canada.
Every Managed Canada Dedicated Server comes with one static IP address by default, but you can purchase as many as you need for an additional fee.
We provide comprehensive support for any issue that may arise. You can reach out to us at any time. You can contact us via live chat, email, or phone from our product pages. We are happy to answer any questions you might have.
Your plugins and other updates automatically update when you use dedicated server hosting. If they aren't, go to your dashboard and ensure plugin updates are turned on. If neither option works, you can contact our dedicated server experts.
You must understand that a dedicated server's price depends on several factors. This includes the cost of the hardware itself, which is not shared with anyone else. You may only utilize these exclusive resources. Length of the contract and overheads, such as operating expenses and the amount of physical space needed, also have a lesser impact on the price.