信頼性とパフォーマンスを重視した当社のフランス専用サーバー プランは、あらゆる規模の企業の中断のない運用に対応します。
その他の Windows VDSプラン をお探しですか? Linux VPSサーバーはこちら →
高いパフォーマンス、優れたセキュリティ、信頼できるサポートを実現するために構築された、当社のマネージド フランス専用サーバーで最高のホスティング エクスペリエンスを実現します。
フランスの専用サーバーに Linux または Windows を選択し、ILO/KVM インターフェイスを介してカスタム OS .iso ファイルを簡単にインストールします。
Enjoy bare-metal-powered servers located in France with highly customizable infrastructure solutions, a fully redundant fast network, superior security, and support.
フランス専用のホスティング サイトまたはアプリでトラフィックを簡単に管理でき、双方向で無制限の無料データ転送も利用できます。
高度な管理機能と安全な監視機能を備えたルート アクセスを通じてフランスのサーバーを完全に制御し、スムーズな操作を実現します。
信頼性の高い 99% の稼働率保証に支えられた、高い稼働率パフォーマンスを備えた卓越したビジネス クラスのサービスを体験してください。
UltaHost provides built-in secure dedicated servers, reducing your concern about security breaches. You can conduct business without worrying about malicious attacks and other vulnerabilities.
お客様の特定のニーズに合わせてカスタマイズされた、フランスの専用ホスティング サーバー用のさまざまな Windows または Linux OS オプションから選択できます。
高度な SSD テクノロジーを搭載した当社のフランス サーバーは、エンタープライズ グレードのデータ ストレージのニーズに合わせてカスタマイズされた、最高のパフォーマンスと信頼性の高いドライブを保証します。
Customize your French Bare Metal server based on your website needs. Pick your OS, amount your Storage and your control panel, Server location, server protection.
Automated daily or weekly backups with full server control, Restore of your Managed France Dedicated server files available upon request.
Enjoy friendly, smart assistance from our world-class France dedicated server Technical Support. we keep your server running & up-to-date with security patches, OS updates, and more.
Our enterprise-grade hardware offers you a unique, blazing-fast network connection for your websites. With our dedicated France servers, you have access to a server that loads your web pages more quickly than the majority of alternatives in France and Europe.
We have a team of experts who are knowledgeable and skilled in the matters of dedicated servers and who are always ready to provide you with the necessary technical assistance for your servers. Receive the desired assistance quickly.
Our France dedicated server features include the presence of state-of-the-art security that improves your confidence when doing business on your server. With DDoS protection and free SSL certificates, threats and attacks are reduced.
パーソナライズされたソリューションでお客様独自のホスティング ニーズに対応するように設計された、カスタム フランス専用サーバーの利点を体験してください。当社の専用サーバーは、セキュリティの向上、高性能構成を提供し、お客様の特定の要件に合わせてカスタマイズできます。ビジネス目標を最もよくサポートする設定を柔軟に選択できます。
You can find here a list of frequently asked questions about Dedicated France Server Hosting.
A France dedicated is a type of internet or web hosting in which an entire server in France is made available to a single user without being shared by anyone else. A dedicated server in France provides more flexible resources than shared or virtual private server hosting.
Suppose you want high processing power and control, powerful data security, complete administrative control over the physical server, the highest possible SEO ranking, excellent performance with fast web page loading speed, and other benefits. In that case, you should choose and subscribe to France dedicated server hosting.
A dedicated server in France can be used for a variety of purposes. Backup and storage, machine learning, website hosting, infrastructure virtualization, online game hosting, reseller hosting, and many others are among them.
A dedicated server has a significant advantage over other web hosting server options in terms of performance. It is capable of supporting even the most demanding workloads due to its enhanced hardware components, advanced technologies, and unshared resources.
Any dedicated server, including the France dedicated server, is typically deployed in less than 24 hours. If you notice a delay, don't hesitate to get in touch with our tech support as soon as possible to have it resolved.
Not at all! The dedicated server is entirely yours if you have an expert or a team of professionals ready to assist you.
Yes, you can personalize your France dedicated server any way you want. You can make changes that suit your style and business needs once the server is almost paid for.