$128.50 Save 20%
- CPU - 4 Cores / 8 Threads
- Intel Xeon E3 / Core i7
- 1x 480 GB SSD
- 16 GB RAM
- IPアドレス - 1 IPv4
- Managed New York Dedicated Server
- 無制限の帯域幅
- 無料 ドメイン移転
Get outrageous performance, exclusive resources, and indisputable control with these plans that will provide your website the speed it deserves.
*プロモーション価格は常時有効です。無料ドメインは年間ホスティング プランでのみご利用いただけます。プランは同じ料金で更新されます。
チェックしてください Windows VDS プラン またはLinux VPSをお探しですか? New York VPS →
Looking for a particular operating system? Our servers have an interface that enables you to easily and quickly install any .iso file.
Enjoy a Cheap New York dedicated server with sufficient flexibility and custom options to support your preferred operating systems and software solutions.
ホスティング サイトまたはアプリが受信できるトラフィックの量に制限はありません。無制限のトラフィックは無料で、受信データと送信データの両方に適用されます。
Take full control of your NY server with root-level access for complete management control of your server environment and monitor your server remotely without comprising access or security.
当社のビジネスクラスの実績は、業界最高の稼働率を誇ります。当社はインフラストラクチャに自信を持っており、99% の稼働率を保証しています。
Our affordable New York dedicated hosting server enables you to utilize server security and automatic updates to protect your website from malware attacks, hacks, and traffic surges.
Windows OS をお探しでも、Linux OS をお探しでも、当社ではあらゆる専用サーバー プランで利用可能なオプションをすべてご用意しています。選択肢をご提供します。
Our NYC servers include the latest and fastest SSD technology as standard. Kick up your server performance with solid drives to handle enterprise data storage.
Customize your New York Dedicated server based on your website needs. Pick your OS, amount your Storage and your control panel, Server location, server protection.
Automated daily or weekly backups with full server control, Restore of your Managed New York Dedicated server files available upon request.
Enjoy friendly, smart assistance from our world-class New York Technical Support. we keep your server running & up-to-date with security patches, OS updates, and more.
New Yorks competitive online business environment necessitates the use of a high-performance hosting server. Our New York dedicated server offers speedy and dependable hardware that elevates your business to the next level.
独自のアプリケーションや Web サイトを UltaHost に無料で移行できるようになりました。当社のチームがパーソナライズされたサービスを提供します。Web サイトに関連するすべてのものが新しいサーバーに完全にコピーされ、再インストールされ、再構成されます。Web サイトと電子メール サービスへの影響は最小限に抑えられます。
Our high-performance dedicated hosting server for your New York business provides the necessary assistance and support, removing the need to hire multiple employees to manage your server.
Our data center technical staff monitors your dedicated server updates around-the-clock to ensure peak performance. Our hardware is also outfitted with cutting-edge security measures, protecting you from all types of malicious and traffic-based attacks.
Upgrade to our custom-constructed dedicated servers in New York for greater control and access over your server environment compared to VPS/VDS hosting services. With more resources than you can ever imagine, unleash the power of a customized system today!
You can find here a list of frequently asked questions about Dedicated New York Server Hosting.
Dedicated servers are ideal for people with sufficient technical knowledge to manage and configure the server independently. They are typically used to host high-traffic websites, web applications, and other hosting scenarios in which performance is critical.
A NY Dedicated Server can also be used for big data, machine learning, website, and application hosting, and so on.
If you run a business in New York or America, a dedicated server in New York is your best option. Our dedicated New York server hosting allows you to target your audience in the city and across the country, giving them the best experience possible.
The New York dedicated server guarantees 100 percent uptime for your website and other digital resources, ensuring your online presence is uninterrupted. If you notice any minor downtime, please contact our support team.
Our dedicated servers are usually installed within an hour of placing the order. The installation of software can sometimes increase the configuration time.
Absolutely, our New York Bare Metal server hosting provides you with any assistance you may require at any time. We are available to you 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Moving your website to UltaHost New York dedicated server hosting plans costs nothing. Our customer service team is always available to walk you through the entire process.
All of our dedicated servers in New York are hosted in the city. Our cutting-edge infrastructure ensures the fastest packet delivery, efficient and intelligent routing, and rock-solid stability.