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掌控您的专用服务器游戏,灵活地选择 Linux、Windows 或自定义操作系统,并从您的客户区域进行管理。
我们的企业级业绩记录确保了我们行业最佳的正常运行时间性能,并提供 99% 的正常运行时间保证。
UltaHost 非常重视安全性,提供最先进的保护,以保护您的服务器和托管应用程序免受攻击和破坏。
无论您正在寻找 Windows 还是 Linux 操作系统,我们都提供任何专用服务器计划的所有选项,让您自由选择。
我们的游戏服务器采用先进的 SSD 技术,可提供强大而可靠的企业数据存储,实现高性能。
我们的专用游戏服务器可为您的当代游戏提供托管服务。基于卓越的裸机服务器和 SSD 存储,您的游戏玩家可享受无延迟体验和闪电般的响应时间,让他们目不转睛地盯着屏幕。此外,通过完全控制服务器配置,您可以根据特定需求定制性能。
您可以将资源密集型游戏迁移到 UltaHost 专用游戏服务器,该服务器提供更直观的界面来管理您的游戏资产和工具。可以免费迁移,而不会中断您的游戏服务器和工具。此外,我们的专家团队可确保平稳过渡,并将停机时间降至最低。
我们的专用游戏服务器租赁具有先进的安全性,使其更加高效和强大。我们整合了反 DDoS 保护和 SSL 证书,以防止您的游戏服务出现任何停机。此外,定期的安全更新和主动监控可确保您的服务器免受新兴威胁的侵害。
A dedicated game server is built on high-performance infrastructure that is primarily but not exclusively used to host online games for customers worldwide. These servers can also host services such as eCommerce, email hosting, and many others.
Unlike other web hosting options, a dedicated game server provides a server infrastructure with increased processing, memory, and storage capabilities, allowing you to create, configure, and control your server to ensure smooth gameplay.
As with most web hosting plan options, you should have an idea of what size of resources would be sufficient to host your app or website comfortably; RAM, CPU, disk speed, bandwidth, and so on.
On the dedicated game server, you can literally host any game, from sandbox games like Minecraft and Grand Theft Auto to Real-Time Strategy (RTS) games like Warcraft, Age of Empires, Simulation, and Sports games like NBA2K.
Any operating system can be installed on a dedicated game server. Still, you must determine which operating system is required for the game you wish to install on the dedicated server.
Once payment is received and confirmed, your dedicated server will be deployed in less than 24 hours. Don't hesitate to contact our technical support if you notice that it is taking longer than that.
Yes, our Cheap and affordable game dedicated server hosting plans include 24/7 proactive support. We are always available to assist you whenever you require it.