VPS 基础版方案
$7.99 节省 40%
计费期限为 24 个月。
- 1 核CPU
- 1 GB 闪存
- 30 GB NVMe SSD硬盘空间
- 托管服务器
- 1 IPv4 专用 IP
- 4 IPv6 专用 IP
- 免费 SSL 证书
- 免费 30天 退款
体验 Ultahost 提供的廉价 VPS 即时设置,确保网站和应用程序快速、可靠和高性能托管。
通过托管的 Windows VPS 即时设置确保无缝操作,为 ASP.NET、ASP、.NET Core 和 SQL Server 用户提供可靠的 RDP 解决方案。
查看我们的 Windows VPS方案 或者寻找更强大的解决方案?请查看我们的 VDS 服务器 →
Instant VPS provides speed, 24/7 support, and flexibility
通过管理员访问权限完全控制您的 VPS 托管即时设置,以便根据您的需要进行自定义设置和配置。
我们的 VPS 服务器即时体验更快的速度,由 SSD 而不是传统硬盘提供支持,以实现更好的性能和无缝操作。
凭借我们值得信赖的企业级历史的支持,我们确保顶级的正常运行时间性能,并提供可靠的 99% 正常运行时间保证,确保可靠性。
The most affordable price to run a Instant Fast Server. You can save hundreds of dollars per month when you compare our prices with another hosting companies.
我们先进的 DDR5 RAM 技术提供可扩展的内存分配,确保顺畅的工作负载管理和峰值系统性能。
Customize your Instant web server based on your website needs. Pick your OS, number of cPanel accounts, server location, server protection.
通过我们的托管 VPS 主机即时体验无忧托管,其中包括自动备份和一键恢复功能,可快速恢复。
通过我们管理的即时托管 VPS 体验无忧托管,具有专家支持、安全更新和定期维护以实现最佳性能。
通过选择 Linux 或 Windows 操作系统并使用我们的 ILO/KVM 界面直接从您的客户区域安装自定义操作系统 .iso 文件,即可完全控制您的 VPS 服务器。
享受快速、安全且便宜的 VPS 即时托管,并获得专家帮助、无缝正常运行时间和适合不断发展的网站的高速性能。
轻松免费迁移到 UltaHost 的 Instant Windows VPS!我们专门的支持团队确保您的网站和电子邮件服务在您的托管 VPS Instant 上得到精心复制、重新安装和配置,并将中断降到最低。我们提供顺畅可靠的迁移流程,保证在每一步都有专家协助的情况下实现无缝过渡。
With our Instant Hosting, you get the benefit of Canonical’s world-class support team. No matter what problems you run into, someone will be there to help you solve them quickly and efficiently.
Remove the headache of resource management. With powerful, pre-configured instances - Full SSH root access for Linux provided as standard, Permanent HTML5 KVM console access, Deep usage statistics and analytics.
Deploy Multiple Instant virtual servers options and server functions in multiple Datacenter locations in a 55 secounds, you can enjoy complete confidence and reassurance that you have unlimited data transfer and a backup plan in case your website is compromised.
做出明智的选择!UltaHost 提供您可能尚未注意到的强大功能。
![]() | |||||
开始于 | $5.50/月 | $15.00/月 | $6.99/月 | $29.99/月 | $7.99/月 |
网站 | 最多7个 | 无限网站 | 1 网站 | 1 网站 | 1 网站 |
硬盘空间 | 30GB NVMe | 30GB | 150GB | 30GB | 20GB NVMe |
闪存 | 1 GB | 1 GB | 1 GB | 2 GB | 1 GB |
每月带宽 | 无限流量 | 无限流量 | 有限 | 有限 | 有限 |
BitNinja安全 | - | - | - | - | |
快照 | 无限 | 收费 | 收费 | 收费 | 收费 |
免费备份 | - | - | - | ||
Node.js 接口 | - | - | - | - |
You can find here a list of frequently asked questions and answers on a particular topic of our Instant VPS Hosting.
A virtual private server (VPS) can be up and running within a day or two. However, those who value speed above all else can take advantage of instant setup VPS to have a web host for their site up and running in as little as 15 minutes. Instant VPS installation means more time on your site, which ultimately translates to more interest in your products and services.
There is a proliferation of server providers offering instant VPS setup, making it difficult to determine which one is best suited to your requirements. Make sure your needs are met before making a decision. Verify that the VPS with instant setup has the functionality you require. Also, you should check out the VPS operating system after it has been set up instantly.
Ultahost is an excellent instant setup VPS. You can get an account set up quickly, and there are various hosting plans and payment options to choose from, so it should be easy to find something that works for you.
Affordable pricing is one of the most appealing features of an instant VPS setup. In comparison to a dedicated server, this is a very cost-effective alternative. At the same time, you will enjoy the latters many advantages, making this a very tempting deal.
Instant VPS means you can start using your server immediately, saving time and money. It only takes a few moments to set up a server, allowing you to work directly promoting your business and drawing in customers.
Ultahost 提供的 VPS Instant 可在传统托管所需时间的一小部分内提供专用资源和高速性能。与共享托管不同,VPS Instant 为您提供独立资源,确保您的应用程序始终如一地运行,而不受其他用户活动的影响。Ultahost 的先进技术可确保可靠的正常运行时间和快速的可扩展性。
Ultahost 的即时 Windows VPS 专为需要快速部署和强大性能的 Windows 环境的企业而设计。我们的解决方案预先配置了必要的 Windows 服务和安全更新,让您可以轻松运行企业应用程序、管理 Active Directory 和托管 .NET 解决方案。凭借专门的支持和高可靠性,Ultahost 可确保您的 Windows VPS 发挥最佳性能。