Secure WordPress Hosting

Take advantage of UltaHost Secure WordPress Hosting to host your website, and rest easy knowing that our WordPress security is active 24/7/365
  • Safe Updates
  • 免费 DDOS 保护
  • BitNinja安全
  • Monitoring Systems

起步价 $2.87/月


免费 SSL 证书

从最安全的 WordPress 托管计划中进行选择

这些安全的 WordPress 托管计划配备了强大的安全措施,可最大限度地降低数据泄露和未经授权的访问的风险。


WordPress Ulta 版


$4.80 节省 40%

计费期限为 24 个月。


  • 1 网站
  • 30 GB NVMe SSD硬盘空间
  • ~10000 月访问量
  • 免费的WordPress管理器
  • 1 电子邮件帐户
  • WordPress 加速
  • WP-CLI
  • 2 数据库

WordPress 入门版


$7.50 节省 40%

计费期限为 24 个月。


  • 100 网站
  • 100 GB NVMe SSD硬盘空间
  • ~25000 月访问量
  • 免费的WordPress管理器
  • 免费电子邮件
  • WordPress 加速
  • WordPress多站点
  • WP-CLI
  • 无限数据库

WordPress VPS 版


$39.50 节省 40%

计费期限为 24 个月。


  • 300 网站
  • 100 GB NVMe SSD硬盘空间
  • ~300000 月访问量
  • 免费的WordPress管理器
  • 免费电子邮件
  • WordPress 加速
  • WordPress多站点
  • WP-CLI
  • 无限数据库


想升级资源?请查看我们的 VPS 方案 或者寻找更强大的解决方案?请查看我们的 VDS 服务器

我们所有的 WordPress 安全托管计划均附带

  • 免费 DDOS 保护
  • 经过优化的WordPress
  • BitNinja安全
  • WordPress暂存工具
  • 一键自动安装
  • 无限带宽
  • 免费每日备份
  • 免费域名转移
  • 免费 SSL 证书
  • 30天免费退款保证
  • 专用防火墙
  • WordPress 托管
  • 经过优化的高级缓存
  • CDN附加功能
  • 全天候实时监控
  • 定期安全补丁更新
  • 无限应用安装
  • 免费迁移插件
  • 自动备份
  • WP & PHP托管
我们的客户说: 优秀 stars4.9 基于以5分为满分的 评论 stars

安全 WordPress 托管服务器的必备免费工具

通过我们最快的 WordPress 托管安全体验无缝网站创建,配有免费主题、插件、备份工具和域管理。






使用 UltaHost 轻松管理您的 WordPress 插件,并在您的客户区域内即时安装、测试和部署它们。



探索 500 多个 WordPress 主题,激活您最喜欢的主题,创建备份,并轻松保持系统更新。


Ease your worries with round-the-clock proactive support teams and monitoring systems

UltaHost Secure WordPress Hosting protects your business and mission-critical websites from DDoS attacks, malicious traffic, malware, and attacks.


我们为您安装受保护的 WordPress!利用我们自动安全的 WordPress 安装和我们独特且强大的 WP 服务器。

免费 SSL 证书

我们提供免费的“Let's Encrypt” SSL证书,通过HTTPS保护您的网站,加密流量,并立即提升在Google上的SEO效果。


确保网站安全最重要的是什么?把它备份。 UltaHost 让这一切变得简单,我们每天都会为您的安全 WordPress 网站创建备份。


We provide adequate security, backups, and daily theme and plugin updates to keep your websites secure and operational 24/7.

WordPress 性能

购买完整、安全的 WordPress 性能解决方案,将大大加速您的网站。 PHP 版本控制、强大的缓存等等!


您的安全 WordPress 主机或应用程序可以处理的流量不受限制。我们只要求您表现得有礼貌并遵守我们的无限制政策。

High-Performing WP Website

High-Performing WP Website

Secure servers are critical for any website to run at optimal performance. Numerous speed optimization techniques are employed by UltaHost WordPress Hosting to guarantee that your WordPress sites are not only safe but also quick to perform their tasks and offer a user-friendly interface. Your websites will rank higher as a result of search engines like Google.

在其他地方托管 WordPress 网站?

在其他地方托管 WordPress 网站?

您的 WordPress 网站现在可以免费迁移到 UltaHost,我们的工作人员将为您提供个性化服务。通过尽可能减少对您的网站和电子邮件服务的干扰,与您的 WordPress 网站相关的所有内容都可以在您的新安全服务器上完美复制、重新安装和重新配置。

24/7/365 WordPress Support

24/7/365 WordPress Support

You enjoy top-notch security with UltaHost Secure WordPress Hosting. The UltaHost team of highly trained WordPress specialists is always available to assist you with any hosting-related technical issues. You can rest assured that our team will streamline and expedite your workflow.

WordPress hosting with the highest level of security.

WordPress hosting with the highest level of security.

With dedicated WordPress security tools and resources behind your website, we provide the highest level of security, managed Web Application Firewall (WAF), advanced DDoS mitigation, and SSL installation. The server automatically detects and blocks malicious traffic and malware.

Reliable WordPress Website

Reliable WordPress Website

作为销售数字或实体产品或运营博客的企业,您需要网站具有 100% 的正常运行时间可靠性,安全的 WordPress 服务器可让您摆脱频繁停机的麻烦,并将时间投入到更重要的任务中。这对企业主来说是一项不错的福利。

可爱的 WordPress 设计供您使用

我们的 WordPress WP 管理器工具包含完全可定制的主题和易于安装的插件,让您可以完全控制网站的外观和功能。


为什么选择 UltaHost 作为您的安全 WordPress 提供商?

我们从一开始就是 WordPress 的支持者,这么多年过去了,我们仍然很自豪能够为这个令人惊叹的社区做出贡献。

专为 WordPress 保护而打造
由 1000 多个 WordPress 产品列出
WordPress 安全专家

专为 WordPress 保护而打造

没有什么比 WordPress 和 UltaHost 结合使用效果更好了。运行 WordPress 网站的最佳平台是 UltaHost。凭借我们的经验、知识、全自动基础设施、安全性和支持,这是托管安全 WordPress 网站的最简单方法。
专为 WordPress 保护而打造

由 1000 多个 WordPress 产品列出

您可能会发现我们在一些广受欢迎的 Themeforest 和其他 WordPress 主题上支持 UltaHost,例如:
  • user=photo
  • user=photo
  • user=photo


借助 Ultahost WordPress Manager(用于管理所有 WordPress 站点和客户端的单一仪表板),您可以简化工作负载。您将有能力改进您的 WordPress 网站。从安装主题和插件,到管理和更新它们,再到协助迁移,我们会照顾管理您网站的每一个细节。

WordPress 安全专家

我们将解决您的 WordPress 难题。我们拥有一支知识渊博的内部团队,随时准备解决您最复杂的 WordPress 查询并增强您的网站体验。此外,我们一流的技术支持和运营团队将保持您的服务器正常运行并通过安全补丁、操作系统更新等进行更新。
WordPress 安全专家

Wordpress Secured Hosting Use Cases

  • For mission-critical websites, WordPress Hosting reinforces your website's security, safety, and privacy; providing you with the shield you deserve from DDoS attacks, malicious traffic, malware, and traffic.

  • UltaHost Secure WordPress Hosting ensures the installation of SSL certificates for your WordPress website. Your company customers and website users in Canada, the United States, and worldwide can access your site without encountering any problems or data breaches.

  • Free website migration of businesses for expanding businesses that have their current hosting solution; providing rapid and secure data transfer and high latency makes Secure WordPress the optimal choice.

  • Due to its top-notch security features, Secure WordPress Hosting is the ideal web hosting server for businesses in the financial sector, such as eCommerce, forex, cryptocurrency, and other trading businesses.

  • Secure WordPress Hosting is one of the most affordable secure web hosting server options without compromising the website's security, uptime, and load speed. 


The Benefits of a Secure Wordpress Hosting

  • UltaHost Secure WordPress Hosting offers a multitude of benefits and utilizes cutting-edge technology to provide its users unmatched hosting solutions, including security, 24/7/365 support, high latency, load speed, and uptime.
  • With Secure WordPress Hosting utilizing top-tier security and tools, your WordPress websites can be updated safely. Thereby enhancing your site's performance.
  • UltaHost Secure WordPress Hosting guarantees sufficient Virtual Private Server resources that are secure enough to accommodate a sudden spike in traffic.
  • Scalable Shared Hosting and  Virtual Private Server resources are among the benefits of UltaHost Secure and Fast WordPress Hosting plans, allowing you to upgrade as your business grows.
  • Add additional security layers, such as two-factor authentication, SSL certificates, and end-to-end encryption, to your business email hosting channels and social network hosting. These features make data transfer between both businesses' ends secure.
  • UltaHost Secure WordPress Hosting automatically monitors and updates your WordPress websites without interruption or downtime. We ensure regular site maintenance, data encryption, and daily backups to enhance your security with streamlined processes. 


Most Secure WordPress Hosting FAQs

您可以在此处找到有关 WordPress 托管特定主题的常见问题和解答列表。

UltaHost Secure WordPress Hosting provides expert WordPress support to ensure your website is never compromised. This includes regular scans for the risk and compliance landscape, as well as the installation of several enterprise security add-ons for maximum protection for your WordPress websites.  

You can use our completely free and automated migration service from ANY hosting provider. If you encounter a problem, simply contact our technical support team for assistance. We are available 24/7/365 to assist you throughout the process.

UltaHost WordPress hosting offers a variety of plans with allocated resources and extra features for all types of businesses, from new startups to established websites. There is space to scale as your business grows easily. 


To get to the bottom of the problem, contact your WordPress website's hosting provider. You can open a support chat with UltaHost at the right bottom corner of your website page. We are always willing to help and answer any questions. 


SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates are a foolproof method for ensuring the highest level of security. It prevents a third party from intercepting communications between clients (or visitors) and your web server. When an SSL certificate is installed on a website, a browser displays a small green padlock next to the URL. 

Secure WordPress Hosting servers ensure that SSL certificates are installed on all WordPress websites, providing a fortress-like level of encryption for all types of businesses.

A secure WordPress Hosting is ideal for any WordPress developer. This may include multiple business owners, eCommerce entrepreneurs, independent contractors, and other creative agencies. Since your secure WordPress servers decrease the likelihood of encountering online hackers, it is safe for you to conduct business.


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