What is Mobile-First Indexing? Why It Matters for SEO?

what is mobile first indexing

In today’s modern world, mobile devices are the primary gateway to the internet for billions of users. Due to this advancement, most search engines such as Google have added Mobile-First Indexing to their website ranking algorithm.

Google has started to prioritize mobile-friendly content. This is because over 50% of the internet traffic comes from mobile devices rather than desktops or PCs. The strategy of Mobile First Indexing involves website ranking based on its mobile version use. It depends on the Mobile SEO optimization of a website so that it thrives under Google’s adapted mobile algorithm. The implementation of Mobile-First Indexing has been markedly significant by Google since 2015. It is a Google indexing process through which Google crawls through a website from a mobile browser perspective. If a website has a poor mobile-user experience, the website is most likely to suffer and it means that its mobile version is not fit to get high site rankings.

Let us dive deeper into what mobile-first indexing means and why it matters for search engine optimization!

What is Mobile-First Indexing?

Mobile First Indexing is a Google indexing process used by Google’s web crawler to prioritize the mobile format of a website instead of its desktop version. This method serves as a website’s search ranking process on search engines like Google.

Previously, Google used to rely on the desktop-first indexing approach to index websites which involved obtaining information from site pages in their desktop version. Originally, if search engines used to find these desktop format site pages relevant to the user’s intent, they would display these in search results. But now, most popular search engines have shifted their focus to crawling mobile site pages and displaying them on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). This explains the growing importance of mobile devices to obtain internet access these days as the major bulk of search traffic is coming from mobiles.

Why is Mobile-First Indexing important?

Using Mobile-first Indexing to rank sites is a significant change in Google’s indexing strategy. This transformative approach by Google reflects the surging prevalence of the use of mobile devices for surfing across the internet. Therefore, the mobile version of a site’s content is now the prime focus for indexing and ranking websites. Google primarily uses agents or crawlers to gain information from mobile versions of website pages; hence, experts strongly recommend site owners include mobile versions of their content in Google search results online. This explains why mobile-first indexing is important for websites to rank on Search Engine Results Pages(SERPs).

Best Practices for Mobile-First Indexing

Mobile sites can easily rank high on search engine results pages by following correct practices for mobile-first indexing. You can easily create an efficient website with a better user experience and improved site performance for both mobile devices and desktops by following some simple steps.

Some of the best practices for Mobile-First Indexing of a site include:

Developing a Mobile-Friendly Website Design

A website needs to be as mobile-friendly as possible at any cost to rank high on the search results. Even if you have a high-quality website for your desktop, Google will still index the mobile version of the site. Running mobile-friendliness tests is essential to check site responsiveness. Website owners can check their website’s mobile friendliness with many free tools online such as SEO Checker or Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test Tool.


Mobile optimization refers to the optimization of a website such that it is easy to run on mobile devices of various screen sizes, yet be visually appealing at the same time. It aids in making a website mobile-friendly. Mobile optimization of a website is necessary for web hosting as it ensures a smooth and user-friendly experience on all kinds of mobile devices.

Ultahost provides reliable web hosting services to make your websites mobile-friendly and user-friendly at the same time.

Verification of Website Crawlability

Site owners need to verify that they have a crawlable website to rank on search engines such as Google. Google should be able to crawl your website efficiently if it can easily access your site, evaluate its content and process its codes; specifically on mobiles. Google Search Consoles can help to check mobile-friendliness, proper content display, and indexing of sites by search engines. Some of the best web crawlers you can add to your list for site verification include Googlebot, Bingbot, DuckDuckbot, and many more.

Some tactics can be applied for a good, crawlable site:

  1. Use of Structured Data: This type of code helps search engines understand your website content.
  2. Avoiding Blocking of Site Resources: Resources such as CSS, JavaScript, etc. and images used should not be blocked on your website.
  3. Regular Site Audits: Run regular site audits for a crawlable site.

Media Optimization for Mobile and Desktop View

One of the most important mobile-indexing factors is media optimization. It is because different forms of media including images consume a noticeable bandwidth on mobile devices.

Image SEO can be enhanced by certain SEO guidelines:

  • Usage of high-quality, compressed images to reduce loading time
  • Crafting sitemaps for images and videos to help search engines discover and index your site media
  • Implementation of structured data for media files
  • Usage of lazy loading images to enhance site speed and page bandwidth

Page Speed Optimization

Page Loading Time

Maintaining a fast page loading speed is necessary; this is a critical element for mobile sites. Around 80% of users often expect their website pages to load in less than three seconds. As this issue increases with getting your website to its mobile version, the site usually may become slower. To resolve this issue, you may undergo site speed optimization by following these steps on your website:

  1. Minifying website codes
  2. Hidden/Cache web pages
  3. Limiting Redirect links
  4. Compressing images

To check your website’s current page loading speed, Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool can be used. High page speeds help websites attain higher search engine rankings on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). Different tools are available on the web to increase page speed for websites as it plays a key role in maintaining SEO and user experience of sites. Increase the speed of your WordPress website with UltaHost’s Fast WordPress Hosting and provide your visitors with the best possible 5x faster page loading experience.

Using Google AMP for Website Optimization

Google AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) is a groundbreaking initiative taken by Google to address the challenges of lazy-loading web pages on mobile devices. This platform provides a framework for creating web pages that prioritize speed and performance. Moreover, this helps deliver an optimized user experience for websites on smartphones and all kinds of mobile devices. Creating site pages via Google AMP enhances the mobile browsing experience, page responsiveness, and page loading time. It also pays attention to user satisfaction by making engaging and interactive pages for the audience.

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Ready to boost your website’s mobile performance and search engine rankings? Take your digital presence to new heights and discover the power of website SEO for Google Indexing! Get started today with Ultahost’s SEO VPS hosting!

Why Mobile-First Indexing Matters for SEO?

Mobile-first Indexing has a remarkable impact on SEO as it influences the way Google and other search engines crawl, index, and rank a website. Website optimization for businesses using available SEO tools is essential for a high search engine ranking and impactful site visibility. Site optimization for a stellar mobile user experience is of prime importance because it helps display a website in search results. For evaluating your website’s mobile-friendliness, running a quick site audit is essential.

In the case of website SEO, Mobile-First Indexing matters to site owners, marketers, and businesses due to the benefits that websites get through this SEO technique. Some of the benefits of Mobile-First Indexing are:

User Partiality

It is important to pay attention to users’ preferences in case of site usage. Most users choose mobile devices as their preferred choice for internet assessment. Google and other search engines aim to provide users with a seamless browsing experience with the help of SEO-optimized websites on their search results.

Site Visibility and Organic Site Traffic

With Google’s recent SEO update, well-optimized websites with mobile-friendly content rank higher on the search engine results pages. This is how Mobile-First Indexing also increases site visibility and site traffic as it reaches new audiences. High website traffic benefits businesses by reaching wider audiences and improving website visibility on the search results pages.

Competitive Benefit

It has become obligatory to attract mobile users due to which businesses prioritize mobile SEO optimization. This has initiated competition among different members of the same industry. Being competitive in this mobile-centric world helps site owners to make their websites stand out. This can only be possible by applying correct methodologies for Mobile-First Indexing.

Securing Website Future

Mobile-First Indexing allows site owners to make their websites future-proof and long-lasting. Google indexing for mobile site versions to create user-oriented content is a long-term commitment which explains its algorithm adaptations.


In short, optimizing your website for mobile users is key for organic search rankings under Mobile-First Indexing. Regularly review mobile performance with tools like SiteBulb and Google Search Console. Consistent efforts ensure your site remains mobile-friendly, user-friendly, and SEO-optimized. By incorporating such strategies for Mobile-First Indexing, a high site ranking, and website traffic can be achieved accordingly.

The digital market has an ever-evolving landscape, thus, site owners should stay active and updated according to the current SEO guidelines. Accelerate your website’s performance with Ultahost’s dedicated fast VPS hosting solutions today!


What is Mobile-First Indexing?
Why is Mobile-First Indexing important?
How to increase the Mobile-friendliness of a website?
What is Google AMP for SEO?
Why Mobile-First Indexing Matters for SEO?
What are the advantages of Mobile-first Indexing?
How to check Site Mobile-friendliness?
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