Battlefield 4: An Important Guide to Weapon Customization

weapon customization bf4 featured image

Many gamers indicate concern over limited customization options in Battlefield 3. One popular request was increasing the number of available weapons and attachments.

Thankfully, developers label these concerns in Battlefield 4, resulting in improved customization features. This article highlights the improvement in weapon customization, focusing on the load out screen and available attachments.

Weapons Selection and Settings

Firstly, in Battlefield 4, you can choose both a primary and secondary weapon separately. Before, your selected gadget determined the secondary weapon, limiting your freedom. But now, you can fully customize each tool individually, broadening your strategic options.

weapon selection in battlefield 4

Secondary Weapon Settings

Interestingly, secondary weapons have their own settings function, allowing you to modify them independently. Throughout gameplay trailers, we’ve observed diverse secondaries like pistols, shotguns, and launchers. Expect to configure and tweak these auxiliary armaments extensively.

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Gadgets Galore

gadget options motion sensor

One exciting difference in Battlefield 4 is the removal of restricted attachments tied to specific gadget slots. Instead, you can freely customize your primary weapon using whichever gadgets you desire. For instance, both Gadget 1 and Gadget 2 contain C4 and motion sensors, grant free mixing and matching.

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Exploding with Choices: Grenades

As shown in gameplay image, Battlefield 4 expands grenade options. Alongside classic frag grenades, prepare for flammable and flashbang variants. Incendiary devices burst into flames upon impact, burning anyone caught in the inferno. Flashbangs emit blinding light and loud noise, rendering affected enemies defenseless momentarily.

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grenades options m34

Upgrading Your Edged Arsenal: Knives

Remember the frustration of settling for a single knife in Battlefield 3? Well, say goodbye to disappointment! Battlefield 4 offers multiple knife models. Currently, confirmed options include the default blade and the Shank Knife, but rumors hint at more coming soon. Stay tuned for future updates on this thrilling enhancement.

Unlockable through Battle packs

Wondering what Battle packs are? Allow me to clarify! Battle packs grant random unlocks, such as knives, XP, and dog tags. Though still somewhat mysterious, they promise to add excitement and surprise throughout your Battlefield 4 experience.

Detailed Weapon Customization

Now, let’s dive deeper into specific weapon customization using the Engineer Class’s CZ-31A as an illustration. Available categories include optics, barrel, accessory, and paint. Note that more site options likely unlock as you earn points with each individual weapon.

Optics: Personalized Vision

Expect varied sight options, tailored to each weapon. Assuming you’ll unlock additional sights for each gun as you accrue points, the current display shows only a couple. Nevertheless, anticipate further customization as you rank up.

Barrel: Tuning Your Firearm

barrel and muzzle options

Two barrel options appear thus far: Standard and Muzzle Brake. Presumably, more choices like Heavy Barrel will arrive shortly. These alterations influence weapon behavior, notably bullet spray patterns and recoil. Carefully evaluate each configuration to determine your ideal fit.

Accessories: Add-ons and Upgrades

Underneath the Accessory heading, discover Angled Foregrips and Vertical Foregrips, they both provide advantages in different situations, also you can experiment with each grip to understand how it affects weapon performance.

accessories and add-ons in battlefield 4

Paint: Express Your Style

Finally, indulge yourself in artistic self expression with nearly 12 color schemes available. Whether you fancy bold contrasts or subtle nuances, delight in tailoring your gear to your taste.

paint customization

Experience seamless gameplay with NVMe storage, reducing load times and enhancing performance, also its high-speed data transfer ensures smoother gameplay, crucial for fast-paced games like Battlefield 4.

Health and Ammo Revolution

Confused about the new health and ammo distribution system? Witnessing no Defibrillators in the livestream sparked curiosity. Rest assured, developers innovatively replaced Medic Kits and Defibrillators with portable boxes and kits, moreover Small packets can be affixed directly onto teammates, supplying immediate health and ammo restoration, also anticipate placing larger crates on the field, acting similarly to Battlefield 3 elements.


Undoubtedly, Battlefield 4 surpasses expectations with its enhanced customization features. Benefit from broader weapon attachment choices, diverse grenade and knife varieties, visually appealing graphics, and novel health and ammo distribution systems. Bear in mind, that this review analyzes pre alpha footage, which remains open to changes, regardless, Battlefield 4 exhibits incredible advances in customization worth celebrating. Delight in exploring these improvements as you embark on your exciting journey!

If you enjoy reading these weapon customizations to conquer the battlefields, you’ll love elevating your gameplay with Ultahost’s Gaming hosting. Stay tuned for more survival tips and tricks, and keep on surviving.


What makes Battlefield 4’s weapon customization stand out?
Can I customize my secondary weapon in Battlefield 4?
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How does Battlefield 4 improve health and ammo distribution?
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