Mastering Electricity in 7 Days to Die: Complete Guide for New Survivors

7 days to die wiring and electricity

Welcome to comprehensive guide to electricity and wiring in 7 Days to Die (Alpha 19). This guide covers generating electricity, available components, wiring, unwiring, and relevant perks and attributes.

In 7 Days to Die, you try to live through zombie attacks in a big world of interesting places and useful items. Zombies arrive every 7 days, so you must be ready to stop zombie spawning with weapons, strong walls, and clever tricks. Find cool gear, construct cozy homes, and discover fun secrets across varied landscapes. Team up with friends online to enjoy the adventure together!

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Generating Electricity

There are three ways to generate electricity in 7 Days to Die: Generator Bank, Battery Bank, and Solar Bank. Let’s discuss each method and learn how to use them effectively and survive your first night.

Generator Bank

The most accessible option among the three. It becomes available early in the game. A fully equipped Generator Bank holds six slots for engines, providing up to 300 power. To activate it, refuel with gasoline like vehicles or power tools. Gas consumption depends on the power draw of connected components. You can monitor power usage in the interface. Note that generators require constant maintenance due to their fuel consumption.

electricity with generator

Battery Bank

Similar to the Generator Bank but relies solely on Lead Batteries. Quality 1 battery offers 29 power, increasing to 50 power at Quality 6. Unlike Generator Banks, Battery Banks don’t consume resources but gradually lose charge based on connected devices’ power draw. Charge Batteries using Generator Banks or Solar Banks. Monitor selling price fluctuations to track charging status—increasing prices indicate charging, decreasing ones mean discharging.

electricity with battery

Solar Bank

Requires six Solar Cells placed in designated slots. Each Level 1 Solar Cell produces 17 power during daylight hours. At max capacity, a Solar Array generates 188 power. Ideal for recharging Battery Banks during the day. Keep in mind that Solar Banks produce no power at night; thus, they function best in combination with Battery Banks. Obtain Solar Cells via traders after acquiring Better Barter 5 perk.

electricity with solar panels

Now that we understand generation options let’s explore various components that benefit from our newly acquired power sources.

Electrical Components

These components fall under four categories: Traps, Triggers, Lights, and Utility. We will briefly explain each type and provide examples.

traps for zombie
  1. Traps – Deal damage upon activation:
    • Blade Trap
    • Electric Fence Post
    • Dart Trap
    • SMG Auto Turret
    • Shotgun Turret
  2. Triggers – Control power flow:
    • Motion Sensor
    • Switch
    • Pressure Plate
    • Trip Wire
  3. Lights – Illuminate areas:
    • Basic Light Bulb
    • Industrial Light Bulb
    • Spotlight
    • Industrial Light
  4. Utility – Assist in survival:
    • Speaker
    • Doors & Hatch
    • Relays
    • Timed Relay
    • Powered Drawbridge
switches for lights

Wiring Basics

electricity wiring

To connect devices to power sources, follow these steps:

  1. Get a wiring tool. They can be found in containers such as toolboxes.
  2. Identify your power source (e.g., Generator Bank, Battery Bank, or Solar Bank) and the device you want to power.
  3. Stand near the power source, face it, then right-click with the wiring tool. Now move close to the device you intend to power and right-click again. Yellow lines connecting the power source and device show successful wiring.

Mastering Electricity and Wiring in 7 Days to Die!

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If you make mistakes while wiring, follow these steps:

  1. Find the incorrectly wired device.
  2. Face it and left-click with the wiring tool to remove all wires linked to that device.

Remember to always begin wiring from the power source itself!

Perks and Attributes

Two sets of important perks improve your experience with electricity: Engineering and Better Barter. These are explained below:


helps build and maintain electric devices. There are several levels:

  1. Levels 1-2: Offer general improvements.
  2. Advanced Engineering 3: You unlock:
    • Generators
    • Electric Fences
    • Blade Traps
    • Dart Traps
      When these traps kill enemies, you receive 20% extra Experience Points (XP).
  3. Advanced Engineering 4: You gain:
    • Battery Banks
    • Shotgun Turrets
      Enemies defeated by these traps grant 35% additional XP.
  4. Advanced Engineering 5: Obtain:
    • SMG Auto Turrets
    • Cheaper electrical components
      Additionally, shooting enemies with SMG Auto Turrets rewards 50% increased XP.
Advanced engineering

Better Barter 5

Enables trading for specific valuable items. In this case, it lets you purchase Solar Cells from merchants – crucial elements needed for creating Solar Banks.


In conclusion, understanding and utilizing electricity efficiently enhances your survivability in 7 Days to Die. By following this guide, you can set up effective defense mechanisms, improve base lighting, and manage resources smartly. Always remember to prioritize safety and strategic placement when setting up traps and turrets. Utilize your Generator, Battery, and Solar Banks optimally according to your playstyle and environment. With proper knowledge of electrical components, wiring techniques, and essential perks, you can thrive even in challenging circumstances. Happy surviving!

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