A Comprehensive Guide to Becoming a WordPress Contributor

How to Become a WordPress Contributor

Did you know that WordPress.org is a free and open-source platform and you can contribute to it without writing a single line of code? WordPress needs writers, analysts, designers, support experts, and a whole bunch of other professionals. So, in this article, we explore the basics and explain how you can become a WordPress contributor.

WordPress is constantly looking for talented individuals, such as yourselves, to make an impact in its thriving ecosystem. No matter where your interests lie, you can always help improve the WordPress community through active participation. Interested to take the plunge? Here is everything you need to get started. Let’s go!

What is a WordPress Contributor? Or Rather, Who?

A WordPress contributor is a person who contributes to the WordPress environment in any capacity. For example, some people are hired by the company to contribute full-time while some volunteer to help improve the platform. So, at the end of the day, anyone who wants to participate in improving the WordPress community is a WordPress contributor.

WordPress.org depends on community support to stay updated, improve functionality, provide customer support, etc. By becoming a contributor, you can give back to the WordPress community and help people at the same time. Not to mention, contributing to an area of expertise establishes you as an authority.

For example, WordPress users often search for the best hosting solution for their business websites, blogs, e-commerce stores, etc. If you are familiar with a reputable web hosting provider, you can recommend a managed WordPress VPS hosting plan.

Currently, 65.24% of all websites hosted globally use WordPress as a Content Management System (CMS). By actively contributing to the WordPress community, you can build a network and sharpen your skills by interacting with some of the smartest brains in the industry. So, it’s a win-win for all!

What Does a WordPress Contributor Do?

The WordPress open-source platform needs all the help it can get to continue serving millions of users worldwide. As a WordPress contributor, you can provide technical and non-technical support as required.

For example, developers can create themes or plugins for others to use. Their contribution to the WordPress community is in time, skill, and effort. You can also fix bugs, test new products, and enrich the WordPress repository by adding new tools and plugins. Non-technical users can provide community support, donate to WordPress, or simply give feedback on any themes or plugins that they use to help fellow users.

Why Should You Become a WordPress Contributor?

The WordPress community is what makes the open-source platform flexible and scalable. WordPress.org is entirely developed and maintained by passionate users, and it relies on them to stay updated and functional.

Here is why you should consider contributing to WordPress.

  • You get a chance to interact with fellow WordPress enthusiasts and grow your skillset
  • You can learn more about WordPress by listening to what other users are saying
  • You will gain valuable experience, which might help you land new clients
  • You can establish yourself as an authority in your area of expertise

As a WordPress contributor, you are flexible to give as much or as little time to the community as you like. Plus, it’s pretty easy to get started. Here’s how!

How to Become a WordPress Contributor?

As we mentioned earlier, there are several ways to contribute to WordPress. Let’s walk you through the most popular roles.

WordPress Core Developer

WordPress Core Developers contribute directly to improving the WordPress platform. They are technical stalwarts and are experts in JavaScript, PHP, CSS, MySQL, etc. The developers don’t just make coding improvements to the platform, but also help fix glitches, release updates, test changes, and report security vulnerabilities. However, if this role is too technical for you, there are other ways you can contribute.

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One of the best features of WordPress is global availability. However, it can be challenging to match the quality of WordPress innovations through automated translations. If you are fluent in multiple languages, this is where you shine. Most tools in the WordPress plugin directory like migration widgets, comments plugins, review extensions, etc. are available in different languages for users’ convenience. You can volunteer to translate plugins to your native language to further improve localization. Here is how you can help as a WordPress translator.

  • Request an additional language if it’s not listed on the platform
  • Use an open-source translation platform called GlotPress to set up your own collaborative web-based software translation tool
  • Translate plugins, technical documents, core elements, and more

User Interface Designer

A beginner-friendly user interface is one of WordPress’ best features. As a UI designer, your role is to ensure things look pretty and are accessible for all. UI designers primarily use CSS, JavaScript, and the PHP Hypertext Preprocessor to streamline user experience. With over 60% of all website traffic coming from mobile devices in 2024, WordPress needs help with making its solutions more responsive.

WordPress Support Team

Not everyone in the WordPress community knows the answer to every question in your area of expertise. This presents an exciting opportunity for you to help people by resolving queries and sharing your knowledge. That is what the WordPress support team does. The volunteers primarily manage three support platforms within the WordPress ecosystem. They are:

  1. WordPress.org Support Forums: This is an open forum where users request information from the support team and volunteers log in to answer their questions. You don’t have to answer every question, but just the ones you are comfortable with. WordPress needs experts from various fields and varying experience levels.
  2. IRC Chatroom: Users may also use the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) chatroom to ask questions in real-time. Volunteers can log in to strike up a conversation in their area of expertise.
  3. WordPress Stack Exchange: if you are technically sound, you can use the WordPress Stack Exchange to answer technical queries related to your field in more detail.

WordPress users often need help diagnosing plugins, customizing themes, and migrating to a more powerful web host. You can help people resolve their queries or switch to a powerful unmanaged VPS server.

Best WordPress Themes


Do you enjoy writing and learning about technology? Sign up for the WordPress Documentation Team and help with tasks related to documentation, such as creating inline docs, Codex, handbooks, admin help, etc. To start, all you need to do is log in to the Codex with your WordPress.org username and click “Edit” on the top right sidebar.

WordPress Theme Review Team

WordPress themes are vibrant and responsive and they enhance a website’s visual appeal and functionality. The best WordPress themes are responsive, easy to install, and customizable. And the Theme Review Team ensures that things remain that way. When a developer submits a theme to WordPress, it passes a basic check before being forwarded for human validation. The reviewer checks the code quality, unit test data, and files and performs a frontend test to ensure the theme meets WordPress guidelines.

Community and Event Organizer

The WordPress community is vibrant and reaches far beyond the constraints of the internet. As part of its community outreach program, the WordPress team hosts social events like meetups and WordCamps to help people learn, interact, grow, and network. If you have a knack for organizing social events, visit the Team Projects page to get started.


WordPress.org revolves around the community. And WordPress contributors are the reason behind the platform’s success. If you are an ardent WordPress user and would like to contribute too, this article outlines ways to help you get started. For more details, please visit WordPress.org. And if you need help, you can always reach out to the WordPress community!

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