SSH vs FTP: What’s the Difference?


There are two protocols that stand out the most in networking, and they are SSH and FTP. Although they have gone far from their prime, the debate of whether to choose SSH or FTP has been a major topic of discussion in recent times. Therefore, the SSH vs FTP trend is created where you can compare all the factors and features that make the two protocols evergreen. Here’s our understanding of the topic of FTP vs SSH, as we have given a detailed comparison between the two protocols.

SSH vs FTP: Overview 

SSH and FTP are two modes for talking to other computers and transferring files between them from far away. They have various features and safety protocols.

SSH (Secure Shell) lets you securely attach to systems from afar using coded messages. Conversely, the FTP (File Transfer Protocol) enables the transfer of files between computers but doesn’t deliver SSH’s strong security. Both improve data center host abilities by promoting safe remote access and efficient file transfers.

FTP vs SSH: Features Comparison

ssh works


SSH is one of the most secure protocols, providing users with the highest security level, and plays a crucial role in secure hosting. On the other hand, FTP does not consist of any encryption at all and instead offers encryption exclusively to control connections in place of data connections.


When taking portability into context, SSH is more portable due to it being available for a wider audience of networks across any protocol. However, that is FTP’s biggest drawback. Firewalls and any other security device will easily block the FTP protocol. This makes it difficult for FTP users to enter certain areas. 

Ease of Use

What should you know about FTP? It offers an easy-to-access user interface and is one of the many secure file transfer protocols. You can transfer your files easily because web browsers directly support it. However, you need to have certain levels of knowledge about technicality when using FTP. SSH can be tricky due to its difficult setup, and it demands the use of particular encryption and authentication conceptional views. 


Since web browsers support FTP, it is compatible with all platforms. However, SSH works differently. To use SSH, you must have an SSH client available, and it may not even be available for all platforms. 

SSH vs FTP: Performance and Speed

ssh and ftp speed

When we are talking about good performance and speed, both SSH and FTP possess a good level. However, when compared, we have to consider factors such as file transferring. In that case, FTP is the faster protocol of the two. This is because of its easy and rapid file transfer capability and its availability on all platforms. On the other hand, SSH is slower than FTP due to it being a non-compatible protocol.

Many users still use SSH and FTP in several parts of the world, although both of these protocols have surpassed their prime. In modern times, websites tend to provide users with an FTP access control for a user-friendly way to transfer their files. The same goes for SSH, as minority providers still use it. It provides users with a controlled environment.

Difference Between SSH and FTP

FTP is a traditional protocol. FTP was created before public networks evolved into modern networking. It sends data in simple text format. Therefore, there wasn’t such a need for an authentication system that secures the user’s name and password. Therefore, if anyone has information about stealing data packets, then your username and password will be at risk as the hackers can easily access the remote site. 

Secure Shell pretty much gives away the idea that SSH is perhaps the most secure protocol to date. After the Helsinki University of Technology’s data packets were hacked, the SSH protocol came into being. SSH is used to encrypt data and finalize it before it is sent out for decryption.

A difference between SSH and FTP Is that FTP has limited functionalities. It is a source that transfers files on a shared server. Furthermore, it locates files from one location to another. It also performs tasks such as copying, moving, and deleting files/dictionaries. You will use SSH for additional functionalities. You can use functionalities such as issuing commands to the user, while keeping in mind that these commands can then execute remotely from any system.

SSH supports remote access protected with encryption, while FTP doesn’t encrypt data, making SSH a secure option for network hosting

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SSH vs FTP: Additional Factors Comparison


The main goal of SSH Hosting is to provide remote access to your system’s command line interface. This protocol provides secure client-server communication by using cryptographic methods. The user’s information in the line of code is hidden from public view and can only be viewed by the user.

In FTP, there are 2 types of authentication methods. One is a built-in method, while the other is a custom version of it. Built-in authentication provides essential safety to FTP servers, while installed components must execute the custom authentication.


SSH grants users a secure platform where they can access and implement commands remotely on a system and provides data protection. This invalidates processes such as file management, tunneling, and remote administration. 

As for FTP, it provides a reliable source of file transfer between both clients. This allows for an efficient uploading and downloading process. Secure Shell enhances fast remote access, while FTP facilitates file transfers. Furthermore, FTP allows manipulation of the dictionary, such as deleting, creating, and arranging. 


SSH uses asymmetric encryption as its primary source of authentication and key exchange. It uses cryptographic keys to prevent the public from viewing your information. However, as far as FTP is concerned, it hardly uses data transmission as its main source of authentication. 

When to Use SSH or FTP?

If you are wondering when to use SSH or FTP, there’s a particular scenario for each protocol. You will mainly use FTP for file transfers between the software and the client, who is the host in the network. It also includes use cases such as backup. FTP can become a platform for individuals or backup services to create backup copies of the user’s data from one location to the other. 

This secure shell is a connection between different servers. It performs tasks such as alterations, uploads, and exits. A direct connection with the terminal or the use of tools helps in performing these tasks. SSH uses keys that it tasks to automate access to systems, management tools, and crips for backup. 


In the end, both SSH and FTP hold their own functionalities. Each of these protocols has a diverse set of features that offer both advantages and disadvantages to the modern user. Although FTP is a great platform to transfer your files, it lacks security. You can fill this gap by the use of SSH, which is the best protocol for a safe connection between the user and server. Furthermore, you can use these two protocols together for a better user experience when sharing their data online.  

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What is SSH, and what do we mean by it?
How is SSH different from FTP?
What feature of SSH makes it a more secure option than FTP?
What are the principal reasons that one should use SSH rather than FTP?
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