Valheim Beginner’s Guide – A Complete Walkthrough for New Players

Valheim guide

Welcome to the vast and mysterious world of Valheim! This Norse-inspired survival sandbox game offers a rich and fascinating experience, filled with exploration, combat, and crafting.

Valheim is a fun game where you’re a Viking fighting monsters and exploring beautiful places. First, pick a server to play on and customize your character. Then, gather supplies to build a safe place to sleep and eat. Next, go adventuring in different areas, fight bad guys, and collect cool stuff to improve your weapons, armor, and food.

Learn new skills along the way. Eventually, beat big bosses in dark dungeons to become stronger and famous among other Vikings looking for greatness. Play alone or with friends, enjoying the magic and excitement of this huge world full of surprises!

However, with its complexity and depth, getting started in Valheim might seem overwhelming. That’s why we’ve created this comprehensive beginner’s guide, packed with valuable tips and tricks to ensure your journey gets off to the right start. So, without further ado, let us embark upon this epic saga together!

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Spawn In and Get Oriented

Upon entering Valheim, you’ll find yourself in a 3D world, greeted by the spirit of Odin himself. Take a moment to update yourself with the controls and interface, also make sure maximum comfort during your adventure. Be prepared; the first few moments set the tone for the entire experience.

Spawn in Valheim

Gather Basic Resources

Before travel into the unknown, stock up on essential resources. Collect six Stones and 14 Wood to craft fundamental items such as clubs and hammers. To gather materials, simply approach loose rocks (indicated by a glowing outline) and press E for wood, interact with fallen tree branches scattered throughout the landscape. Crafting requires opening the inventory menu (Tab), selecting the desired recipe via the quick action wheel, and hitting ‘Craft’. Remember to arrange the order of items in your toolbar accordingly.

gather resources by tools

For gamers intending to enjoy multiplayer sessions, research dedicated game server hosting packages suitable for your group size and budget. Resource gathering becomes easier when equipped with appropriate tools, so keep that in mind as you progress.

Find Food and Boost Your Stamina

Discover edible plants and fungi within the surrounding area of your spawn location. Loot raspberries and mushrooms, consuming them directly from your inventory to gain a temporary stamina boost—critical for cross rough lands and engaging enemies. Note that different foods offer varying proportions of health and stamina points, represented visually by fork symbols on the item description. Three distinct categories exist: red fork (primarily health), yellow fork (predominantly stamina), and gray fork (equal amounts).

raspberries plant

Unlock Your First Quest Marker

Interact with the Rune stone located near your spawn point to reveal the position of Valheim’s first major milestone – defeating EIKTHYR, the Elder God of Storms. Upon activation, consult the in-game map (accessible via the M key) for guidance towards the initial boss encounter.

First Quest

Acquire Necessary Building Materials

Gather 50 units of Wood, cutting down smaller trees with ease. While large trees yield greater quantities, attempting to cut them too soon risks casualties due to falling debris. Once amassed, return to base camp, preparing for the construction of crucial infrastructure elements.

large tree hitting on head

Build Workbenches and Essential Structures

To construct buildings and modify terrain, employ the hammer. Select the workbench blueprint from the radial menu, holding Left Click to deploy it in perfect locations. Ensure proper clearance and environmental coverage before usage.

workbench crafting option

Construct protective barriers utilizing wooden walls, placing doors for accessibility. Add a 45-degree thatched roof to finalize the structure. With workbenches erected, proceed to manufacture additional gear, weapons, and accessories tailored to specific objectives.

If you want your objectives to be done smoothly, consider setting up a reliable server hosting solution, such as SSD Dedicated Server, which ensures optimal performance and low latency while playing and construct your favorite protective barriers.

Hunt Wildlife and Farm Leather Scraps

Slaughter eight pigs, obtain eight leather scraps required for subsequent stages. Utilizing bows effectively demands mastering arrow trajectories, save precious energy compared to close-combat alternatives.

hunting animals

Employ stealth tactics, stalking prey silently. Simultaneously, hunt for Necks Tail loot drops, offering minor healing benefits. Additionally, search for flint deposits alongside riverbeds and shores, although unnecessary for progression purposes.

Enhance Your Valheim Gaming Today

Ultahost offers high-performance servers for Valheim, ensuring smooth gameplay and low latency. Moreover, you can experience the brutal world of Valheim with unrivaled server stability and support. Choose Ultahost for your Valheim server hosting and dominate the exiled lands!

Cook Delicacies over Campfires

Prepare meals by establishing a campfire adjacent to the newly constructed kitchenette. Combine raw ingredients, including pig and venison cuts, simmering them patiently over gentle flames. Monitor color changes closely, retrieving dishes promptly once fully cooked.

cooking food

Avoid burning delicacies, wasting precious resources. Consume dishes to restore vitality, bolster resistance against harsh weather conditions, and enhance overall performance.

Establish Base Defenses

Fortify your burgeoning settlement with strategic defense mechanisms. Implement towering palisades, archery ranges, and chokepoints to deter unwanted intruders. Reinforce gateways and entry points with solid oak planks, reinforced steel traps, and sharpened spikes.

base defenses weapons and tools

Investigate alternative defensive methods available via local vendors, incorporating them seamlessly into existing architectural designs.

Exploration and Discovery

Emboldened by recent achievements, venture beyond immediate surroundings, expose hidden secrets and treasures strewn across Valheim’s sprawling landscapes. Travel across swamps teeming with enormous leeches, ascend snowy peaks amidst blustering winds, and steer dense forests concealing untold perils. Engage friendly locals, trading goods and services enroute to ultimate glory.

exploring Valheim map

Preparation for Battle

Assemble powerful equipment sets suited to impending confrontations. Enchant weaponry, armor, and shields using mystical runes discovered deep within ancient ruins. Brew potent elixirs capable of reversing debilitating effects, increase attributes for limited time, or providing significant offensive bonuses.

battling in Valheim

Research fabled strategies employed by fellow warriors, integrating novel techniques into personal fighting styles.

Vanquishing Foes and Reaping Rewards

Confront formidable adversaries lurking beneath cryptic shadows, vanquishing evil forces threatening peace within Valheim’s ethereal realm. Clash with mythological creatures embodying primordial chaos, acquiring fragments of essence necessary to appease divine entities.

rewards in Valheim

Trade winning spoils with loyal subjects, boost diplomatic relations and cheer amongst allies.

Valheim’s dynamic combat system rewards strategy and preparation. Test various weapon types and abilities until you find your ideal style. Looking for competitive action? Join Cheap VPS servers supporting this feature or continue enjoying single player mode or coop focused gameplay aimed at defeating bosses and achieve missions together.

Expansion and Advancement

With each triumph comes increased influence and high stands. Channel acquired wealth into expanding residential quarters, recruiting skilled laborers, and investing in technological advancements.

Advancement in powers in Valheim

As territorial control expands, fortify borders, cultivate abundant fields, and establish thriving communities celebrating victory against insurmountable odds.

Mastery and Legacy

Achieving mastery in various disciplines propels aspiring champions closer to eternal greatness. Hone skills meticulously, refining talents through rigorous training exercises and challenging trials. Share wisdom accumulated over countless battles, inspiring future generations destined to follow in footsteps leading toward eventual godhood.

Ascension and Divination

In Valheim, the most amazing achievement for fearless Vikings is turning into a superhero. Visit wise fortune tellers who read signs pointing to major future happenings. Discover incredibly potent things buried deep in the earth since ages past.

By doing all this, you gain immense powers that allow you to overcome anything thrown at you. Become a legend everyone tells stories about, living forever in tales told for centuries to come. Reach higher than anyone else could ever imagine!


Playing Valheim well means being smart, creative, and persistent. After reading this helpful guide, you know how to handle the complex problems in this awesome Norse world. Start with basics and grow step by step until you become a strong hero with many adventures people will remember forever. Now, get ready and start your journey to reach your goals!

If you’ve found this guide enjoyable, consider upgrading your Valheim experience with Ultahost’s NVMe Server hosting. By hosting your Valheim server on Ultahost’s NVMe Server, you can enjoy very fast read & write speeds, significantly reducing load times and improving overall responsiveness, also experience enhanced stability and swift rendering, contributing to smoother gameplay.


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