What is Neuromarketing & How to Use It?

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As a pluralistic society, consumer orientation is a perfect litmus test for businesses to understand what motivates their consumers while making purchases, and hence, becoming consumer-literate has become one of the paramount things in the Business world. This field of neuromarketing — a branch of marketing that breaks down how subliminal factors impact consumer decisions and a hybrid of neuroscience and marketing — is a very effective way to unravel the participation of the subconscious in public choices.

Through sophisticated ways of assessing how audiences respond to marketing interventions, companies can generate interventions that are much more targeted and tap into much deeper meanings behind consumer behavior. This article will give you an insight into the core of neuromarketing, detailing how it works, its advantages, use cases for different domains, and its probable next steps.

What is Neuromarketing?

Psychologists call this field neuromarketing, where cognitive neuroscience, economics, and psychology cross over into marketing. Originally, it was created to examine and detect brainwaves along with people’s neural and biological feedback to better comprehend customer responses, motivations, and decisions. This information should also be leveraged to enhance creative advertising, packaging design, product experience, and brand awareness.

Neuromarketing goes beyond measuring advertising effectiveness and attempts to identify what components of each consumer touchpoint are contributing positively or negatively to the success of each step of the consumer journey, from initial brand exposure to product consumption and repurchase. Neuromarketing seeks to quantify, interpret, & influence customer attention & preference by applying neuroscientific devices such as eye-tracking and EEG brain scanning and combining this research with technologies such as machine learning & AI adoption. Given that the unconscious processes influence a significant portion of consumer behavior, gaining a deeper understanding of the human mind can offer more accurate insights into consumer actions, leading to increased return on investment (ROI).

How Neuromarketing Works?


Neuromarketing uses functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and electroencephalogram (EEG) tools to measure the brain activity of participants when exposed to ads, package designs, commercials, etc. Companies hear this music because it gives businessmen a full idea of customer needs or what they want.

Marketers show ads, packaging, or product designs to customers and monitor their reactions and brain activity. Organizations can study these responses and monitor shifts to help guide what they opt to do next.

The brain scans track different brain activities, including eye movements, pupil dilations, facial expressions, heart rate, and emotions in brands. This offers brands a broader understanding of their customers. These results can help companies shape their ads and content, product packaging, website design, and branding and combine them with fast WordPress hosting to better reach and serve the customer.

Benefits of Neuromarketing

Neuromarketing tools monitor complex actions, such as attention, cognitive load, emotions, and memory. These methods provide depth and clarity to one’s understanding of the marketing psychology behind consumer behavior, something that traditional methods are unable to do.

Customer Attraction and Retention

Neuromarketing – which measures brain processes such as emotion – seeks to find out what really draws in and keeps customers. This, in turn, helps identify which of the individual components, i.e., ad elements and scenes, when isolated, spontaneously elicit pleasant or unpleasant sensations, thereby providing a more defined insight about consumer likes and dislikes.

Increasing Engagement

Neuromarketing helps personalize experiences by more accurately measuring customer emotion and response. This deep understanding of customer feelings affords a plethora of tools to guide customer performance. With fast VPS hosting, you can increase engagements in no time.

Predicting Market Reactions

Neuromarketing also uses predictive models to predict the responses an ad will trigger. Together, they represent next-gen, market-ready neuromarketing solutions that harness the power of consumer neuroscience, big data, and artificial intelligence to predict consumer behavior.

Empowering Customers

Neuromarketing is a way for brands to help customers make better-informed choices. This can involve providing transparent product information, removing unnecessary friction in their shopping trip, and ensuring the product is easily available.

Commercial Noise and Technostress

Neuromarketing helps make marketing more effective by breaking through the noise and reducing waste. This is a win-win situation for both companies, which can make their strategies leaner, and customers, who have a more relaxing experience away from commercial noise, confusion, technostress, and so on.

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Neuromarketing Examples

Now that you know more about what neuromarketing is and how it works, let’s take a look at some examples of actual companies using these techniques:


In the study, a group of men and women were asked to evaluate parts of vehicles by Hyundai, a major carmaker. Using the neural signals, Hyundai conducted the test and figured out which areas attracted which gender. With this data in hand, the company could adjust styles that were bombing and reinforce those that were working. This strategy enabled Hyundai to attract more shares in the market and increase its car sales. Lastly, the ability to sense what kind of cars people want may reduce mistakes, given the enormous costs involved in designing and launching new cars.


For example, Coca-Cola uses neuromarketing to assess neural reactions to its advertising material. These are the components of the ad that attract views, and this helps make it clearer. Researchers also record the participants’ feelings regarding the advertisement. This valuable information enables Coca-Cola to adjust its ads’ script as well, targeting the desired message to consumers for more successful ads and increased sales.


Frito-Lay, a major snack manufacturer, uses neuroimaging to improve its packaging. Researchers show customers various packaging designs and record their reactions, categorizing them as positive, negative, or neutral. Participants also provide feedback on the text, color, and font used on the packages. The study revealed that customers preferred matte packaging over the previously used shiny packaging. Consequently, Frito-Lay switched to matte packaging to attract more customers.

The Future of Neuromarketing

However, relative to the fields they are being used in, neuromarketing and consumer neuroscience are both new. One reason is the cost of the technology and its constant improvements. It is predicted that as neuromarketing tools get better and also cheaper, more corporations can begin to use this technology.

The future of neuromarketing will probably involve a lot of virtual reality (VR). The combination of VR headsets and an EEG monitoring device could offer a more accessible and affordable solution than traditional EEG machines, opening the doors for more consumers to participate in neuromarketing research.

Eye tracking could be loaded into VR devices, which can be monitored to see what customers are looking at. Moreover, eye tracking and facial recognition technology can improve customer experiences in retail and restaurant settings.

Others have speculated that the creation of VR contact lenses could happen to help measure pupil dilation in response to ads, taking neuromarketing a step further.


Neuromarketing is a field that combines neuroscience and marketing to delve into the irrational as well as subconscious contributors to customer decision-making and behavior. Using sophisticated tools such as fMRI and EEG provides businesses with a depth of understanding that applies to marketing strategies pretty well. Neuromarketing, applied in Hyundai, Coca-Cola, and Frito-Lay, among others, creates corporate improvements and is present in many of their ads. Increased adoption of these methods can be expected as technology advances and becomes more cost-effective. Future developments, like VR and eye tracking, will polish consumer research even more- making neuromarketing an even more vital weapon in the battle for understanding and controlling consumer choice.

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