What is Lead Nurturing in Digital Marketing?

lead nurturing

Every potential interaction with a customer is important, particularly in the competitive online marketplace. That’s why swift and successful lead nurturing is crucial for directing prospects through the sales funnel to conversion. It’s a strategy essential to generating new customers consistently in the digital age.

And that’s true whether you’re a B2B company, like many who use marketing automation, or a B2C business, including those who sell high-dollar products, such as automobiles or real estate, which might require a longer sales cycle. Lead nurturing is even beneficial for businesses making quick sales, such as e-commerce transactions.

In this article, we’ll explore strategies for nurturing your leads to increase your business’s ROI and foster sustainable growth.

What is Lead Nurturing?

Lead Source

Lead nurturing is the process of building relationships with qualified prospects, whether they’re making a purchase now or in three years. It is an integral component of inbound marketing and includes various online channels, such as content marketing and social media.

But not everyone you come in contact with will be ready to buy immediately. This is where lead nurturing comes in. It’s essential for staying top-of-mind and ensuring that prospects turn to you when they are ready to purchase. Forrester Research has found that companies that excel at lead nurturing generate 50% more sales-ready leads at 33% lower cost.

How Does Lead Nurturing Work?

Effective lead nurturing accomplishes two objectives: It reminds would-be buyers about the product or service they want and tells an enterprise where it needs to improve its overall sales funnel. Conversion is obviously the primary objective.

Beyond simply converting leads, effective lead nurturing will show enterprises exactly where they need to fine-tune their online sales strategy to potentially smooth the way for future new leads. All of these could create significant growth opportunities for the enterprise in the future.

Let’s take a look at how lead nurturing works.

Lead Generation

Your business offers an incentive for the market to show interest in. This may come from various forms, such as downloading content, completing a form, or signing up for an offer. Once they opt-in, they’ll become a potential lead source. After that, you can acknowledge their response with a “Thank You” web page that a visitor sees after filling out a web form.


Not every response to a lead generation message means that a prospect is truly interested in what your company offers. Other people are looking for complimentary items or something else entirely, so the company needs to determine which is which.


Once a lead is qualified, the company contacts them and tries to learn more about them. This could be a phone call, an online survey, or any other exchange of information that helps the company continue to get to know the lead and provide solutions to their problems. This way, a company can feature its products, too.


The conversion phase is when the company has finally worn the prospect down and is ready to make a purchase. This can be initiated by the company during the interaction phase or at the prospect’s direction. Either way, a new sale, and customer are acquired when the deal is done.

Lead Nurturing Strategy

There are an endless number of lead nurturing tactics available, and they vary by organization. However, they may change over time. When earlier strategies become outdated, there is a need to change how prospects are engaged. The right CRM software can ease sales, marketing, and customer service processes.

Email Marketing

According to Campaign Monitor research, email marketing is considered the best digital marketing strategy for ROI by 55% of marketers. Email marketing is not only cheaper than advertising, but it also allows for personalization by data and user behavior.

Email segmentation, which divides subscribers into smaller groups based on set parameters, increases lead targeting. This allows targeting based on browsing behavior, content downloaded, sales funnel stage, email engagement, and other factors, accumulating more prospect data.

Effective Lead Nurturing With The Best Email Hosting!

Make the most of your leads by utilizing UltaHost’s email hosting services for businesses of all sizes. Host your business email on a secure, privacy-guaranteed server, and promote your site with every message you send!

Content Marketing

Content marketing is an invaluable strategy that revolves around creating many different types of content (e.g., blog posts, e-books, FAQs, webinars, and research reports) to grow visibility and attract a larger audience. It works with other lead-nurturing techniques; content can be shared via social media or email and cross-promoted with calls to action that solicit newsletter sign-ups or additional inquiries.

Content marketing also fosters goodwill by showcasing the firm’s concern for and familiarity with its prospects’ needs. It moves the focus away from promoting your products and services and towards the concerns, interests, and needs of the potential client.

Social Media Activity

Utilizing automated social media provides another route for cultivating relationships with potential leads. They also provide a useful platform for communicating with followers and exposing them to your content. In fact, an average of 2.25 hours of every internet user’s day is spent on social media, according to Hootsuite.

These social networking sites generate a rich content distribution network that allows your brand to engage with recent website visitors and showcase your personality. After leads visit your website, for example, ads and offers are retargeted using social media strategies on channels such as Facebook, allowing your company to stay at the forefront of your audience’s mind even after they leave your site. This helps maintain your audience’s engagement and reinforce your brand’s presence.

Sales And Marketing Alignment

Nurturing leads requires the collaboration of several teams. Often, the sales and customer support teams are the ones with the most current information about the market. However, the marketing team often holds the data necessary to turn that into action. By effectively collaborating, these teams can get a fuller picture and, consequently, start nurturing better solutions.


Creating a connection with your leads is very much about understanding them. With surveys, leads explain exactly what they are feeling in their own words. Ask about how they set their goals or what they wanted to achieve by connecting with you, and work out a strategy for moving them through the stages of the buyer’s journey.

Score Leads

It involves assigning a numerical score to leads based on activities they’ve performed, allowing for prioritization of efforts based on the sales funnel stage a lead is in. Tailoring energy expenditure is vital so that efforts are used effectively.

For example, more points might be assigned to someone who shows active engagement on a website over a passive subscriber. This results in highly engaged prospects who are open to personalized interactions — perfect candidates for having a sales rep reach out to them and offer more mileage per opportunity.

Follow Up

Automated lead nurturing can be very important while getting to a large scale of prospect groups. However, converting inbound leads into qualified sales opportunities is nearly always more effective through prompt phone calls and follow-up lead nurturing emails. Immediate contact post-website conversion has your highest likelihood of conversion.

A well-timed, strategic call to that inbound lead has almost incalculable power compared to the ability to make high numbers of cold calls or cold emails. Inbound provides information and recent browsing behavior about the prospect. It can tell you, for example, what pages the prospect viewed, how the interaction with those pages went, and what additional information is available about the organizational affiliation and role.

Benefits of Lead Nurturing

Statistical representation of benefits of Lead Nurturing

Let’s examine the benefits of lead nurturing. This strategic approach revolutionizes sales and marketing dynamics, offering a pathway to enhanced profitability and sustainable growth for businesses.

More Sales at Lower Costs

Implementing lead nurturing strategies significantly boosts sales outcomes while cutting costs tied to traditional marketing methods, resulting in a better return on investment (ROI) for brands.

Better Decision-making in Businesses

Lead nurturing helps businesses effectively direct their efforts. It distinguishes “hot” leads, which are quickly passed along to the sales team, from “warm” leads, which are nurtured by the marketing team until they’re ready for purchase. This focused allocation of resources and processes ensures that the sales department focuses on promising prospects, which increases productivity and results in higher conversion rates.

Builds a Business Reputation

Simultaneously, lead nurturing, through offering valuable educational content, helps develop and build a brand’s reputation and increase awareness by demonstrating an understanding of customer concerns and providing workable solutions. This helps companies to establish themselves as authorities trusted in their distinct industries and strengthen their presence and credibility.

Boosts Engagement

Automated lead nurturing technologies maintain engagement with leads who have engaged with a company’s web properties but have caused the company to be unsure how to reach them. Lead nurturing is also an effective strategy to re-engage cold leads or reignite excitement and engagement in those leads.

Identifies Upsell and Cross-sell Opportunities

Lead nurturing strategies can help capitalize on existing customer relationships by alerting customers about new or additional products or services offered. Accordingly, they enable businesses to identify upselling or cross-selling opportunities and maximize their revenue potential by strategically promoting a complementary offering to their established customer base.


Implementing an effective lead nurturing campaign is pivotal for businesses aiming to maximize conversions and foster lasting customer relationships. Companies can streamline their marketing efforts and drive sustainable growth by strategically segmenting audiences, delivering valuable content, and utilizing automation. Remember, the key lies in continuous adaptation and refinement to meet evolving customer needs and preferences.

Get the best CRM hosting from UltaHost. The right CRM platform can ensure that your lead nurturing process is trouble-free in the later stages of the sales funnel. We have the best CRM tools for you!


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