How to Change MySQL Workbench Password

MySQL Workbench is a popular graphical tool that simplifies managing MySQL databases. It provides a user-friendly interface for tasks like creating databases, managing users, and running queries. One important aspect of database security is maintaining strong passwords for your users including the MySQL Workbench account.

This article will guide you through different methods for change MySQL Workbench password, depending on your specific scenario.

Understanding the Methods

There are two primary approaches to changing your MySQL Workbench password:

  1. Using MySQL Workbench: This method is the simplest and recommended if you have access to your existing account.
  2. Resetting the MySQL Root Password: This method involves resetting the MySQL server’s root password, which grants you access to modify other user accounts, including your MySQL Workbench account. This approach is necessary if you’ve forgotten your MySQL Workbench password or are encountering login issues.

Changing Password Through MySQL Workbench

Following are steps on how to update MySQL workbench password:

Step 1: Launch MySQL Workbench

Open the MySQL Workbench application on your computer.

MySQL Workbench

Step 2: Connect to Server

In the connection panel on the left, ensure you’re connected to the MySQL server you want to manage.

Step 3: Access User Management

Navigate to the Server tab and select Users and Privileges.

user management sql

Step 4: Locate Your Account

In the user list, find the account associated with your MySQL Workbench login. This might be named after you or a specific username you created.

root user

Step 5: Set New Password

In the window, enter your new password in the Password field. Create a strong new password following these best practices:

  • Use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
  • Avoid using dictionary words or personal information.
  • Make the password at least 8 characters long, with more being preferable.

Step 6: Confirm and Apply

Re-enter the new password for confirmation, and click Apply to save the changes.

Resetting MySQL Root Password

To reset MySQL workbench password, this method requires administrative access to the system where MySQL is installed.

  1. Access Command Prompt for Windows or Terminal for Linux/macOS.
  2. Depending on your operating system, use the appropriate command to stop the MySQL server. Here are some examples:
  • For Windows :
mysqladmin shutdown
  • For Linux and macOS: 
sudo service mysql stop

You can replace the service command with the Systemctl command. If your Systemctl is not working go refer to our guide to How to Fix Systemctl Command Not Found Error on Linux to resolve this issue.

  1. Start Server in Safe Mode allows password resets without requiring the current password. Use the following command, and replace <datadir> with your MySQL data directory:
  • For Windows : 
mysqld --skip-grant-tables --datadir=<datadir>
  • For Linux and macOS:
sudo mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables
  1. Once the server starts in safe mode, connect to the MySQL server using the following command:
mysql -u root
  1. Use the following SQL statement to update the root user’s password replacing it with your desired strong password:
UPDATE mysql.user SET password = PASSWORD('<new_password>') WHERE User = 'root';
  1. Apply the changes FLUSH PRIVILEGES; and then restart the MySQL server.
  2. After the server restarts you can log in to MySQL Workbench using the new root password you just set.

Important Considerations

Following are some important considerations on how not to forgot MySQL workbench password:

  • Using a password manager can help you create and store strong and unique passwords for all your accounts including MySQL Workbench.
  • It is recommended to change your MySQL Workbench password periodically especially if you suspect any compromise.


Following these methods and best practices, you can effectively change your MySQL Workbench password and maintain a secure database environment. Maintaining strong passwords for your MySQL accounts is the best practice for data privacy and database security.

While MySQL Workbench is dependent on Windows, it often involves editing configuration files or using command prompts. Ultahost’s Windows hosting plans offer allow you to manage your databases including MySQL Workbench so you can reset passwords with a few clicks.


How to Change MySQL Workbench Password?
Is it difficult to change the MySQL Workbench password?
Can I reset my MySQL Workbench password if I forget it?
Do I need any skills to change my MySQL Workbench password?

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