What Is the .bashrc File in Linux?

The .bashrc file is a shell script that runs every time a new Bash session is initiated. It is used to configure the Bash environment by defining aliases, functions, environment variables, and executing commands. This file is located in the user’s home directory and is specific to each user account.

It allows users to customize their shell environment by defining aliases, setting environment variables, and configuring various aspects of the shell’s behavior. The .bashrc file enables users to tailor their command-line interface to suit their preferences and workflow.

In this detailed guide, you will learn about the .bashrc file and how you can use it for your own benefit.

Understand the .bashrc File in Linux

The `.bashrc` file is a shell script that plays a crucial role in customizing the behavior of the Bash shell, which is the default shell for most Linux distributions. Let’s understand what is bashrc with the following aspects:

  1. Personalization: The `.bashrc` file allows users to personalize their shell environment according to their preferences and workflow requirements. It enables the configuration of various settings, such as aliases, functions, environment variables, and prompt customization.
  2. Automation: By defining aliases and functions in the `.bashrc` file, users can automate repetitive tasks or complex command sequences, streamlining their workflow and increasing productivity.
  3. Environment Setup: The `.bashrc` file is executed every time a new Bash shell is launched (either interactively or non-interactively), providing an opportunity to set up the desired environment for that particular session. This includes setting environment variables, defining paths, and configuring shell options.
  4. Consistency: Since the `.bashrc` file is loaded for every Bash session, it ensures a consistent and familiar working environment across different terminals or remote connections. Users can rely on their customized settings and tools being available wherever they work.
  5. Portability: The `.bashrc` file is typically located in the user’s home directory (`~/.bashrc`), making it portable across different systems or distributions. Users can easily transfer their customizations by copying the `.bashrc` file to a new environment.
  6. Modularity: The `.bashrc` file can be used to source (load) additional configuration files or scripts, allowing for a modular and organized approach to managing shell customizations.

Locating the .bashrc File

The .bashrc file is located in your home directory. You can navigate to your home directory using the following command:

cd ~

To view the contents of the .bashrc file, you can use a text editor like nano or vim:

nano ~/.bashrc
bashrc file

How to Edit the .bashrc File

Follow the below steps to edit bashrc file in the Linux operating system:

Step 1: Open the .bashrc File

Use a text editor of your choice to open the .bashrc file located in your home directory. You can do this by running nano ~/.bashrc or vim ~/.bashrc in the terminal.

Step 2: Make Changes

Once the file is open, you can add, modify, or remove lines as needed. Remember to follow the syntax and structure explained in the previous section.

Step 3: Save and Exit

After making the desired changes, save the file and exit the text editor.

Step 4: Reload the .bashrc File

For the changes to take effect immediately, you need to reload the .bashrc file in your current Bash session. You can do this by running source ~/.bashrc or . ~/.bashrc in the terminal.

Adding Your Desired Commands and Configurations

Inside the .bashrc file, you can add various commands and configurations to customize your shell environment. Here are a few examples:

Defining Aliases

Aliases in the .bashrc file are a powerful tool that can greatly enhance your productivity and efficiency when working with the Linux command line. You can use Aliases for creating shortcuts for those commands that you frequently used. For example, to create an alias for the ls -l command, you can add the following line to your .bashrc file:

nano ~/.bashrc 
alias abc='ls -l'
alias bashrc

Make sure there are no conflicting alias definitions or shell functions with the same name (abc) in your .bashrc file or in other shell configuration files that are being sourced. Otherwise, you may not be able to get the desired results.

After modifying the .bashrc file, you need to reload it for the changes to take effect in your current shell session and then execute:

source ~/.bashrc
source bashrc

Now, whenever you type abc in your terminal, it will execute the ls -l command:

ls -la command

In a similar way, you can create aliases for multiple commands as well. For example, you can create a shortcut for updating and upgrading system repositories and drivers:

alias upgrade='sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade'

Creating Custom Functions using .bashrc File

You can define custom commands by creating functions in your .bashrc file. Functions allow you to encapsulate a series of commands into a reusable block of code. Here’s an example of a custom command that creates a new directory and navigates into it:

mkdircd() {
       mkdir -p "$1"
       cd "$1"
functions bashrc

After adding this function to your .bashrc file and reloading it, you can use the mkdircd command to create a new directory and immediately navigate into it:

mkdircd test_dir
mkdir command

By customizing your `.bashrc` file with aliases and custom commands, you can streamline your workflow, improve efficiency, and design the Bash shell environment to your specific needs and preferences.

Setting Environment Variables

Environment variables play an important role in the .bashrc file, allowing users to store and retrieve values that can be accessed and modified throughout the Bash session. These variables can be used to configure various aspects of the shell environment, such as paths, default settings, and application configurations.

You can set environment variables in your .bashrc file to be available in your shell session. For example, to set the PATH variable to include a custom directory, you can add the following line:

export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/your/directory

Configuring the Command Prompt

The PS1 variable is typically set in the .bashrc file, and its value determines the format and content of the command prompt. The default value PS1 varies depending on the Linux distribution, but it often includes the current user and hostname.

To customize the command prompt, you can assign a new value to the PS1 variable using various escape sequences and special characters. Here’s the general syntax:


The PS1 string can include a combination of static text and special escape sequences that represent different pieces of information. For example, if you want to hide the username and host information from the command prompt and replace it with any random symbol like #, you need to place the below text in the .bashrc file:

 PS1="# "
prompt string

This is just one example, and you can combine various escape sequences and special characters to create a highly customized command prompt that suits your needs.


The .bashrc file is an important script that allows users to customize their Bash shell environment on Linux systems. It is executed whenever a new interactive Bash session is initiated, enabling personalization through aliases, functions, environment variables, and command execution. The file resides in each user’s home directory, ensuring individual configurations.

Its primary purposes include automating repetitive tasks, setting up consistent working environments across terminals, and modularizing shell customizations. By defining aliases, users can streamline their workflow, while custom functions extend the functionality of the shell. Environment variables and prompt configurations further tailor the experience. Overall, the .bashrc file empowers users to mold the Bash shell according to their preferences, ultimately enhancing productivity and efficiency on the command line.

Editing the .bashrc file in Linux allows customization of your terminal experience. However, making mistakes can lead to unexpected behavior. Upgrading to an Ultahost NVMe VPS hosting plan provides a secure and performant environment for exploring these configurations and utilizes cutting-edge storage technology for lightning-fast loading times.


What is a .bashrc file?
Where is the .bashrc file located?
What is the purpose of the .bashrc file?
Can I modify the .bashrc file?
Do changes to the .bashrc file take effect immediately?

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