How to Deploy Kafka on Kubernetes

Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform that enables you to build real-time data pipelines and streaming applications. When combined with Kubernetes, Kafka can benefit from Kubernetes orchestration capabilities enabling seamless deployment scaling and management of Kafka clusters.

In this guide, we will cover the comprehensive process of deploying Kafka on Kubernetes including core concepts of Kafka and Kubernetes.

Core Concepts

Before starting the deployment process let’s briefly understand the core concepts of Kafka and Kubernetes:

Apache Kafka

  • Producer: Sends data to a Kafka topic.
  • Consumer: Reads data from a Kafka topic.
  • Topic: A category or feed name to which records are published.
  • Broker: A server that stores and serves topic data.


  • Pod: The smallest deployable unit of computing consisting of one or more containers.
  • Deployment: Manages the replication and updates of Pods.
  • Service: Exposes a Kubernetes service and enables discovery.
  • ConfigMap: Stores configuration data for Pods.
  • Secret: Stores sensitive information like passwords and API keys.


Make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  1. A running Kubernetes cluster for example Minikube, GKE, EKS, AKS, etc.
  2. Kubernetes command-line tool configured to interact with your cluster.
  3. Helm package manager for Kubernetes to facilitate application deployment.
  4. Ensure you have storage solutions like NFS, AWS EBS, or GCP Persistent Disks configured.

Deployment Steps

Following are the steps described below to deploy Kafka on Kubernetes:

Step 1: Setting Up Kubernetes Cluster

If you don’t have a Kubernetes cluster you can create one by installing Minikube on Ubuntu for local development or a managed Kubernetes service for production environments. Here’s a quick start with Minikube:

minikube start --driver=<driver-name>
minikube docker

Replace <driver-name> with a pre-installed driver for example I am using Docker. For this, you need to install Docker on Ubuntu system. It is important to note that while you start Minikube with root privileges use --force argument.

After setting up your Kubernetes cluster, verify it’s running:

kubectl cluster-info && kubectl get nodes
kubctl command

Step 2: Installing Helm

Helm simplifies the deployment process by using charts with pre-configured Kubernetes resources. Install Helm on your machine if it’s not already installed:

curl | bash
helm install

Verify the installation with the following:

helm version
helm version

Step 3: Adding Kafka to Helm Repository

Add the Bitnami Helm repository which provides maintained Kafka Helm charts:

helm repo add bitnami
helm repo update
adding kafka

Step 4: Configure Persistent Volumes

Kafka requires persistent storage for its logs. Configure persistent volume claims (PVCs) in your Kubernetes cluster to ensure Kafka’s data persists across pod restarts. Create the one using the nano command. Here’s an example of PVC configuration:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: kafka-pvc
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 10Gi
kafka PVC

Apply the PVC configuration:

kubectl apply -f kafka-pvc.yaml

Step 5: Deploy Kafka Using Helm

With Helm and PVCs configured, you can deploy Kafka:

helm install my-kafka bitnami/kafka
helm kafka

This command installs Kafka using the default values. You can customize the values by creating a values.yaml file and specifying configurations. An example of values.yaml file looks like this:

  enabled: true
  size: 10Gi
  storageClass: standard
replicaCount: 3
  enabled: true

Deploy Kafka with the custom configuration:

helm install -f values.yaml my-kafka bitnami/kafka

Step 6: Verify Kafka Deployment

Ensure Kafka is running correctly by checking the pods and services:

kubectl get pods && kubectl get services
pods and services kubernetes

You should see Kafka and ZooKeeper pods running. You can also check the logs for any issues:

kubectl logs -f <kafka-pod-name>

Step 7: Accessing Kafka

Kafka brokers typically communicate within the cluster. To access Kafka externally, use port forwarding or create a LoadBalancer service. For port forwarding:

kubectl port-forward svc/my-kafka 9092:9092

Now, you can connect to Kafka using a client on your local machine: --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic test --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic test --from-beginning

Step 8: Scaling Kafka

Kubernetes makes scaling Kafka brokers straightforward. Update the replicaCount in your values.yaml and upgrade the Helm release:

replicaCount: 5
helm upgrade my-kafka -f values.yaml bitnami/kafka

Check the new pods to ensure they are running:

kubectl get pods

Step 9: Configure Monitoring and Logging

Monitoring Kafka is important for maintaining the health of your deployment. Tools like Prometheus and Grafana can be used for monitoring. Bitnami charts provide built-in support for Prometheus metrics. Enable Prometheus metrics in values.yaml:

    enabled: true
    port: 9308

Deploy Prometheus and Grafana in your cluster then configure them to scrape metrics from Kafka.

Step 10: Securing Kafka

Security is paramount in a production environment. Secure Kafka using TLS encryption and authentication mechanisms.

Enabling TLS

Configure TLS settings in your values.yaml:

  enabled: true
  existingSecret: kafka-tls-secret

Create Kubernetes secrets for TLS certificates:

kubectl create secret generic kafka-tls-secret --from-file=ca.crt --from-file=cert.crt --from-file=cert.key

Enabling Authentication

Set up SASL authentication in values.yaml:

  clientProtocol: sasl
    enabled: true
      - user
      - password

Enabling Network Policies

Restrict access to Kafka using Kubernetes Network Policies. Create a Network Policy to allow traffic only from specific namespaces or IP ranges. Create the policy file with the nano command. Here’s an example of a policy file:

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: kafka-policy
      app: kafka
    - from:
        - podSelector:
              role: my-app
        - protocol: TCP
          port: 9092

Apply the Network Policy:

kubectl apply -f kafka-policy.yaml


Deploying Kafka on Kubernetes offers numerous advantages, including easy scaling efficient resource management, and improved reliability. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the process from setting up the Kubernetes cluster and installing Helm to configuring Kafka and securing the deployment. With these steps, you can deploy and manage a robust Kafka cluster in a Kubernetes environment, ensuring high availability and scalability for your streaming applications.

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What is Apache Kafka?
Why deploy Kafka on Kubernetes?
What tools do I need to deploy Kafka on Kubernetes?
Can I deploy Kafka without Helm on Kubernetes?
How do I scale Kafka on Kubernetes?
Is Kafka on Kubernetes suitable for production?
What are common issues with Kafka on Kubernetes?

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