How to Create Visual Basic Script: Step-by-Step Guide

Visual Basic Script short for VBScript is a lightweight scripting language that can be used to automate tasks and create custom applications for Windows environments. While it may not have the same power and flexibility as other programming languages, VBScript is a valuable tool for system administrators, web developers, and anyone who wants to streamline their workflow.

In this post, we will explore the fundamentals of VBScript, from creating basic scripts to working with advanced concepts. We will also provide practical examples to help you get started with this scripting language.

Understanding Visual Basic Script

Before starting creating VBScript let’s establish a fundamental understanding of the language:

  1. Scripting Language: VBScript is designed for creating scripts, which are sequences of instructions that can be executed to perform specific tasks.
  2. Windows Environment: VBScript is primarily used within the Windows operating system and is integrated into various Windows components.
  3. Object-Oriented: While VBScript supports some object-oriented concepts its implementation is simpler compared to more robust object-oriented languages like C# or Java.

Creating First VBScript

Following is the step-by-step guide on how to write a Visual Basic script on the Windows system:

1. Choosing Text Editor

Visual Basic scripts are plain text files so any text editor like Notepad will be easy to use. However, editors with syntax highlighting like Notepad++ offer a more user-friendly experience. If you have install Visual Studio Code on Windows it will be another good option as a Visual Basic script editor.

2. Creating the Script

To make a Visual basic file open your chosen text editor for example Notepad from the Start Menu.

open notepad

Enter your commands on a new line. Here’s a basic example that displays a message box:

MsgBox "Hello, world!"

This simple script uses the MsgBox function to display a message box with the text “Hello, world!”.

vbscript example

Save the file with an .vbs extension. For example, you could save it as myscript.vbs file.

vbs extension

3. Running the Script

Double-click the script where you saved it mainly on the desktop. The script starts running:

vbs hello world

Another method is to open the command prompt by searching for “cmd” in the Start menu.

cmd start menu

Navigate to the directory containing your script using the cd command. Type the following command and press Enter.

cscript myscript.vbs
vbscript cmd

The above image displays the pop-up representing that your visual basic script running successfully.

Essentials Visual Basic Scripting Commands

To create more complex scripts you will need to understand some key elements used in VBScript commands:


Variables are used to store values. You declare variables using the Dim keyword:

Dim name As String
name = "Areeb UltaHost"

Data Types

VBScript supports various data types including:

  • String: Text data
  • Integer: Whole numbers
  • Double: Floating-point numbers
  • Boolean: True or false values Date: Date and time values


Operators are used to perform calculations and comparisons:

  • Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, ^
  • Comparison operators: =, <, >, <=, >=, <>
  • Logical operators: And, Or, Not

Control Structures

Control structures allow you to control the flow of your script:

  • If…Then…Else: Conditional statements
  • For…Next: Loops
  • Do…Loop: Loops
  • Select Case: Multiple-choice statements

Practical Example

Here’s a more advanced VBScript example that creates a simple calculator:

Dim num1, num2, result
num1 = InputBox("Enter the first number:")
num2 = InputBox("Enter the second number:")
result = num1 + num2
MsgBox "The result is: " & result

This script prompts the user to enter two numbers, adds them together, and displays the result in a message box.

Important Notes

Following are some important notes while working on Visual Basic scripts on the Windows operating system:

  • Use On Error GoTo statements to handle errors easily.
  • VBScript supports regular expressions for pattern matching.
  • Use functions like Open, Write, and Close to work with files.
  • VBScript provides various scripting objects, such as FileSystemObject and WScript.Shell, to interact with the Windows environment.


By understanding these fundamental concepts and techniques you can create powerful VBScripts to automate tasks, customize applications, and streamline your workflow.

Visual Basic scripting offers a powerful way to automate tasks on your server. However, managing complex scripts or troubleshooting errors can be time-consuming. For server management experience consider Ultahost’s fully managed dedicated servers help to create, debug, and even automate your VBscripts.


What is a Visual Basic Script?
How do I start writing a Visual Basic Script?
What can I use a Visual Basic Script for?
Do I need special software to create a Visual Basic Script?
How do I run a Visual Basic Script?
Can beginners learn Visual Basic Script easily?
Where can I find examples of Visual Basic Scripts?

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