How to Use Email Filters in cPanel for Email Management

Email filters are an essential tool for organizing and managing your inbox helping you focus on the most important messages and avoid distractions. cPanel, a popular web hosting control panel provides a robust email filtering system that allows you to automate your email management efficiently.

In this post, we will discuss how to use email filters in cPanel for email management so you can quickly organize your inbox and prioritize important messages.

What is Email Filters

Email filters are a powerful tool that can significantly streamline your email management process. They allow you to automatically sort incoming emails based on specific criteria such as the sender’s address, subject line, keywords, or attachments.

Why Use Email Filters

Before we set up email filters cPanel let’s understand why they are important:

  1. Automatically sort emails into specific folders, keeping your inbox tidy and manageable.
  2. Filter out unwanted or spam emails, ensuring you see only what matters.
  3. Save time by automating routine tasks like sorting, deleting, or forwarding emails.
  4. Highlight important emails so you can address them promptly.

Setting Up Email Filters in cPanel

Following are steps described below on how to access email filters in cPanel:

1. Access your cPanel dashboard by entering your credentials provided by the web hosting provider.

cpanel login

2. In the cPanel home interface look for the “Email” section. Select “Email Filters” to access the filter configuration interface.

email filters

3. Choose the email account for which you want to create a filter. If you have multiple email accounts ensure you select the correct one.

4. Next to the chosen email account, click “Manage Filters.”

email accounts

5. Click on “Create a New Filter” to start setting up your filter.

create email filter

6. Give your global email filters cPanel a descriptive name. This helps you identify the filter later on.

Filter name

7. Set the rules and conditions that trigger the filter. You can add multiple conditions using “AND” or “OR” logic.

Setting filters
  • From: Filter emails from specific senders.
  • Subject: Filter emails based on the subject line.
  • To: Filter emails sent to specific recipients.
  • Body: Filter emails containing specific keywords in the body.
  • Any Header: Filter emails containing specific keywords in any header.
  • Has Not Been Previously Delivered: Useful for preventing duplicate filtering.
  • Reply Address: Filter emails based on the reply address.
  • Is an Error Message: Filter error messages.
  • List ID: Filter emails from mailing lists.
  • Spam Status: Filter emails marked as spam.
  • Spam Bar: Filter emails based on their spam score.
  • Spam Score: Filter emails with a specific spam score.

8. Define what actions to take when the conditions are met. You can add multiple actions to a single filter. 

filters action
  • Discard Message: Delete the email.
  • Redirect to Email: Forward the email to another address.
  • Fail with Message: Return the email to the sender with an error message.
  • Stop Processing Rules: Prevent further processing of the email by other filters.
  • Deliver to Folder: Move the email to a specific folder.
  • Pipe to a Program: Send the email to a script for processing.

9. Once you have configured the conditions and actions click “Create” to save the filter.

Testing and Managing Filters

After creating a filter test it to ensure it works as expected. Send a test email that meets the filter’s criteria and verify if the specified actions are executed.

If a filter is not working as it should you can edit it. Go to the “Manage Filters” section click on the filter you want to edit make necessary changes and save.

If you no longer need a filter, you can delete it. In the “Manage Filters” section click the delete icon next to the filter.

filters edit delete

Advanced Email Filtering

Following are some advanced tips while setting up email filtering in your control panel:

  1. Use multiple filters in conjunction to create a sophisticated email management system. For example, one filter can mark emails as read and another can move them to a specific folder.
  2. Use regular expressions (regex) for more advanced filtering. This is particularly useful for matching patterns in email addresses, subjects, or bodies.
  3. Maintain whitelists and blacklists to allow or block specific senders. Create filters that automatically allow emails from trusted contacts and discard emails from known spammers.
  4. Instead of discarding potentially spammy emails quarantine them in a separate folder. Review this folder periodically to ensure no legitimate emails are caught in the filter.

Troubleshooting Issues

If your email filters are not working as expected here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Ensure that the filter conditions are correct and match the emails you want to filter.
  • Make sure the filter order is correct so that filters are applied in the desired sequence.
  • Send a test email to see if the filter is working as expected.
  • Review the email logs to see if there are any errors.


Using email filters in cPanel is a powerful way to automate and streamline your email management. By setting up well defined filters you can reduce cPanel spam prioritize important emails and manage them effectively which helps to focus on more important tasks and reduce the time spent managing your inbox.

Frustrated with your server not sending emails via cPanel? Free troubleshooting guides can help but often the issue lies in server configuration. Ultahost’s cPanel VPS hosting offers a pre optimized solution that is specifically designed for quick email services. This means your emails will land in inboxes, not spam folders, without complex server settings.


What are email filters in cPanel?
How do I create an email filter in cPanel?
Can I block spam emails using cPanel filters?
Can I set multiple email filters in cPanel?
How do I edit or delete an email filter in cPanel?
Will email filters work for all my email accounts?
Can I filter emails based on specific words addresses in cPanel?

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