How To Update NPM Version – A Complete Guide

In the realm of web development and coding, utilizing libraries of packages has become essential. Until recently, programmers often focused on using just their own code for a project. Of all the package managers available on the market today, the node package manager (NPM) has become the go-to package manager for millions of developers worldwide. To ensure your node package manager runs efficiently, it must be regularly updated.

This article will delve into the steps involved in updating your node package manager.

What Is NPM?

NPM is an open-source default package manager for Node.js and can be easily installed with Node.js. It is an online repository for the publishing of open-source Node.js projects. 

Node.js is a runtime environment that allows you to run JavaScript codes on the backend. NPM is used to manage and install program dependencies.

Installing Node.js

As stated earlier, NPM is the default package manager for Node.js. As such, installing Node.js results in the automatic installation of NPM. 

NPM is part of Node.js, meaning you do not have to install it separately. If you want to install Node.js, you can download the software from the official Node.js site. Once it is successfully installed, you can check the installed version of a node using the commands:

node -v

npm -v

If you require a more in-depth guide on how to install Node.js, check out this article.

How To Update Your NPM Version 


Step 1: Open PowerShell Command Prompt

Press the Windows+X key to open the Power User menu and click on the Windows PowerShell(Admin) from the displayed options to open PowerShell.

Step 2: Set PowerShell Execution Policy

The PowerShell execution strategy is set to Restricted by default. Change the policy to Unrestricted by inputting the following command:

>Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser -Force

This operation will allow you to execute the downloaded script without any restrictions.

Step 3: Install the npm Upgrader Tool

To update the npm version on Windows, install the npm-windows-upgrade tool by inputting the command:

>npm install -g npm-windows-upgrade

Step 4: Upgrade the npm Version

Finally, you can update the npm version by running the following Powershell command:


After running the command above, you will be asked to select an NPM version to install. Use your arrow key to select your preferred NPM version and press Enter.


Before updating the NPM on your Linux operating system, it is vital that you have it installed. 

Do you need a step-by-step guide on downloading NPM on your Linux operating system? Check out this article.

You can update NPM manually by running the following command:

npm install -g npm@latest

If NPM is unable to update because it is not installed, you can install it first by running the command:

sudo apt-get install -y npm 

After which, you can then execute the command above to update it.


As Node.js is very popular among developers for developing various applications, it is important to have the latest version of Node.js and NPM running on your operating system to make things efficient.  NPM helps manage Node.js packages, modules, and dependencies. To enjoy the most functionalities, you must use your product’s most recent stable NPM version. This article explains exactly how to update your NPM.

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