How to Fix Fatal Error: Maximum Execution Time Exceeded in WordPress

The “Fatal Error: Maximum Execution Time Exceeded” is a common WordPress issue that often comes when a script takes longer than the server allows to complete. This error can disrupt website functionality and prevent updates. This can be caused by a variety of factors including resource intensive plugins database problems, server limitations or inefficiently coded scripts.

In this post, we will cover how to fix fatal error maximum execution time exceeded in WordPress using various methods to diagnose and resolve the error from quick fixes to optimization strategies.

Understanding the Error

Before getting into solutions let’s understand what this error means. Essentially, your WordPress site is trying to execute a script like a plugin update or database optimization but runs out of time before completion. This timeout is set by your server for performance and security reasons.

Fatal error

Common Causes

Several factors can trigger during PHP time limit WordPress error:

  1. Some plugins especially those handling large datasets or complex operations can consume excessive server resources.
  2. An inefficient database can slow down script execution.
  3. Your resource limits might be insufficient for your website’s needs.
  4. Inefficiently coded scripts can prolong execution time.

Solution to Maximum Execution Time Error

The Following are solutions for max_execution_time WordPress website error :

Increase Maximum Execution Time

This is often the simple and quick fix you need to modify the wp-config.php file or .htaccess file:

Using wp-config.php file

Access your wp-config.php file via FTP or File Manager which in my case cPanel.


Add the following line before /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */:

define ('WP_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME', 300);
max execution time

Replace 300 with according to your desired seconds. For this you can prevent a maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded error. Save the configuration file.

Using .htaccess file

Similarly, access your FTP client or cPanel then navigate to the .htaccess file.


It may be hidden you need to check box the “Show Hidden Files” option from the “Settings” section.

hidden files

Add the following line in the .htaccess file:

php_value max_execution_time 300

Save the configuration file then exit from the control panel.

Using WordPress Plugin

Plugins offer a more controlled and often more efficient way to address this issue. Many plugins include features specifically used for performance optimization that can help with the “Maximum Execution Time Exceeded” error. Here are some of the most popular plugins that can assist in resolving this issue:

  • WP-Optimize: WP-Optimize is an optimization plugin that offers a range of features to improve WordPress performance. It is a database optimization plugin that reduces database size which can directly impact script execution times.
  • W3 Total Cache: While primarily known for caching W3 Total Cache also includes database optimization tools. By reducing database load, this plugin can indirectly help with execution time issues.

To install the WP-Optimize plugin navigate to the WordPress “Plugin” section then click “Add New Plugin”, search for the respective plugin click “Install Now” then “Activate” the plugin.

wp optimize

After that head to the plugin setting there are several settings related to optimization such as database table post revision and trashed contents which can be optimized by running separately. Another option is to optimize the image and cache section also shown in the given picture:

wp-optimize setting

While increasing the maximum execution time can resolve the error it is not a permanent solution. Excessive execution times can impact server performance and potentially lead to other issues.

Optimize WordPress Installation

Deactivate all plugins temporarily. If the error disappears a plugin is the issue. To identify the problematic plugins, reactivate them one by one and test them after each activation to find the conflicting ones. To perform deactivation navigate to the “Plugins” section in your WordPress dashboard. Deactivate all plugins from “Bulk Actions”.

deactivate plugins

Make sure you are using the latest versions to benefit from performance improvements and bug fixes. Another problem is that large image files can slow down your website. Compress images without compromising quality.

Server Performance

  1. If your current plan is insufficient consider upgrading to a plan with more resources.
  2. A CDN can improve website loading speed by distributing content across multiple servers.

Resolving Script Issues

  1. Analyze your custom code, plugins, and themes for potential performance issues.
  2. If a script is performing multiple tasks consider breaking it down into chunks.
  3. Proper error handling can help identify and address issues.


By following these steps and carefully analyzing your website’s performance you should be able to effectively resolve the “Maximum Execution Time Exceeded” error and improve your WordPress site’s overall speed and efficiency. The optimal solution will depend on your specific website setup and the underlying cause of the error. Experiment with different approaches to find the best solution for your situation.

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What causes “Maximum Execution Time Exceeded” error in WordPress?
How can I fix “Maximum Execution Time Exceeded” error in WordPress?
Plugin fix “Maximum Execution Time Exceeded” in WordPress?
Is increasing maximum execution time safe for WordPress site?
Will increasing maximum execution time affect my site’s performance?

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