How to Install Puppet on Ubuntu 24.04

Puppet is a popular open-source configuration management tool used to automate the deployment, configuration, and management of infrastructure and applications across various environments. It allows system administrators to define the desired state of their infrastructure and ensures that it remains consistent and up-to-date. By automating repetitive tasks and reducing manual errors, Puppet streamlines IT operations, improves efficiency, and reduces costs.

Installing Puppet on Ubuntu 24.04 provides numerous benefits, including simplified infrastructure management, improved system security, and increased compliance. With Puppet, Ubuntu users can easily manage and configure their systems, ensuring consistency and reducing the risk of human error. Additionally, Puppet’s automated reporting and auditing capabilities enable users to track changes and maintain regulatory compliance.

To install Puppet Ubuntu 24.04, users can take advantage of a robust and scalable configuration management solution that helps them to manage their infrastructure with ease. This powerful tool is particularly useful for Ubuntu users who need to manage multiple systems, deploy applications, or enforce security policies across their environment.

System Requirements to Install Puppet on Ubuntu 24.04

To install Puppet on Ubuntu 24.04, make sure your system meets the following requirements for optimal performance:

  1. Architecture: Supports both `amd64` (64-bit Intel/AMD) and `arm64` (64-bit ARM) architectures.
  2. Memory: A minimum of `1024 MB` RAM is required, though `3 GB` or more is recommended for better performance.
  3. Storage: 5 GB of free disk space for ISO installations,4 GB minimum for cloud images and 25 GB or more suggested for enhanced performance.

Pre-Configuration for Puppet on Ubuntu 24.04

Before configuring Puppet, ensure your server and clients can recognize each other by setting up a DNS record or modifying the `/etc/hosts` file. Puppet clients, by default, check DNS for `` as the Puppet Master server, where `` represents your domain.

Step 1. Add a DNS CNAME Record (Optional)

If your network setup includes a DNS server, create a CNAME record for, directing clients to the Puppet Master server’s IP address. This step makes it easier for clients to locate the Puppet Master by querying DNS Servers.

Step 2. Configure /etc/hosts for Name Resolution (If not using DNS)

If you’re not using DNS, you can manually set up host entries on the Puppet server and clients.

On the Puppet Server:

Open the `/etc/hosts` file on the server and add entries for the Puppet server itself and any known clients.

sudo nano /etc/hosts

Add the following lines: localhost.localdomain localhost puppet client1
local host puppet
  • localhost.localdomain localhost puppet`: Maps `localhost` and `puppet` to the loopback IP address.
  • client1`: Maps the client hostname to its IP address.

Save and exit the file.

On Each Puppet Client:

Open the `/etc/hosts` file on each client machine and add an entry for the Puppet Master.

sudo nano /etc/hosts

Add the following line: puppetmaster puppet
puppet master
  • puppetmaster puppet`: Maps the Puppet Master’s hostname and aliases to its IP address, allowing clients to locate it.

Save and exit the file.

By setting up either DNS or `/etc/hosts` entries, you’ll ensure reliable name resolution between Puppet server and clients.

Installing Puppet on Ubuntu 24.04

To begin setting up Puppet, you’ll need to install the Puppet Master on the main server and the Puppet Agent on each client. This setup allows the Puppet Master to manage configurations across multiple clients.

Installing Puppet Master on the Server

Run the following command on the server to install the Puppet Master software:

sudo apt install puppet-master
install puppet master

This will install the necessary components to run Puppet as the main configuration server, responsible for managing clients.

Installing Puppet Agent on the Client

On each client machine that will be managed by Puppet, install the Puppet Agent by running:

sudo apt install puppet
sudo apt puppet

The Puppet Agent allows each client machine to receive and apply configurations sent from the Puppet Master.

Configuring Puppet on Ubuntu 24.04

After installing Puppet, the next step is to set up the Puppet modules and ensure the Puppet Master and client can communicate correctly. In this example, we’ll configure Puppet to install and manage Apache2 on each client machine.

Step 1: Set Up Puppet Modules for Apache2 on the Server

On the Puppet Master, create a directory structure for an Apache2 module. This module will contain the configurations to install and manage Apache2 on the client machines:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/puppet/modules/apache2/manifests
puppet modules

Inside the module directory, create a manifest file named init.pp to specify resources for managing Apache2:

sudo nano /etc/puppet/modules/apache2/manifests/init.pp

Add the following configuration to define how Puppet should handle Apache2:

class apache2 {
  package { 'apache2':
    ensure => installed,

  service { 'apache2':
    ensure  => running,
    enable  => true,
    require => Package['apache2'],
apache puppet module

The apache2 class instructs Puppet to install the apache2 package and ensure that the service is both running and enabled to start at boot.

Step 2: Specify Node Configuration for Apache2

On the Puppet Master, create a site.pp file to specify which clients will receive the Apache2 configuration. This file is placed in the production environment directory:

sudo nano /etc/puppet/code/environments/production/manifests/site.pp

Add the following node configuration, replacing with the actual hostname of your client:

node '' {
   include apache2
puppet client

Step 3: Restart the Puppet Master Service

To activate the new configurations, restart the Puppet Master service:

sudo systemctl restart puppetmaster.service
restart puppet master

Step 4: Configure the Puppet Agent on the Client

On each client machine, edit the Puppet agent configuration to allow it to start at boot:

sudo nano /etc/default/puppet

Update the file as follows:

default puppet

Start the Puppet agent service to initiate communication with the Puppet Master:

sudo systemctl start puppet.service
systemctl puppet

Step 5: Configure and Verify Certificates

On the client, run the following command to view the client’s certificate fingerprint, which uniquely identifies the client:

sudo puppet agent --fingerprint
puppet agent

On the Puppet Master, list pending certificate requests from clients:

sudo puppet cert list
puppet cert list

To establish trust between the Puppet Master and the client, sign the client’s certificate:

sudo puppet cert sign
puppet client

Finally you can check the status of puppet whether its working correctly or not by executing the below command:

sudo systemctl status puppet
puppet agent


Installing and configuring Puppet on Ubuntu 24.04 streamlines the management of system configurations across multiple client machines. By setting up the Puppet Master on a central server and installing the Puppet Agent on each client, you establish a robust framework for automated configuration management. This process begins with installing the necessary software and ensuring proper directory structures for module management.

Once Puppet is installed, defining resources like the Apache2 web server becomes straightforward. By creating manifests and configuring node definitions, you can efficiently apply desired configurations to clients. With the agent enabled and properly connected to the Puppet Master, you can easily manage updates and maintain consistency across your infrastructure, ultimately enhancing system reliability and reducing manual administrative tasks.

We hope this guide has helped you configure and install the Puppet on Ubuntu. Setting up the Puppet on a Linux system is simple with the right hosting platform. Ultahost’s Linux VPS hosting offers excellent performance and scalability for your projects as they grow.


What is Puppet?
What are the prerequisites for installing Puppet on Ubuntu 24.04?
How do I verify the installation?
How do I configure Puppet?
Can I install Puppet as a master and agent?
How do I troubleshoot installation issues?
Is there documentation available for Puppet?

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