How to Install and Use WP-CLI on Ubuntu

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) used by millions of websites worldwide. WP-CLI is a powerful command-line tool designed to manage WordPress installations efficiently. It allows users to perform various administrative tasks without having to navigate through the WordPress dashboard.

WP-CLI is a powerful tool that can significantly improve your WordPress workflow. In this article, we will explore how to install and use WP-CLI on an Ubuntu system.


Before we begin, ensure that you have the following:

  1. An Ubuntu system (version 18.04 or later).
  2. Access to the command line with sudo privileges.
  3. WordPress is installed on your server.

Installing WP-CLI on Ubuntu

Following the steps described below on how to install WP-CLI on Ubuntu operating system:

Step 1: Update System

First, it is essential to update your system packages to their latest versions. Open your terminal and run the following commands:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
update and upgrade

Step 2: Install PHP and Required Extensions

WP-CLI requires PHP to run. You need to install PHP and some additional extensions. Use the following command to install them:

sudo apt install php php-mbstring php-xml php-curl -y
php essentials

Step 3: Download WP-CLI

Next, download the WP-CLI Phar file. Phar is an archive format for PHP that allows you to distribute a complete PHP application in a single file. Run the following commands to download WP-CLI:

curl -O
download wp-cli

Step 4: Make WP-CLI Executable

After downloading WP-CLI, you need to make the file executable. Use the following command:

chmod +x wp-cli.phar

Step 5: Move WP-CLI to a System Path

To make WP-CLI globally accessible, move the wp-cli.phar file to a directory that’s in your system’s PATH. Typically, /usr/local/bin is a good choice:

sudo mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp

Step 6: Verify Installation

To ensure that WP-CLI is correctly installed, run the following command:

wp --info
wp info

You should see an output displaying the version of WP-CLI and other relevant information.

Using WP-CLI on Ubuntu

Now that WP-CLI is installed, let’s explore some common tasks you can perform with it.

Download WordPress

To download the latest version of WordPress, navigate to the directory where you want to install WordPress and run:

wp core download
wp core download

Configure WordPress

After downloading WordPress, you need to generate the wp-config.php file. Provide database credentials and other necessary information using the following command:

wp config create --dbname=your_database_name --dbuser=your_database_user --dbpass=your_database_password --dbhost=localhost --dbprefix=wp_

Install WordPress

Once the configuration is complete, you can install WordPress using the following command:

wp core install --url="your_domain" --title="Your Site Title" --admin_user="admin_username" --admin_password="admin_password" --admin_email="[email protected]"

Update WordPress

Keeping WordPress updated is important for security measures and performance. You can update WordPress core, plugins, and themes using WP-CLI. To update the WordPress core, run:

wp core update

To update plugins, use:

wp plugin update --all

And to update themes, run:

wp theme update --all

Manage Plugins

WP-CLI makes it easy to manage plugins. Here are some common commands:

To install a plugin:

wp plugin install plugin_slug --activate

To deactivate a plugin:

wp plugin deactivate plugin_slug

To delete a plugin:

wp plugin delete plugin_slug

Manage Themes

Similarly, you can manage themes using WP-CLI. Here are some useful commands:

To install a theme:

wp theme install theme_slug --activate

To deactivate the current theme and activate another theme:

wp theme activate theme_slug

To delete a theme:

wp theme delete theme_slug

Manage Databases

WP-CLI provides several commands to interact with the WordPress database. Here are a few examples:

To export the database:

wp db export

To import a database:

wp db import filename.sql

To perform database queries:

wp db query "SELECT * FROM wp_posts LIMIT 10;"

Important Notes

Following are some important notes while using WP-CLI on the Ubuntu operating system:

  • Integrate WP-CLI with your version control system for example Git to track changes and collaborate effectively.
  • Use WP-CLI to automate deployment tasks, such as pushing code changes to a live server.
  • Consider creating custom commands and aliases to tailor WP-CLI to your specific needs.


WP-CLI is an indispensable tool for WordPress administrators and developers. It streamlines many administrative tasks, saving time and effort. By following this guide, you should now have a solid understanding of how to install and use WP-CLI on Ubuntu. Whether you are managing a single site or a multisite network, WP-CLI will make your workflow more efficient and effective.

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What is WP-CLI?
How do I install WP-CLI on Ubuntu?
What are the system requirements for WP-CLI on Ubuntu?
How do I check if WP-CLI is installed correctly?
Can I manage plugins with WP-CLI?
Is WP-CLI safe to use?
Can I update WordPress using WP-CLI?

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