Nohup Command in Linux

The Nohup command, which stands for “no hang up,” is a useful tool in Linux tool for running background tasks that continue even after you log out or shut the terminal session. Understanding Nohup’s capability and details is essential for successfully managing long-running tasks and background jobs.

This article gets into the what is Nohup command discussing its purpose, syntax, recommended practices, and how to use Nohup command in Linux and include it in your workflow.

Why use Nohup Command

By default, when you close the terminal window, any running processes within that session are terminated as well. This behavior is because the terminal session sends a signal specifically SIGHUP stands for Signal Hang UP to all child processes upon closing. Linux Nohup command interacts in this process preventing the SIGHUP signal from reaching the command you execute thereby allowing it to continue running in the background even after your terminal session ends.

Here are some scenarios where Nohup works:

  1. Nohup is ideal for executing commands or scripts that take a significant amount of time to complete such as data processing, file downloads, or scientific simulations. You can initiate the process and log out, letting Nohup handle the background execution.
  2. Nohup allows you to initiate background jobs that you don’t need to interact with directly. This frees up your terminal for other tasks while the Nohup-initiated process continues running.
  3. When working remotely via SSH the connection might be interrupted. Nohup ensures that the background processes you initiate on the remote server keep running even if the SSH session drops.

Using the Nohup Command

Nohup is use to run process in background Linux. First, we need to check the Nohup version with the following command:

nohup --version
nohup --version

The basic syntax for using Nohup is straightforward:

nohup command arguments &
  • nohup: This keyword initiates the Nohup functionality.
  • command: This represents the actual command or script you want to run in the background.
  • arguments: These are any arguments or options required by the specific command.
  • &: The ampersand (&) at the end signifies running the command in the background.

Here’s an example:

nohup python3 &

This command executes the Python script “” in the background using Nohup.

Standard Input, Output, and Error Handling

By default when using Nohup standard input stdin becomes unavailable to the process. This means the process cannot receive user input from the keyboard.

Nohup also redirects standard output stdout and standard error stderr by default. If you don’t specify a redirection file, Nohup creates a file named nohup.out in the current working directory. This file captures both the standard output and standard error streams of the Nohup-initiated process.

Here’s how you can redirect the output and error to separate files:

nohup command arguments > output.log 2> error.log &

In this example, standard output goes to “output.log” and standard error gets captured in “error.log”.

Running a Bash Script

If you create bash script, this example demonstrates running a bash script named in the background using Nohup:

nohup ./ &

The bash script can keep process running after logout in Linux system.

Specifying Working Directory

Here, we change the working directory to “/data” before running the Python script “”:

nohup cd /data && python3 &

Appending Output to Existing File

This example runs the “” script and appends its output to an existing log file named “server_monitor.log”:

nohup ./ >> server_monitor.log &

Keeping an SSH Session Alive

Here, during connecting SSH to the server we use nohup to keep an SSH session to the server “remote_server” alive:

nohup ssh user@remote_server &

Best Practices

While Nohup offers a convenient way to run background processes, here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Nohup does not provide unlimited resources. Make sure the background process has sufficient memory and CPU allocation to run smoothly without impacting system performance.
  • Since Nohup redirects standard output and error by default it is important to monitor the output file nohup.out or your specified file for any errors or unexpected behavior.
  • Nohup does not guarantee a process will continue running indefinitely. Foreground processes might have higher priority and could potentially interrupt background processes with resource limitations.
  • Consider alternatives like process managers like Systemd and supervisor for more robust background process management with features like restarting crashed processes and logging.


The nohup command is a handy tool for running long-running tasks and background jobs in Linux. Understanding its purpose, syntax, and best practices allows you to control its functionality effectively while ensuring your background processes continue running smoothly. For more complex background process management scenarios, consider exploring process managers for enhanced features and control.

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What is the Nohup command in Linux?
How do I use the Nohup command?
Why use Nohup in Linux?
Where does Nohup save output?
Can I stop the Nohup process?

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