Resolve Ubuntu Software Center Not Loading Error – Step-by-Step Solutions

The Ubuntu Software Center not loading error occurs, when the tool used to add and update software on your Ubuntu is not working correctly. When this issue happens, you can not manage your programs through the Software Center.

There can be several potential reasons for this error, including outdated software, issues with the internet connection, and missing or broken dependencies on your Ubuntu system.

This learning guide aims to provide different solutions to resolve the Ubuntu Software Center Not Loading Error.

Resolve Ubuntu Software Center Not Loading Error – Step-by-Step Solutions?

Follow the presented below step-by-step solutions to troubleshoot and fix the Ubuntu Software Center not loading errors.

Solution 1: Check Internet Connection

A stable internet connection is essential for the Software Center to function properly. You can verify your connection status using the following command:

nmcli dev status
nmcli dev status

Ensure that your system is connected to the internet.

Solution 2: Reboot Your System

Sometimes, a simple reboot of your Ubuntu system can resolve temporary glitches. Thus, run the provided command to reboot your system:


The reboot command can help resolve any temporary issues, thereby resolving the Ubuntu Software Center not loading error.

Solution 3: Update and Upgrade Your System

The error of the Ubuntu Software Center not loading may be due to outdated package versions on your Ubuntu system. You can update and upgrade your system files using the command:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt update

Make sure that your system is running with updated versions of packages.

Solution 4: Remove Unused Dependencies and Clean Local Repository

Unused files and dependencies can burden your Ubuntu system, contributing to loading issues which can also affect the Ubuntu Software Center:

sudo apt autoremove && sudo apt clean -y
sudo apt autoremove

Optimizing your Ubuntu system by cleaning unused files can potentially fix the error of the Ubuntu Software Center not loading.

Solution 5: Fix Broken Dependencies

One common reason for the Ubuntu Software Center not loading is broken dependencies. Fix the missing or broken files by executing the command:

sudo apt install --fix-broken -y
sudo apt install

This command will install any missing or broken dependencies on your Ubuntu system which contributes to fixing the error.

Solution 6: Restart GNOME Software 

To resolve the error, you can try restarting gnome-software using the provided command:

gnome-software --quit && gnome-software

This command quits gnome-software and then restarts it, possibly resolving the Ubuntu Software Center not loading error.

Solution 7: Purge and Reinstall the GNOME Software Center

You can fix the error by reinstalling gnome-software with the following command:

sudo apt purge gnome-software && sudo apt install gnome-software -y
sudo apt purge
sudo apt purge

This command will first completely remove the existing gnome-software and then reinstall it. This will fix issues related to the Software Center not loading.


The Ubuntu users can utilize different solutions to resolve the Ubuntu Software Center not loading errors. These solutions include updating system files, optimization, broken dependencies, and reinstalling gnome software. This article practically demonstrated all the possible solutions to resolve the Ubuntu Software Center not loading error.

Ubuntu users encountering loading errors in Ubuntu Software Center on their Ultahost’s Linux VPS can address the issue through solutions such as optimization, repairing broken files, and reinstalling gnome-software.


Why is my Ubuntu Software Center not loading?
How I fix it if my Ubuntu Software Center is not responding?
Can I install and set up the Ubuntu Software Center?

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