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The average internet user knows that one of the most annoying things to happen to you while surfing is an error code popping up on your screen. For those who run online businesses, even secure WordPress hosting, for example, would encounter various errors. These errors may be specific to the hosting platform, but all internet users generally see some. An example is the 502 error.
In this article, we will discover a 502 gateway error, what it causes, and how it can be fixed.
502 gateway errors occur when there are issues with the server of the website you intend to make a connection with.In technical terms, 502 Bad Gateway is an HTTP status code that refers to an error from a server that received an invalid response from another server.
The 502 gateway error can appear on any device but may do so differently. Here are some of the ways the error code appears on the internet:
502 Bad Gateway Nginx
502 Error
502 Proxy Error
502 Service Temporarily Overloaded
A blank white screen
Bad 502 Gateway
Error 502
HTTP 502
HTTP Error 502 Bad Gateway
Temporary Error (502)
Various internet platforms have specific displays for the 502 errors.
There is not a single reason for this error. It can be caused by various factors which are listed below.
To fix the 502 Bad Gateway error, you can try the following solutions:
Server errors are usually temporary. When you encounter the 502 gateway error, refresh the page. If the error persists, wait a few more minutes and try again. The error may clear off within the waiting time.
Another reason you might encounter a 502 gateway error from your host is that the server is simply unreachable due to downtime or a lack of connectivity.
Try checking your host status if you use managed VPS hosting with cpanel. The processing may not be complete, causing the 502 error code.
Also, try contacting your hosting company. They could be having server problems affecting your website. There is nothing you can do but wait if it is the cause.
They could also be able to pinpoint the cause of the 502 gateway problem and guide you through a fix.
The DNS cache, which changes domain names into IP addresses, can be stored on your OS. The DNS cache is helpful for a seamless internet browsing experience, just like regular caches. However, a corrupt or out-of-date DNS cache could be the reason for the 502 error code.
This may be done by selecting Start > Command Prompt, which will launch the CMD on your computer. The DNS cache will be changed on Windows once you enter the command;
ipconfig /flushdns
If you’re using a macOS device, try the code on your terminal;
dscacheutil -flushcache
Some Content Delivery Network (CDN) or firewalls can be overly sensitive, making it hard to assess many websites. You can disable them to troubleshoot the problem.
You should be able to edit your CDN or external Firewall from your hosting settings. If you can’t, contact your web hosting customer support for help.
Most of the time, incorrect code on your WordPress-hosted site, potentially from a third-party plugin or theme, is the source of scripts and queries being rejected by the server.
Numerous instances of improperly set up caching plugins result in 502 errors. Deactivating all of your plugins is one way to solve this problem.
If deactivating all your plugins resolves the problem, you’ll need to track down the source of the issue. Try reactivating them one by one and refreshing the page when you do so. You know the plugin is acting up when a 502 gateway error returns.
A PHP timeout issue can be a potential cause of the 502 gateway error—the request times out when the PHP process takes longer to complete than the allotted load time.
You might start by trying to restart PHP. This might assist in resolving any connectivity problems. You can contact your offshore host customer support if this option isn’t available in your hosting dashboard.
You might also need to modify your server’s max_execution_time or max_input_time settings. These are initially set to 300 seconds. You can ask your web host to raise these settings to your desired time.
Internet users, website owners especially, may find the 502 gateway error a bit of a hassle. Numerous things can result in the HTTP status code. The 502 error code can be fixed by refreshing the website and waiting a little when it appears.
The CDN firewall or plugins can be turned off and the DNS cache flushed to investigate the issue further. It is crucial to examine the hosting environment and, if necessary, contact customer service.
Knowing how to locate and resolve the 502 gateway issue can help website owners save time and effort when regaining the functioning of their website.
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