How to Start a Culinary Blog

How to Start a Culinary Blog

Cooking is your passion and you want to share it with as many people as possible. The kitchen is where you feel right at home. You have a treasure trove of original recipes and are wondering how to start a culinary blog. You’re in the right place! In this article, I will teach you how to start your blog and then show you how to run it to start making money.

How to Start a Culinary Blog for Free

Are you just beginning your journey into blogging? I have good news for you: You can start a blog almost entirely for free. Just use readily available WordPress themes and the cheapest WordPress hosting. All you need to do is choose a suitable name for your blog, select a template that you like, and you’re ready to start your culinary blog.

Some may recommend free blogging platforms like Blogger or, but I strongly discourage it. They are free only in theory. You’ll still need to purchase additional paid modules and add-ons to create a standout blog. You can find more on this topic in the article below:

Choose UltaHost’s cheapest hosting plan and pay upfront for a year, and you’ll receive a free domain. This way, for less than $30 per year, you’ll become the owner of a professional blog with your proper domain. Its growth will be limited only by your skills and imagination. Having your domain will allow you to build a professional image.

For a long time, these $30 will be the only expense you’ll need to incur. In addition to that, you can use free CMS: WordPress with free themes and free plugins. Even though they are free, all blogging software is very user-friendly. You can run your blog without any knowledge of programming languages.

You can add content and photos to each post through an intuitive system. While you’ll undoubtedly include many of your original photos, there might also be occasions where professional stock photos come in handy. For this purpose, you can use free photo repositories. In this article, you’ll find a list of them. There’s one repository entirely dedicated to culinary arts!

How to Choose a Domain Name for Your Culinary Blog?

First and foremost, your domain name should be easy to remember, unique, and thematically related to your blog content. A well-chosen domain name will help you build a highly recognizable brand. Are you having trouble picking a domain name for your blog? Check out our article where we introduce various helpful tools for choosing a domain name.

How to Start Your Culinary Blog?

Once you’ve selected a domain name, you can proceed to order web hosting from UltaHost. Remember to choose the annual payment option to receive a free domain. After you complete the payment, log in to your hosting account.

Now it’s time to upload all the necessary files to the server and install WordPress. In the case of your hosting, the CMS will be installed automatically. Still, it’s worth noting that the official WordPress website from which you can download the software is Don’t confuse it with, which is a commercial blogging platform.

With WordPress, you can choose from thousands of free themes. Without problems, you’ll find a theme that relates to culinary. Check the list of free themes we’ve prepared for you to find the best one.

Also, remember that WordPress allows for customization and expanding your blog with various additional functionalities. To do this, you only need to install the appropriate plugins. On our blog, you’ll find many articles about WordPress plugins.

First Step to Start Your Culinary Blog

Every journey begins with the first step. In the case of your journey to create the most popular blog about Vietnamese cuisine, the first step is purchasing hosting. Buy fast hosting to ensure that your readers have nothing but positive experiences.

How to Make Money with a Culinary Blog?

Starting a blog is just the first step. It will take some time before it becomes recognizable and starts generating income. First and foremost, it’s worth considering defining your specialization.

Standing out today with a blog that covers a wide range of recipe categories can be challenging. A better approach would be to start a culinary blog that focuses on specific segments, such as:

  • A particular type of dish, e.g., vegetarian dishes, meat-based dishes, fish dishes, or salads.
  • You can write about cocktails, drinks, or homemade ice cream.
  • A specific type of cuisine, like Italian, Chinese, Indian, or Polish.

However, if you don’t want to narrow down your theme too much, then don’t forget to categorize the recipes on your blog into specific sections in the site menu. You can also occasionally publish something other than recipes. For example:

  • Tips on healthy eating;
  • Food decoration;
  • Nutrition during pregnancy;
  • Therapeutic and weight-loss diets;
  • Reviews of visited restaurants.

Your Culinary Blog Must be Unique and Professional

If you’ve already started a culinary blog and are wondering how to make money from it, remember a few important principles. First and foremost, don’t copy recipes and photos from other websites. Readers will quickly notice that the food photography isn’t authentic. While you can occasionally rely on the mentioned stock photos, it is better to learn the fundamentals of photography.

For a successful culinary blog, investing in a high-quality DSLR camera is recommended since photography is as crucial as the recipes themselves.

SEO is a crucial way to reach your audience, so you must take care also about it. Remember to include popular keywords in the recipe content because they will impact your blog’s position in Google search results. Choose a reliable hosting because it is also important factor for the search engines. SEO VPS will support your hard work.

It’s also a good idea to create a page on Facebook and post your recipes there, which are also on your blog. It doesn’t require any additional fees and helps with quick promotion.

Now that you have some basic knowledge of how to start a culinary blog and earn some money, it’s time for a handful of ideas and a pinch of inspiration!

Ways to Make Money with a Culinary Blog

Running a blog involves investing your time and money. It's only natural that you'd want these investments not only to pay off but also to turn your passion into an additional source of income.

You have several options for generating income through your blog. One of the easiest is to display contextual ads, such as Google Ads. However, you should be cautious about this, especially when you’re just starting your blog. After all, you don’t want to give the impression that your primary goal is to make money.

Another way to earn income through blogging is by publishing sponsored articles. Advertising agencies are usually interested in this type of collaboration. Your task will be to positively describe a specific product, such as a set of cookware, a refrigerator, or a stove.

You can also make money by participating in affiliate programs. In this case, you will receive a certain percentage of sales made through your blog. However, never promote products you haven’t used yourself.


I hope that now you’ll be able to successfully start a culinary blog and eventually make money from it. Remember that the road to success is not easy and requires consistency and perseverance. Rome wasn’t built in a day, after all.

Embarking on your culinary blogging journey is an exciting adventure, fueled by your love for food and the aspiration to reach a broader audience. Initiating a culinary blog can be cost-effective and professionally fulfilling if you adhere to the correct procedures.

In the culinary blogging world, your blog’s success is a journey of creativity, dedication, and innovation. So, get cooking, start blogging, and savor the delicious possibilities that await you on your culinary blogging adventure.

If your ambitions are greater, and you don’t want to stop at just a blog but create a store, a social network, and other additional elements, you need better hosting. We have prepared for you WordPress VPS hosting. Get 24/7 support from our support team. Our powered infrastructure focuses on auto-scaling, performance, and security. Let us show you the difference! Check out our plans!   

Yes, you can start a culinary blog for free. You can use a free blogging platform like, but it won’t let you earn money on your blog and you won’t be able to personalize your blog. It will be simple and very limited.

If you want to earn money, buy your WordPress Hosting. By using WordPress themes and affordable hosting you may create a professional culinary blog for $30 per year with your domain. Investing in a domain name and some additional tools can enhance your blog’s professionalism and let you monetize it.

While you can start with basic equipment, investing in a high-quality DSLR camera is advisable as photography is as crucial as the recipes themselves for a successful culinary blog.

There are several ways to generate income through your culinary blog. You can display contextual ads, publish sponsored articles, or participate in affiliate programs. It’s essential to provide valuable content and avoid giving the impression that your primary goal is to make money.

Your domain name should be easy to remember, unique, and relevant to your blog’s content. It plays a crucial role in building your brand

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