10 Free Name Generators for your Company

10 free name Generators

Is it challenging to come up with a name? Hard to say. There are very inventive and creative people who can come up with hundreds of good ideas in a few minutes, and there are people who can’t come up with a good name at all. Fortunately, there are plenty of free solutions that will help to invent a name for your business. Today I will introduce 10 name generators to you.

However, before I get to the list, I’d like to show you some examples of names of successful enterprises. Look at the four largest American companies: Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and Facebook. 

What are the names of the largest companies in the world?

Apple has been so successful in creating computers and phones, so why not go that route, pick a different fruit or vegetable, and build your company identity around it? If fruits, vegetables, and plants don’t suit you, then maybe animals?

Let’s move on to the second example: Microsoft. It is a blend of the words “microcomputer” and “software”. So you can look for words related to your industry and mix them up. For example, if you want to produce security systems for satellites, think about Astrofety (astronautics and safety).

Next is Amazon. Jeff Bezos chose the name because it began with the first letter of the alphabet and because of its association with the vast South American river. So why not follow this lead and choose another river, forest, geographic region, or mountain for your name? What do you think about Kilimanjaro Security or Lhotse Computing?

And finally, we come to Facebook. They chose a more literal Microsoft path. After all, that’s what the first version of Zuckerberg’s app was: the book of faces. Do you want to conquer the computer market? Name your company Fast Computers.

The process of creating a name for the company

So as you can see, the name-creating process is like playing with glue and scissors. We cut out fragments of words, glue various parts together, and select good-sounding pairs. It is neither easy nor quick, but many free programs can help with this task. Of the dozens that I reviewed, I chose the most interesting ones.

Picking a good name is not enough. You need to check the availability of domains. Because if you name your company Pear, your customer would like to go to pear.com. Unfortunately, this one is already taken. So it would be a pity to waste time coming up with a name, logo, and advertising slogans to find out that the only domain you have left is pearkom.com.

Picking a good name with availabile .com domain is a hard task

With the presented free programs creating a name should go much more smoothly. It is worth getting to know all of them because they differ in their functions, and each will work in slightly different situations. Let’s start!


It’s a clever, very light, and fast-acting word finder. Enter a word or a string of letters, and choose whether the created names should start, end or contain this string. You can also specify how many characters the name should consist of. The system adds prefixes and suffixes to the letters you entered, creating new words. You also receive domain suggestions for each new proposal.

However, the application is not perfect. It only shows names for which .com domains are available and creates only one-word ideas. Nevertheless, it is worth looking at its suggestions. No one is forcing you to rely on just one tool, and getting plenty of ideas on Wordoid will take you a dozen or so seconds.


If you run out of two-word suggestions in the first solution, try Dot-o-mator. Smoothly, you can combine two words in it. The application takes over a dozen thematic sets of ideas. You can experiment with putting your main word front or back by editing the list of additional suggestions.

An additional feature of the application is a random name generator. Just click Generate Name, and you’ll get a randomly generated one-word suggestion.

You will also find here some tips for creating a name for your business. The downside is that the application only generates names available in the .com domain.


It is not a name generator but a domain finder. However, I included it in the ranking because it works quickly. Most domain search engines tell you to wait a few seconds, while Domainr shows you real-time suggestions. You type letter by letter, and it instantly searches for ideas. 

It also takes an inventive approach to these issues: it suggests combining your name with TLDs and even subdomains. Domainr proposed the address “pe.ar” or purchasing any .pe domain and adding the /ar subdomain (e.g, cheapest.pe/ar).

Bust a Name

Bust A Name has two modes: domain search and domain maker. It is similar to the first proposal, but there are a few differences. In domain maker mode, there are three options to choose from: very natural, less natural, and somewhat natural. Personally, the proposals presented by Bust A Name do not seem very creative to me, but maybe they will suit you – it’s a matter of taste. 

The downside is that there is no option to construct a name with our word in the middle – you can choose to have it at the beginning or the end. The advantage is that it shows not only .com domains; you can also select .org, .info, .biz, or .net. The domain search mode is more extensive; it allows you to add prefixes, suffixes, hyphens, and plurals.

Business Name Generator by Shopify

This generator was created by Shopify so don’t be surprised that it strongly encourages you to build your store here. However, the name generator is worthy. Creative, modern, and fast. In a few seconds, you will get dozens of suggestions. 

The distinguishing feature is the focus mainly on two- and three-word solutions. It does not check domain availability, though. After all, the platform’s purpose is to acquire new customers for Shopify – there are no free dinners in the economy. However, ideas are worthy of consideration. 

Remember that my advice is to use several solutions because they complement each other perfectly.


Naminum has no options to adjust. Just enter a word, and you get over a thousand results immediately. It shows your word combination with an extra one to four characters and presents availability for .com, .org, and .net domains. It is a convenient solution because you will get not only different combinations with your word but also ideas occupied by .com domains. 

You can see at a glance the combinations of your word registered in the .com domain but still available in .org and .net. The usefulness of this solution is that it shows attractive names that are still available on one of the three most popular domains. 

In literally a dozen or so seconds, I can see suggestions such as pearpay.org or pearbot.net and can find spanking solutions, such as cutepear.com, sharpear.com, or pearoyal.com.


Unfortunately, this site doesn’t stand out. You get several offers, but checking availability is burdensome. You usually have to go to the partner website – the system does not display availability directly. It shows a lot of taken domains with a suggestion to use a domain broker. I include it in the ranking to show you that not all name generators are useful.


Naming.net distinguishes itself by its approach to generating names through the originality of its sources. You can choose to mix your word with common words, Greek, Latin and English prefixes, suffixes, or roots. You can also use rhymes in different parts of the word (first syllable, beginning, double, last syllable, or ending). As a result, you get original suggestions you will not find in other generators.

Brand Name Generator by Webhosting Geeks

This solution works a bit like Wordoid and a bit like Naminum. Enter your word, choose the domain, length, and location (beginning, middle, end), and click generate to get over a thousand different results. 

The application also allows you to check if a given name is available on Twitter, although I am not sure if this option works. I clicked through over a hundred names and none of them were available on Twitter according to the app.

It is another name generator with no settings to adjust. It generates over a thousand names in an instant (it generated almost four thousand names for “pear”). 

Lean Domain Search uses connections with other words, so most of the suggestions will be two-word, but it also creates ideas with prefixes and suffixes. You can sort them by length, popularity, or alphabetically and choose to show only suggestions with your word first or last.


There is no one universal tool for generating names for free that would have all available options and functionalities, work quickly, and give a variety of suggestions that would satisfy everyone. Fortunately, all noteworthy solutions work instantly. They load tens, hundreds, and sometimes thousands of proposals immediately. 

Therefore, you can easily check all the solutions in less than an hour. Each of these solutions has different advantages and disadvantages; some are more useful than others. However, they often complement each other.

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