One-Page Website: The Perfect Solution for Local Stores

One-Page Website: The Perfect Solution for Local Stores

Having an online presence these days is almost a must for every business. Even local and small businesses should create websites to help customers find them. The best solution for this type of business is a one-page website. Below I will present the advantages, disadvantages, and possible uses for this solution.

Why does a greengrocer need a website?

You will ask: why does a greengrocer need a website? Well, the competition does not sleep. Even if a given greengrocer has built up a reputation in the area over the years, there can always be competition. 

A modern organic food store or a chain hypermarket with lower prices may undermine the customers of even the most traditional store. Effective marketing and the fight for customers never stop because it is the basis of the functioning of the business.

Traditional marketing still works effectively for local businesses, but there is no denying that local online marketing is gaining importance. In the case of stores, the most important thing is to be present and distinct on Google Maps. 

Therefore, as a local store owner, you ought to take care of your Google listing, among other things. It is one of the most critical elements of online marketing. If you want to know the rest, read our article on the 10 most important types of online marketing.

Google will display higher businesses that have completed all the information – including website address, address, and contact details. Therefore, if you want your store to achieve a high position in Google Maps, then create a website.

Cost of a one-page website

You don’t have to create a complicated website with a blog, online store, and all social media channels to achieve good results in Google Maps. All you have to do is create a professional one-page website, which you can do even for free without coding skills, and the only cost you will incur is hosting and domain.

The cheapest shared hosting plan is enough to host this type of website. You won’t have many users, so you don’t need more powerful hosting. However, it is critical that the hosting is fast, optimized for SEO, and easy to manage.

UltaHost offers the cheapest shared hosting services

You will find such hosting at UltaHost. For just $3.29 a month, you get fast hosting with a simple control panel and exceptional customer support. What’s more, by paying $37 in advance for a year, you’ll get a free domain! 

So if you create the site by yourself, create a Google My Business account, and complete all the information, the annual costs of your presence on the Internet will amount to $37. The price-quality ratio is highly profitable and will pay for itself several times over

What kind of business is a one-page website suitable for?

Of course, it will be suitable not only for local businesses. It is an ideal tool for everyone who does not need extensive websites to achieve measurable sales and marketing effects.

A one-page website is a popular way to create an aesthetic and distinct business card website for every company. It looks modern, and a well-designed site can be very user-friendly, which is what entrepreneurs often care about the most. 

Divided into sections, with additional animations while scrolling, it’s a perfect patent for a decent-looking website that will positively represent your business. However, how about SEO issues? Is positioning a one-page website different from SEO for a traditional site with a developed structure?

If you have a different idea for your online presence and would like to make a more advanced website, complete with a blog, full offer and online store, check out our guide on how to make a website!

First website – Beginner’s Tutorial 1/2 – Goals, audience, and the sitemap
First website – Beginner’s Tutorial 1/2 – Goals, audience, and the sitemap

One-page website and SEO

One of the noticeable disadvantages of this type of solution is the hindered analytics and struggle with positioning compared to a multipage website. No wonder pages with an extensive structure have more content, additional diverse articles, and, as a rule, more traffic. 

Therefore, the Google search engine prefers traditional over one-page websites. However, these disadvantages do not apply to positioning on Google maps, where the extensive structure of the site is of marginal importance.

One-page websites provide fewer opportunities for traffic analytics. The bounce rate is not suitable for analysis because it shows what percentage of users left it without taking action. You can achieve a 100% bounce rate because the user with everything on one page does not need to take any action and most often does not take it. 

You cannot analyze the user’s flow between subpages because you do not have them. There is no need to track the conversion by defining it as the user’s entry to a given subpage. In the case of subpages, you could easily determine which subpage you are most interested in and always take a closer look at it. 

The positioning of online stores would look similar. You can focus on a given category or product and use an SEO campaign with long-tail phrases, but pay special attention to the content. Therefore, a one-page website is usually considered more difficult to position. 

An interesting way is also a procedure that will allow you to generate an individual URL address for each section of the page. Thanks to this, we can make the site better indexed by search engine robots.

Advantages of one-page websites

This type of site is user-friendly as the user gets all the information they need on a tray. They do not have to make additional clicks or search subpages to find the information. Everything is in one place in a properly organized form of individual sections, which makes the website very convenient to use.

Such a site is also visually attractive, and adding transitions and animations gives it a modern character and makes it even easier to absorb content. The site loads once, and you no longer have to waste time loading individual subpages, so it is extremely fast to use, which is a huge advantage for mobile users. And it looks great on mobile devices.

Structure of the one-page website is critical

Pages of this type are perfect as a virtual image of the company. They can also constitute a portfolio of works or perfectly display the goods in the form of a product page. And there is no better way to make a simple stationary store website than through a one-page website.

Making it is pretty easy, especially in WordPress in the era of page builders. Anyone who can run a web browser and navigate the Internet can handle this task. Using WordPress and tools such as Gutenberg or Elementor is as easy as using an office suite. 

It is enough to design your website on a piece of paper and then transfer the project to the computer. Just select the appropriate fields and blocks and complete the content. There are also plenty of templates for such pages that make it even easier to build at the expense of personalization.

Disadvantages of one-page websites

The limitation of this type of site is that you cannot put too much content because it will become illegible. Now you can see that less is more. If there is too much text, the aesthetics of such a page also suffers because you can immediately see that the proportions are strongly disturbed.

Therefore, when the company has a wide range of services or products, a one-page website is unlikely to perform. If you want to present them all, you will create an unnecessary mess, tough to break through.

To accurately describe each product or service, you should not choose a one-page website. In addition, as already mentioned, these pages are more difficult to position. They do not have any internal linking, and the home page can often be a mix of topics from various fields.


They are sites with a specific type of use and often work better than traditional websites. SEO may be troublesome, but one shouldn’t cross out one-page websites for this reason. 

Difficult positioning does not mean that you cannot do it and succeed. You just have to be prepared for the fact that it will be necessary to use a few tricks and treatments that will allow the website to better adapt to the requirements of the search engine.

However, it is not as complicated as it seems. You can find many one-page websites in the top positions in Google. Experienced specialists perform the positioning of online stores and any other website because they know how to work with one-page websites.

A one-page site works best for local businesses because it allows you to present essential information and advantages of the company. It is very easy to implement, and does not require an expensive hosting plan. It is sufficient for positioning in Google Maps.

Do you want to start? First, meet UltaHost hosting platform! Get 24/7 support from our support team. Our powered infrastructure focuses on auto-scaling, performance, and security. Let us show you the difference! Check out our shared plans!   

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