How To Change Your WordPress Username?

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems powering a significant portion of websites on the internet. One common task WordPress users may need to perform is changing the username. Whether it’s for security reasons or simply a need to update a user profile changing your WordPress username can be accomplished in several ways. 

In this post, we will discuss how to change WordPress username of your website using a plugin method, phpMyAdmin method, and via the WordPress dashboard settings.

Method 1: Using a Plugin

Change WordPress username with plugin is perhaps the easiest method, especially for those who are not comfortable handling database files. There are multiple plugins available like “Username Changer” which can be used to change your username easily.

Step 1: Log In to Your Dashboard

First, log into your WordPress dashboard with the provided credentials.

Step 2: Install a Username Changer Plugin

Go to the ‘Plugins‘ section then go to ‘Add New’ and search for ‘Username Changer’. Once found click Install Now and then Activate.

username changer

Step 3: Change Your Username

After activation navigate to ‘Users’ and then ‘Your Profile’. Scroll down to the Username field where the plugin will allow editing. Enter your new username and save your changes.

change username

Method 2: Through phpMyAdmin

For those who have experience with databases change WordPress username phpMyAdmin is another option. It is important to proceed with caution when using phpMyAdmin since changes here affect the website’s database directly.

Step 1: Access phpMyAdmin

Log into your web hosting control panel and access phpMyAdmin.

Step 2: Locate The Database

Select the database associated with your WordPress site.

Step 3: Browse wp_users Table

Find and browse the wp_users table wp_ could be different if a custom database prefix was set during installation.

wp_users table

Step 4: Edit The Appropriate Row

Click Edit next to the username you wish to change.

edit user table

Step 5: Change User_Login Value

Find the user_login column to edit WordPress username and change its value to your desired new username.

user login field

Step 6: Save Changes

Click ‘Go‘ and save at the bottom of the page to update WordPress username.

save phpMyAdmin

Method 3: WordPress Dashboard Settings

While WordPress does not allow users to change their usernames directly from the dashboard settings there is a workaround by creating a new user and transferring content ownership.

Step 1: Create a New User

To change username in WordPress, navigate to Users then Add New in your dashboard. Fill in the details for a new user account ensuring to use a different e-mail address from your existing account.

Step 2: Assign Administrator Role

Set the role of the new user to ‘Administrator‘.

add new user

Step 3: Log Out and Log Back In

Log out of your current user account and log back in with the newly created admin account.

Step 4: Delete Old User Account

Go back to ‘Users’ select your old username then choose ‘Delete’ and confirm.

delete user

Step 5: Attribute Content

During deletion, WordPress will prompt whether to delete all content or attribute it to another user. Choose to attribute all content to your new username.

Step 6: Final Checks

Ensure all posts, pages, comments were correctly reassigned.

Important Note

Regardless of which method is used always ensure backup of your WordPress site before making any changes so data isn’t lost accidentally during the process. Following the above instructions should result in a smooth transition to your new WordPress username.


Changing your WordPress username can improve security measures or help maintain your website. The method chosen depends on personal comfort level with technology less experienced users may find plugins simpler while those more technical may prefer direct database manipulation via phpMyAdmin. Additionally, creating a new user is always a safe and straightforward workaround.

Changing your WordPress username can involve creating a new user and migrating content. For a smoother and more efficient experience rent a VPS and upgrade to the Ultahost plan. With a VPS you can easily change your username directly within the WordPress dashboard saving you time and simplifying the process.


Can I change my WordPress username?
Will changing my WordPress username affect my site?
How often can I change my WordPress username?
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