How to Install Terraform on Ubuntu 22.04

Terraform, developed by HashiCorp, is an open-source infrastructure as a code software tool. Terraform is a powerful tool used in Ubuntu for infrastructure automation and management. It enables users to define and provision infrastructure resources, such as virtual machines, networks, storage, and more, in a declarative manner.

This means users can specify the desired state of their infrastructure using configuration files, and Terraform handles the process of creating, updating, and destroying resources to match that state.

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to install Terraform on Ubuntu 22.04.

How to Install Terraform on Ubuntu 22.04

Method 1: Installing Terraform on Ubuntu 22.04 Using Snap

Step 1: Updating Ubuntu

Before installing Terraform, updating your system’s package index and upgrading existing packages is essential. Open a terminal and run the following commands:

$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
How to Install Terraform on Ubuntu 22.04

Step 2: Installing Snap Package Manager

Snap is a universal package manager for Linux distributions, including Ubuntu. You can Install Snap by running the following command if it already didn’t install:

$ sudo apt install snapd
Installing Snap Package Manager

Step 3: Installing Terraform Via Snap

Once Snap is installed, you can easily install Terraform using the following command:

$ sudo snap install terraform --classic
Installing Terraform Via Snap

Step 4: Verifying the Installation

After the installation process is complete, verify that Terraform is installed correctly by running the following command:

$ terraform --version
Verifying the Installation

Method 2: Installing Terraform on Ubuntu 22.04 Using Apt

Step 1: Adding HashiCorp GPG Key

Once the package index is updated, you can proceed to install Terraform using the apt package manager. However, it’s worth noting that Terraform may not be available in the default Ubuntu repositories. If you directly try to install it using the apt command, you will get the following error:

$ sudo apt install terraform
Adding HashiCorp GPG Key

In such cases, you would need to add the HashiCorp GPG key and repository to your system:

$ wget -O- | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg
Adding HashiCorp GPG Key 2

Step 2: Adding HashiCorp Repository

Next, add the HashiCorp repository to your system’s list of package sources by running the following command:

$ sudo apt-add-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) main"
Adding HashiCorp Repository

Step 3: Update Package Again

After adding the repository, it’s necessary to update the package index once more to include the newly added repository:

$ sudo apt update

Step 4: Installing Terraform

Now after following the previous steps you should be able to install Terraform using the apt package manager:

$ sudo apt install terraform
Installing Terraform

Step 5: Verifying Installation

You can verify the installation of Terraform by executing the following command:

$ terraform --version
Verifying Installation

Advantages of Terraform for Ubuntu

1 – Compatibility with Ubuntu Systems

Terraform seamlessly integrates with Ubuntu, one of the most popular Linux distributions, ensuring compatibility and optimal performance. Whether deploying applications on-premises or in the cloud, Ubuntu users can leverage Terraform’s capabilities to manage their infrastructure effectively.

2 – Ease of Installation and Setup

Installing Terraform on Ubuntu is straightforward, thanks to comprehensive documentation and package management tools. With just a few simple commands, users can download and configure Terraform, enabling rapid adoption and deployment.

3 – Managing Infrastructure Changes Efficiently

Terraform facilitates the management of infrastructure changes by automatically detecting modifications to configuration files and applying the necessary updates. This iterative approach streamlines the deployment process, ensuring infrastructure remains in sync with evolving requirements.

4 – Collaboration and Version Control

By treating infrastructure as code, Terraform enables seamless collaboration among team members through version control systems like Git. Developers can work together to define and refine infrastructure configurations, track changes and manage dependencies with ease.

Scalability and Flexibility

1 – Handling Diverse Infrastructure Requirements

Terraform provides unparalleled flexibility in managing diverse infrastructure requirements, from simple single-server setups to complex multi-tier architectures. Its modular design allows users to compose and scale resources according to their specific needs, accommodating growth and adaptation over time.

2 – Scaling Resources Dynamically

With Terraform, scaling resources dynamically in response to changing demand becomes a straightforward task. Whether scaling vertically by adding more resources to existing instances or horizontally by deploying additional instances, Terraform’s automation capabilities ensure rapid and efficient scaling without downtime.


1 – Optimizing Resource Allocation

Terraform enables organizations to optimize resource allocation by provisioning exactly what is needed when it is needed. By avoiding over-provisioning and waste, businesses can achieve significant cost savings while maintaining optimal performance and reliability.

2 – Avoiding Over-provisioning

Over-provisioning of resources can lead to unnecessary expenses and inefficiencies. Terraform helps mitigate this risk by enabling granular control over resource allocation, ensuring that infrastructure capacity aligns closely with actual demand, thus minimizing wastage and maximizing cost-effectiveness.

Security Enhancements

1 – Implementing Security Best Practices

Security is paramount in today’s digital landscape, and Terraform provides robust features for implementing security best practices across infrastructure deployments. From encryption and access controls to compliance automation, Terraform helps organizations strengthen their security posture and mitigate risks effectively.

2 – Enforcing Compliance Standards

Terraform facilitates enforcing compliance standards by codifying security policies and configurations into infrastructure code. By automating compliance checks and audits, organizations can ensure adherence to regulatory requirements and industry standards, reducing the risk of security breaches and penalties.


This guide presents two distinct methods for installing Terraform on Ubuntu: using Snap and the apt package manager. Terraform’s compatibility with Ubuntu ensures seamless integration, while its straightforward installation process facilitates rapid deployment.

With Terraform, organizations can navigate the complexities of modern infrastructure management with ease, ensuring reliability and performance.

Lastly, Rent a Server that offers reliable and scalable features designed to meet your growing demands. Explore our selection of VPS plans to find the perfect solution that aligns with your specific requirements.


What is Terraform?
What are the system requirements for installing Terraform on Ubuntu 22.04?
Can I install Terraform using a package manager on Ubuntu 22.04?
How do I verify if Terraform is installed correctly?

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