How to Find a File with Find Command in Linux

The find command in Linux is a powerful and versatile tool used to search for files and directories in a directory hierarchy based on various criteria. It provides an efficient way to locate files based on their names, types, sizes, and other attributes. In this guide, we will explore the various aspects of using the `find` command to search for files in a Linux environment.

This command is particularly useful when you need to locate specific files or directories within a complex file system.

How to Find a File with find Command in Linux

To use the find command to look for files in Linux you need to first understand its syntax.The basic syntax of the `find` command is as follows:

$ find [path] [options] [expression]
  • path: Specifies the starting directory for the search. If not provided, the search starts from the current working directory.
  • options: Refers to various command-line options that modify the behavior of the `find` command.
  • expression: Defines the search criteria based on various attributes such as name, size, permissions, and more.

Finding a File in Linux by Its Name

The file command comes with options and one of them is its -name option which you can use to find any file using its name:

$ find [path] -name filename.txt

Here we need to provide the complete path where you need to find the file. To do that you can use the pwd command which will show you the complete path. If you already aware of the path then you can use that directly:

find [path] -name filename.txt

After executing the command, you can see the output that the file exists in the provided path. Otherwise, this command will give you no output.

Finding a File by Its Name While Ignoring Case Sensitivity

You should be aware that the file names in Linux are case-sensitive. So there might be a possibility that you are providing the correct file name but you are not considering the case sensitivity. 

In this case, you will again get an error. Let’s elaborate on this with an example:

$ find /home/ubuntu/Documents -name Newfile.txt

You can see that the command is not giving an input as we didn’t provide the exact file name. So if you are unaware whether the file is in capital or small letters, you can use the -iname option to ignore case sensitivity:

$ find /home/ubuntu/Documents -name Newfile.txt
find /home/ubuntu/Documents -name Newfile.txt

Although, the file name is still not exactly the same but now it shows the file as we are ignoring the case sensitivity.

Finding a File by Type

You can use the find command to locate files and directories. So to specifically use the find command to locate files only, you can use the -f option associated with it:

$ find /home/ubuntu/Documents -type f
find /home/ubuntu/Documents -type f

Finding a File by Size

The Linux operating system contains a large number of files. So you can filter out the relevant files using the size option:

$ find /home/ubuntu/Documents type -f -size +0k
find /home/ubuntu/Documents type -f -size +0k

This command will show you all the files which are greater than the size that you mentioned. If we don’t use the type -f option here then it will also show you the directories. This is why it is necessary to show you the files only.

Finding a File by Modification Time

If you are interested in finding specific files only based on the time frame when they are modified then you can use the -mtime option:

$ find -type f -mtime -1
find -type f -mtime -1

Moreover, you can combine these options to work with multiple criteria as well.

Benefits of Using the find Command

Some of the additional benefits of the find command are discussed below:

1. Permissions-Based Searches

The find command allows users to search for files based on their permissions. This feature is particularly useful for security-related tasks, as it enables the identification of files with specific access rights.

2. Logical Operators

Users can employ logical operators (such as -and, -or, and -not) when combining multiple search criteria. This capability enhances the precision of searches by creating more complex conditions.

In addition to locating files, find can be integrated with other commands, such as rm, to delete files that meet specific criteria. This makes it a powerful tool for automated cleanup tasks.

3. Printable Output Format

The command provides a user-friendly output format, presenting information in a readable manner. This includes details like file names, paths, and additional attributes, aiding in quick comprehension of search results.


The find command in Linux is an essential tool for efficient file searches based on various criteria. This guide explains the command’s syntax, emphasizing its utility in searching by name, type, size, and modification time. Key options, such as -name and -iname for case-sensitive searches and -type for specifying file types, are explored.

The tutorial also introduces -size and -mtime options for filtering files by size and modification time. By combining these options, users can fine-tune searches with multiple criteria. Mastering the find command enhances Linux file management, providing a powerful means to navigate complex directory structures.

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What is the find command in Linux?
How can I find a file by name?
Can I perform a case-insensitive search for a file name?
How can I find files based on size?

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