How to fix ‘Another Update in Process’ error in WordPress

The “Another update is currently in progress” error can be quite frustrating, especially when you’re eager to keep your website updated and secure. The error usually occurs when a previous update or installation process hasn’t completed properly. As a result, it delays further updates. This prevents you from applying important changes, security patches, or new features.

In this tutorial, we’ll discuss a step-by-step process to fix another update in process WordPress.

Why Another Update in Process Occur in WordPress

The “Another Update in Progress” error occurs when a WordPress update is running but gets interrupted or stuck. This leaves a lock in the database, which blocks any new updates from starting:

error another update in process

This message will automatically disappear after 15 minutes or once the update is complete. But if it stays stuck, you’ll need to remove it manually.

Fix Another Update in Process Error WordPress

You can resolve the “Another Update in Process” error in WordPress through various methods. For example, you can manually clear the update lock option from the database, use a plugin to resolve the issue, or simply wait if the update is still ongoing.

Now, let’s go through the following solutions to fix this error in WordPress.

Method 1: Wait for the Update to Finish

WordPress clears the update lock automatically after a short time, usually about 15 minutes. If you’re not in a rush, you can simply wait and try updating again later.

Method 2: Remove the Update Lock from the Database

The “Another Update in Process” error can occur if there are issues in your WordPress website’s database, such as a stuck update lock in the database’s options table. Access your site’s database with phpMyAdmin or a database management plugin to fix this issue. Find the wp_options table in the database and open it:

access website

Now search for core_updater_lock in the option_name column:

search core updater lock

Once found, click on the Delete button to remove the lock:

delete the lock

Once you click the Delete button it will ask you for confirmation, click on the OK button to remove the lock:

confirm deletion

Return to your website and refresh the page. The ‘another update in progress’ error should no longer appear, allowing you to proceed with updating your site.

Method 3: Use a WordPress Plugin

If you don’t want to make changes directly to the database, you can use a plugin to fix the issue without any technical work. For this purpose, you can use plugins like WP Reset or Easy Updates Manager to make this process simple. First, install and activate the plugin through your WordPress dashboard:

use wordpress plugin

After activating, open the plugin’s settings, find the option to clear the update lock, and click it; the plugin will handle the rest.

Method 4: Check File Permissions

Sometimes, the stated error occurs because of incorrect file permissions. File permissions control who can access and modify your website’s files and folders. To fix this, ensure the permissions are set correctly:

  • Folders should have a permission setting of 755, which means the owner can read, write, and execute, while others can only read and execute.
  • Files should have a permission setting of 644, allowing the owner to read and write, and others to read only.

You can check and adjust these permissions using a file manager in your hosting control panel or an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client like FileZilla.

Method 5: Debug Plugin or Theme Conflicts

Sometimes, the “Another Update in Process” error occurs due to conflicts with plugins or themes. To resolve this error, follow the below instructions:

  • Disable all plugins using your WordPress dashboard. If you can’t access your site, you can disable them through your hosting control panel.
  • Switch to a default theme like Twenty Twenty-Three to avoid theme-related issues.

Once the plugins are disabled and the default theme is active, try running the update again.

How to Prevent Another Update is in Process Error

Knowing how to fix this error is helpful, but it’s even better to prevent it altogether. Follow the below-listed practices to avoid running into this issue in the future:

  1. Update your WordPress core, themes, and plugins individually. This helps minimize the chances of conflicts. 
  2. Before applying updates to your live site, test them on a staging site first. This way, you can identify and fix issues without affecting visitors.
  3. Use a tool like Easy Updates Manager to schedule and control automatic updates, keeping everything up-to-date smoothly.
  4. Cached data in your browser can sometimes keep showing the error message even after it’s resolved. Clear your cache to ensure you see the latest version of your site.

That’s all about fixing another update in process error in WordPress.


The “Another Update in Progress” error in WordPress can be frustrating, but there are several ways to resolve it. Whether you choose to wait for the update to finish, remove the update lock manually from the database, use a plugin, or check file permissions, each method offers a simple solution to get your site back on track. Moreover, you can follow preventive measures, such as testing updates on a staging site and using tools like Easy Updates Manager, to minimize the chances of encountering this error in the future. In this article, we explained why the Another Update in Process error occurs in WordPress and how to fix it.

Experience Ultahost’s affordable web hosting services to avoid common WordPress errors like the “Another Update in Progress” issue. Our affordable plans, featuring cPanel, unlimited bandwidth, and free support, provide the perfect foundation for smooth site management. With secure HTTPS connections and protection against DDoS attacks, malware, and malicious traffic, Ultahost ensures your site stays safe and efficient.


Why “Another Update is Currently in Progress” error occur in WordPress?
How long does it take for WordPress to clear the update lock automatically?
How can I fix the “Another Update in Progress” error in WordPress?
Can I fix the error without accessing the database?
How do I remove the update lock from the database?
What should I do if incorrect file permissions are causing the error?
How can I prevent the “Another Update in Progress” error in the future?

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