How to Install Tor on Kali Linux

Kali Linux the hacker’s playground prioritizes security and penetration testing. But what if you want to navigate the interactive setting anonymously on Kali? Here’s where Tor, The Onion Router, steps in.

This post looks into the process of how to install Tor Kali Linux preparing you to browse with greater privacy.

Understanding Tor

Tor anonymizes your internet traffic by routing it through a distributed network of relays run by volunteers worldwide. Each proxy layer peels away obfuscating on the website just like an onion that’s why it is also known as an onion browser. Similarly, Tor encrypts your data and passes it through multiple relays making it virtually impossible to trace your activity back to your source IP address.

Why Install Tor on Kali Linux

While Kali boasts robust security features Tor adds an extra layer of protection for specific use cases:

  1. Penetration Testing: When conducting ethical hacking tests masking your IP helps maintain anonymity and avoids potential conflicts.
  2. Sensitive Topics: Accessing censored information or exploring controversial subjects becomes safer with Tor shielding your identity.
  3. Journalistic Activities: Sources can communicate with journalists discreetly when anonymity is essential.

Installation Methods

If you have installed Kali Linux on your system there are two primary ways to download Tor Kali Linux:

  1. Tor Browser Bundle: This pre-configured browser integrates Tor functionality offering a user-friendly option.
  2. Installing Tor from Repositories: For more control, you can install the core Tor package from the official repositories.

Method 1: Installing Tor Browser Bundle

The Tor Browser Bundle is ideal for most users due to its smooth process. Here’s how to get it:

1. Open to Firefox browser navigate to the official Tor Project website and download the Linux version of the Tor Browser Bundle.

tor website

2 Once downloaded, right-click on the archive usually named tor-browser-linux-x86_64.tar.xz and choose “Extract Here”.

Another option to extract by using the following command in your terminal:

tar -xvf tor-browser-linux-x86_64.tar.xz
unzip tor

To start Tor Kali navigate to the extracted directory usually named tor-browser.

tor directory

Double-click on the “Start Tor Browser” script named start-tor-browser.desktop.

start tor browser

Here what is the Tor browser looks like based on DuckDuckGo as a search engine. You can search anonymously but keep in mind to use ethically.

tor browser

Method 2: Installing Tor from Repositories

For those seeking more control installing the core Tor package offers greater flexibility. Here’s how:

1. First you need to check the Kali version and ensure your system has the latest package information. Use the following command to update the repository:

sudo apt update
update command

2. Install the tor package using the following command:

sudo apt install tor
apt tor

3. Confirm successful installation by running the following command:

tor --version
tor version

Installing the core Tor package does not provide a graphical user interface like the Tor Browser Bundle. You will need to configure your existing browser like Firefox to use Tor as a proxy. This involves modifying your browser’s network settings.

Browser Network Setting

Launch the Firefox browser on your Kali Linux system. Click the three horizontal lines menu in the top right corner. Select “Settings” from the menu.

firefox setting

In the Settings window locate the “Network Settings” section. You might need to click on “Advanced” first depending on your Firefox version.

network setting

Under the “Connection” settings, look for the option related to proxies. Select “Manual proxy configuration”. Enter “localhost” as the SOCKS Host address. Fill in the port number used by Tor. By default, Tor utilizes port 9150.

tor firefox setting

However, you can verify Tor Port by running the following command in your terminal.

tor --SOCKSPort

Tick the box labeled “Proxy DNS when using SOCKS v5”. This ensures that websites with “.onion” addresses used on the dark web can be accessed properly through Tor.

proxy dns

Click “OK” to save the proxy configuration changes. Restart Firefox for the new settings to take effect.

To confirm your connection is routed through Tor visit a random website. This website should display an IP address different from your actual location indicating successful anonymization through Tor.

Important Notes

Here are some important tips on installing Tor in Kali Linux to enhance your Tor experience:

  • Consider using a bridge authority to bypass potential restrictions that might block access to the Tor network. You can find bridge information on the Tor Project website.
  • It is important to remember that Tor doesn’t anonymize everything. Maintain good security practices like keeping your software updated and avoiding suspicious websites.
  • Routing traffic through relays can impact browsing speed. Be patient as pages might load slower while using Tor.


By installing Tor on Kali Linux you gain access to a valuable tool for anonymous browsing. Whether you are a security researcher, a journalist, or simply someone who values online privacy, Tor empowers you to navigate the web with an extra layer of protection. Remember to use Tor responsibly and ethically.

Installing Tor Browser on Linux can be a simple process but keeping it updated requires ongoing maintenance. For added privacy and security consider using an Ultahost anonymous VPS hosting that ensures your online presence remains protected while providing the flexibility and performance you need.


What is Tor?
Why should I use Tor on Kali Linux?
Is it hard to install Tor on Kali Linux?
Do I need any special skills to install Tor on Kali Linux?
Can I use Tor for all my internet activities?

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