How to Install Composer on Ubuntu 22.04

Composer has become an essential tool in PHP development, enabling developers to efficiently manage project dependencies and optimize their workflow. As a result, it has gained widespread adoption in the PHP community. Meanwhile, Ubuntu 22.04 has emerged as a popular choice for development environments, offering a stable, secure, and highly customizable platform for building and deploying applications. The growing popularity of Ubuntu 22.04 can be attributed to its ease of use, flexibility, and extensive community support.

In this article, we will focus on install Composer Ubuntu 22.04, a crucial step in setting up a PHP development environment. As a popular dependency manager for PHP, Composer simplifies the process of installing and updating PHP packages, ensuring seamless integration and reducing errors. This step-by-step guide is designed to help developers of all levels install Composer on Ubuntu 22.04 quickly and easily, providing a solid foundation for their PHP projects.

Prerequisites to Install Composer on Ubuntu 22.04

To install Composer for Ubuntu 22.04, you’ll need to have the following components in place:

  • Ubuntu 22.04: This guide is specifically tailored for the latest long-term support release of Ubuntu. You can check the Ubuntu version before getting started.
  • PHP: Composer requires PHP to be installed on your system. Ensure you have PHP version 7.2 or higher.

Before proceeding, verify that you have the required PHP version installed using the following command:

php --version
php version

How to Install PHP on Ubuntu 22.04

As you can see it’s currently not installed in our Ubuntu 22.04, so we’ll first install it using the below command:

sudo apt install php
install php

It can be seen in the output that PHP is not installed in the system but also some additional packages are not installed. These packages are necessary for PHP to function properly within the system environment.

They typically include dependencies required by PHP itself, as well as any necessary components needed to integrate PHP with other software, such as web servers like Apache.

php version verify

Installing Composer on Ubuntu 22.04

Following are the steps below to show the composer install Ubuntu system:

Step 1: Download the Composer Installer

Open a terminal and run the following command to download the Composer installer:

curl -sS -o composer-setup.php
curl composer

This command uses curl to download the Composer installer from the official Composer website. The -sS flags are used to suppress the progress meter and error messages, respectively.

Step 2: Install Composer

Run the following command to Ubuntu install Composer:

php composer-setup.php
php composer

This command runs the Composer installer, which will prompt you to choose an installation path. Choose a location, such as /usr/local/bin, and press Enter to continue.

Step 3: Move the Composer Binary

Run the following command to move the Composer binary to the chosen installation path:

sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
binary composer

This command moves the Composer binary (composer.phar) to the chosen installation path /usr/local/bin/composer. The sudo command is used to gain root privileges, which are required to write to the /usr/local/bin directory.

Step 4: Verify Composer Installation

Run the following command to verify that Composer is installed correctly:

composer --version
composer version

This command runs Composer and displays its version number. If Composer is installed correctly, you should see a version number displayed.

Benefits of Using Composer on Ubuntu 22.04

Composer offers several benefits that make it an indispensable tool for PHP developers:

Dependency Management: Composer simplifies the process of managing project dependencies by automating the installation, updating, and removal of required packages. This ensures that your project always has the correct versions of the libraries it needs, reducing the risk of compatibility issues and conflicts.

Autoloading: Composer provides an autoloading mechanism that automatically loads the required classes and files for your project. This feature eliminates the need for manual include statements, making your code more organized and maintainable.

Package Installation: With Composer, installing new packages or updating existing ones is a breeze. You can search for and install packages directly from the command line, saving time and effort compared to manual downloads and setups.

Versioning and Constraints: Composer allows you to specify version constraints for your project dependencies, ensuring that you always use compatible versions of the required packages. This helps prevent breaking changes and ensures a stable development environment.

Composer has become the de facto standard for dependency management in the PHP ecosystem. Many popular PHP projects and frameworks have adopted Composer as their preferred package manager, including:

  • Laravel: A popular PHP web application framework known for its elegant syntax and robust feature set.
  • Symfony: A high-performance PHP framework for building web applications, APIs, and microservices.
  • CodeIgniter: A lightweight and user-friendly PHP framework suitable for a wide range of projects.
  • WordPress: The world’s most popular content management system, which utilizes Composer for managing dependencies in its core and plugin ecosystem.
  • Drupal: A powerful and flexible content management framework that leverages Composer to manage its dependencies.


Composer has become an indispensable tool for PHP developers, streamlining the process of managing project dependencies and optimizing workflow. Its widespread adoption in the PHP community is a testament to its effectiveness and the benefits it provides. Meanwhile, Ubuntu 22.04 has emerged as a popular choice for development environments, offering a stable, secure, and highly customizable platform for building and deploying applications.

This article has provided a comprehensive guide to installing Composer on Ubuntu 22.04, a crucial step in setting up a robust PHP development environment. By following the step-by-step instructions outlined, developers can easily download and install Composer, ensuring seamless integration of PHP packages and reducing potential errors. The process involves downloading the Composer installer, running the installation script, moving the Composer binary to the appropriate location, and verifying the successful installation. With Composer installed, developers can use its powerful dependency management capabilities, streamlining their workflow and enhancing the overall efficiency of their PHP projects.

Installing Composer on Linux can be a straightforward process but it might involve managing dependencies and potential permission issues. Upgrading to an Ultahost Linux VPS server empowers you with greater control and flexibility which grants you root access allowing you to streamline the installation process and configure Composer precisely for your needs.


What is Composer?
How do I install Composer on Ubuntu 22.04?
Can I install Composer without curl?
Is there any alternative way to install Composer?
Can I install Composer system-wide or just for my user?

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