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Script Hosting

How much WoWonder users can handle each server plan?

We highly don’t recommend using WoWonder Script in shared hosting, you will gain more speed and performance using VPS or VDS Servers or Dedicated server plans.

In the table below we calculated the performance of each server with daily and monthly visiting, you can pick your plan depending on your expected daily and monthly visitors.

In the future, if you need to upgrade your own plan without any offline or termination, we recommend you pick VPS or VDS Powers.

If you have already more than 175K monthly visitors then pick our Dedicated plans for extra performance. 

To calculate online users on the main time, follow the calculation as bellow (Daily Visitors  / 8 = Server ability) EX: VPS Pro =  (350 / 8 = 44 users)

List for VPS (Virtual Private Server) Plans

Server PlanMonthly visitorsDaily Visitors 
VPS basic               4000 – 5000166
VPS Business5500 – 6700210
VPS Pro10000300 – 350
VPS Enterprise16000450 – 550

List for Virtual Dedicated Servers (VDS) Plans

Server PlanMonthly visitorsDaily Visitors 
POWER Plus20.000 – 22.000600 -700
POWER Pro23.000 – 30.000 900 – 1000
POWER Premium31.000 -37.0001200 – 1600
POWER Ultra40.000 – 45.0001750 – 1900
POWER Elite47.000 – 62.0001900 – 2600
POWER Advanced70.000 – 95.0003200- 4300
POWER Turbo100.000 – 150.0005000- 10.000

List for Dedicated Server Plans

Server PlanMonthly visitorsDaily Visitors
ULTA100 XEON175.0006000 – 8.000
ULTA EX51 SSD-GPU185.0007000 – 9.000
ULTA AX160-NVME250.000 – 300.0009.500 – 12.500
ULTA DX180250.000 – 300.0009.500 – 12.500
ULTA ADVANCE 1300.000 – 350.00012.500 – 14.000
ULTA ADVANCE 2350.000 – 450.00014.500 – 17.000
ULTA ADVANCE 3500.000 – 650.00020.500 – 27.000
ULTA ADVANCE 4650.000 – 1.000.00028.500 – 35.000
Ulta MAX Power (Custom)For a few million users / Contact our support teams 50.000 – 5.000.000

For more info, you can contact our support team from the link below https://ultahost.com/contact.

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