How to use Linux export Command

Linux export command is a powerful tool for managing environment variables. These variables are key value pairs provide essential information to processes and applications running on the system. While understanding the basics is important a good exploration into the details can significantly enhance your Linux proficiency.

In this post, we will explore the what is Linux export command by providing detailed explanations examples and recommended practices.

Understanding Environment Variables

The concept of environment variables are dynamic named values that can be accessed by processes. They typically hold information about the system’s configuration, user preferences, and paths to executable files. Environment variables are inherited by child processes making them a critical mechanism for passing information between programs.

Basic Usage

The fundamental syntax for using the export command is:

export variable_name=value

This assigns a value to the specified variable and marks it for export to child processes. For example:

export MY_NAME="Areeb Ultahost"

This sets the MY_NAME variable to “Areeb Ultahost” and makes it accessible to any processes release subsequently.

export name

Accessing Exported Variables

To access the value of an exported variable, use the dollar sign ($) followed by the variable name:

echo $MY_NAME

This will output the name that was declared under the MY_NAME variable.

name variable

Exporting Functions

The export command can also be used to export functions to child processes. To do this, use the -f option:

function name() {
  echo "Hello, $MY_NAME!"
export -f name

Now, the name function can be used by child processes.

Viewing Exported Variables

To list all exported variables, use the export command without any arguments:


This will display a list of variables and their values.

export command

Remove Exported Variables

To remove a variable from the export list use the unset command:

unset MY_NAME
unset command

Common Use Case

Following are some common use cases while using the export command Linux:

1. The PATH environment variable specifies the directories where the shell looks for executable files. You can modify it to include custom paths:

export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/bin

2. Set the LANG and LC_ALL variables to specify language and locale settings:

export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8

3. Export variables to provide configuration information to scripts:

export DATABASE_HOST=localhost
export DATABASE_USER=myuser

4. While not directly related to export it is worth mentioning that you can create aliases using the alias command and export them to make them available in all shells:

alias ll='ls -la'
export -f ll

5. To set environment variables for a single command or temporary environment variable use the following syntax:

MY_VAR=value command

Best Practices

Here are some best practices described below during the use of the Linux export command:

  • Environment variables are inherited by child processes which can lead to complex scenarios. It is important that you understand the scope of your variables.
  • Avoid exporting sensitive information such as passwords or API keys.
  • Use descriptive names for variables and follow consistent naming conventions.
  • For persistent environment variable settings consider adding them to your shell configuration files for example while creating a .bashrc file in Linux.
  • Experiment with different use cases to enhance your understanding.
  • Consider using environment modules or configuration management tools for complex environment setups.


The export command is a fundamental tool for managing environment variables in Linux. By understanding its usage and best practices you can effectively configure your system streamline workflows and enhance your shell scripting abilities.

Editing the environment variable in Linux allows customization of your terminal experience. However, making mistakes can lead to unexpected behavior. To increase performance consider an Ultahost NVMe VPS hosting plan that provides a secure and performant environment for exploring these configurations and utilizes cutting-edge storage technology for lightning-fast loading times.


What is the Linux export command?
How do I use the export command?
Why use the export command?
Can I export multiple variables at once?
How do I check exported variables?

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