How to Fix “ifconfig: Command not Found” on Linux

Displaying the error “ifconfig: command not found” on a Linux system can be unpleasant for users who are new to Linux. This error is caused by missing an important package facing permission issues or simply changing to the new command in all Linux distributions.

In this article, we will guide you through the potential causes of ifconfig command not found Linux error and provide effective solutions to restore network configuration functionality.

Understanding the Issue

Before getting into the solutions let’s briefly understand why you might encounter the ifconfig not found Linux error.

ifconfig issue
  1. Deprecation: In many modern Linux distributions, ifconfig is being removed in favor of the more like ip command.
  2. Package Missing: The net-tools package which contains ifconfig might not be installed.
  3. Incorrect Permissions: You might not have the necessary permissions to run ifconfig.
  4. PATH Environment Variable: The directory containing ifconfig might not be in your system’s PATH.

Troubleshooting Steps

Following are troubleshooting steps to fix ifconfig command not found Linux operating systems:

Install the net-tools Package

This is the most common solution for the “ifconfig: command not found” error. For Debian-based distributions like Ubuntu, Debian, Linux Mint, etc run the following command in your terminal:

sudo apt update
apt update

The update command will update your repository, to install net-tools run the following command:

sudo apt install net-tools
install net tools

After installation, you should be able to use ifconfig without any issues.

ifconfig working

For RHEL-based distributions like CentOS, Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Alma, etc. Type the following command:

sudo yum install net-tools

For Arch-based distributions like Arch Linux, Manjaro, etc. You can run the following command:

sudo pacman -S net-tools

Use Full Path ifconfig Command

If the net-tools package is installed but you are still facing the issue you can try running ifconfig with its full path. The typical location ifconfig is /sbin/ifconfig.

sudo /sbin/ifconfig

Replace /sbin/ifconfig with the actual path if it differs on your system.

Update PATH Environment Variable

If ifconfig is installed but not accessible directly, it might be due to the missing directory in your PATH Linux environment variable. To check the current PATH type the following command:

echo $PATH

To add the directory containing ifconfig to the PATH assuming it is located in /sbin:

export PATH=$PATH:/sbin

This change will be effective for the current terminal session. To make it permanent add the line to your shell configuration file for example .bashrc file in Linux or .bash_profile file.

Run ifconfig with sudo

If you don’t have sufficient permissions to run ifconfig, using sudo can grant you privileges:

sudo ifconfig

Use ip Command

As mentioned earlier ifconfig is being deprecated in favor of the ip command. It offers more features and flexibility. To view network interfaces using IP:

ip addr show

To view network statistics use the following:

ip link show

Important Notes

Following are some important notes during troubleshoot ifconfig error in Linux operating systems:

  • After installing net-tools, check if ifconfig is working correctly.
  • If you have multiple versions of ifconfig installed specifying the correct path is important.
  • While ifconfig might still work it is recommended to convert it into ip for better functionality and compatibility.


By installing the necessary packages checking permissions and exploring alternative commands you can effectively address this issue and ensure easy network management. With the knowledge gained from this guide, you should be easily troubleshoot and resolve the “ifconfig: command not found” error. Remember, you can use the ip command offers a broader range of functionalities making it a valuable tool for advanced network tasks.

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Why is ‘ifconfig’ not found on my Linux system?
How do I install ‘ifconfig’ on Linux?
What is the alternative to ‘ifconfig’ on Linux?
Is ‘ifconfig’ deprecated on Linux?
Can I still use ‘ifconfig’ on newer Linux systems?
How do I check if net-tools is installed on my Linux system?
What does the ‘ip’ command do that ‘ifconfig’ doesn’t?

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