Argentina VPS Hosting

With our cutting-edge VPS hosting in Argentina, unleash the speed and power of your website. Take advantage of top performance, limitless bandwidth, and flexibility at an amazing cost.
  • 24/7/365 Support
  • Nem at administrere
  • Gratis at prøve i 30 dage
  • Gratis DDoS beskyttelse
  • Ubemålt trafik

Starter ved $4.80per måned

Ideel til mellemstore virksomheder at starte med

Nvme SSD-lager

Best VPS hosting plans in Argentina for businesses

Our Argentina managed VPS hosting is the most cost-effective option available, and our virtual servers are among the most dependable and powerful available.

Mest populære

VPS Basic

Det ideelle udgangspunkt for vps-hosting!
$4.80per måned

$7.99 Spar 40%

Faktureres for 24 måneders løbetid.


  • 1 CPU Core
  • 1 GB RAM
  • 30 GB NVMe SSD
  • Managed Argentina Server
  • 1 IPv4 Dedikeret IP
  • 4 IPv6 Dedikeret IP
  • Free SSL Certificate(s)
  • Free 30-Days Money-Back
Mest populære

VPS Business

Alt hvad du behøver for at drive en succesfuld hjemmeside online.
$8.50per måned

$13.99 Spar 40%

Faktureres for 24 måneders løbetid.


  • 2 CPU Cores
  • 2 GB RAM
  • 50 GB NVMe SSD
  • Managed Argentina Server
  • 1 IPv4 Dedikeret IP
  • Ubegrænset båndbredde
  • 6 IPv6 Dedikeret IP
  • lang_key_70112_ddos_protection
Mest populære

VPS Enterprise

Avanceret løsning, der nemt kan håndtere flere websteder med høj trafik.
$17.99per måned

$29.99 Spar 40%

Faktureres for 24 måneders løbetid.


  • 4 CPU Cores
  • 6 GB RAM
  • 100 GB NVMe SSD
  • Managed Argentina Server
  • 1 IPv4 Dedikeret IP
  • Ubegrænset båndbredde
  • 8 IPv6 Dedikeret IP
  • lang_key_70112_ddos_protection

Argentina Windows VPS Hosting Plans

Windows-servere til ASP.NET-, ASP-, .Net Core- og SQL-serverbrugere og Remote Desktop RDP-servere

Mest populære

Basic Windows VPS

Det ideelle udgangspunkt for vps-hosting!
$13.99per måned

$23.50 Spar 40%

Faktureres for 24 måneders løbetid.


  • 2 CPU Cores
  • 2 GB RAM
  • 50 GB NVMe SSD
  • Managed Argentina Server
Mest populære

Business Windows VPS

Alt hvad du behøver for at drive en succesfuld hjemmeside online.
$20.99per måned

$34.99 Spar 40%

Faktureres for 24 måneders løbetid.


  • 2 CPU Cores
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 80 GB NVMe SSD
  • Managed Argentina Server
Mest populære

Enterprise Windows VPS

Avanceret løsning, der nemt kan håndtere flere websteder med høj trafik.
$42.50per måned

$70.80 Spar 40%

Faktureres for 24 måneders løbetid.


  • 4 CPU Cores
  • 8 GB RAM
  • 200 GB NVMe SSD
  • Managed Argentina Server
Mest populære

Premium Windows VPS

Få det bedste ud af alt, hvad du behøver for at køre en vinduesserver.
$124.80per måned

$207.99 Spar 40%

Faktureres for 24 måneders løbetid.


  • 8 CPU Cores
  • 32 GB RAM
  • 400 GB NVMe SSD
  • Managed Argentina Server
Mest populære

Ultra Windows VPS

Mere kraft, ydeevne og hastighed. Forbedret sikkerhed inkluderet.
$204.99per måned

$341.50 Spar 40%

Faktureres for 24 måneders løbetid.


  • 12 CPU Cores
  • 64 GB RAM
  • 750 GB NVMe SSD
  • Managed Argentina Server

*Kampagnepriser er altid gyldige. Gratis domæne tilgængeligt kun for årlige hostingplaner. Planer fornyes i samme takt.

Tjek vores Argentina Windows VPS-planer eller leder du efter mere kraft? Tjek vores VDS Servere

All our affordable Argentina VPS Plans Come With

  • Nem at administrere
  • Teamledelse
  • BitNinja sikkerhed
  • Staging Environment
  • SSH- og SFTP-adgang
  • Ubegrænset båndbredde
  • Gratis daglige sikkerhedskopier
  • Gratis domæneoverførsel
  • Gratis SSL-certifikat
  • 30-dages pengene-tilbage
  • Dedikerede firewalls
  • Auto Healing
  • Optimeret med avancerede caches
  • CDN Add-on
  • 24/7 realtidsovervågning
  • Regelmæssig sikkerhedspatch
  • Ubegrænset applikationsinstallation
  • Gratis migration
  • Automatiserede sikkerhedskopier
  • HTTP/2-aktiveret server
Vores kunder siger Fremragende stars4.9 ud af 5 baseret på Anmeldelser stars

Our Argentina VPS features and advantages are hard to beat

Your Argentina VPS Hosting is the perfect solution for your website needs. You'll enjoy control, flexibility and power with lasting performance.

VPS fuld root-adgang

With your virtual private server hosting, full root access enables complete control over your hosting environment, including customized installations and configuration.

SSD NVMe-diskdrev

These days, computers use a new type of storage device called a solid-state drive (SSD). Solid-state drives (SSDs) have supplanted conventional hard disks.

VPS 99.99% Uptime

Business-class reliability means we've consistently delivered among the top uptime figures in the market.
We are so sure of our system that we provide a 99% uptime guarantee.

Prisbillig VPS-hosting

The most affordable price to run an Argentine VPS server. You can save hundreds of dollars per month when you compare our prices with other VPS hosting companies. We are the best VPS provider in Argentina.

Fleksibel DDR4 RAM-skalerbarhed

Vokser din virksomhed hurtigt? Start med 1 GB RAM og skaler let op, hurtigt og ubesværet fra din VPS-kontrolpanel. Du skal bare lade os vide, når du har brug for det.

Ubegrænset båndbredde

Your Argentina VPS-hosted website or app can get as much use as you like. Our only stipulation is that you comply and adhere to our several guidelines.

Brugerdefinerede VPS-servere

Your virtual private server (VPS) should be configured specifically for your website. You can customize the server by selecting the operating system, the number of cPanel accounts, the physical location, and the level of security.

Daglige sikkerhedskopieringer

Automatiserede daglige backups med komplette server-øjebliksbilleder og 1-klik gendannelse til din Managed VPS-server tilgængelig efter anmodning.

Managed Argentina Server

Enjoy the warm, knowledgeable assistance of our top-notch Technical Support. With security patches, OS updates, and other maintenance, we keep your server operational and current.

Instant OS Setup for Your Argentina VPS Hosting

Har du behov for et specifikt operativsystem? Du kan installere enhver .iso-fil ved hjælp af den dedikerede ILO/KVM-grænseflade fra vores servere.

tabs-icon Debian
tabs-icon Ubuntu
tabs-icon CentOS
tabs-icon Red Hat
tabs-icon AlmaLinux
tabs-icon Fedora
tabs-icon Windows Server


Debian er et Open Source Linux-operativsystem baseret på Debian, sammenlignet med Debian tilbyder denne distribution 5 års langvarig support. UltaHost tilbyder version 11 og 12.

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Ubuntu er en Linux-distribution baseret på Debian og består for det meste af gratis og open source-software. Ubuntu er officielt udgivet i tre udgaver: Desktop, Server og Core for Internet of things-enheder og robotter.

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CentOS er på nogle måder open source-versionen af Red Hat OS. UltaHost tilbyder version 7 og 8 af CentOS.

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Red Hat
Red Hat

Red Hat

Red Hat er et licenseret virksomhedsoperativsystem. UltaHost tilbyder Red Hat version 8.

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AlmaLinux OS er et open source, fællesskabsdrevet Linux-operativsystem, der udfylder hullet efter afbrydelsen af CentOS Linux stabile udgivelse. Det er et af de mest populære virtualiseringsoperativsystemer, og UltaHost tilbyder version 8 af AlmaLinux.

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Fedora er et open source-operativsystem udgivet af Red Hat, Red Hat er selv baseret på Fedora. UltaHost tilbyder version 33 af Fedora.

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Windows Server
Windows Server

Windows Server

You can obtain 6+ trustworthy Windows Operating Systems with just one click and select the one that best meets your demands. Additionally, we offer automated backup options for each of our servers to ensure that your important data is protected to the fullest extent possible!

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Free Web Hosting Transfer

Gratis webhostingoverførsel

Nu kan du migrere din hjemmeside til UltaHost gratis! Vores team vil levere personlig service, hvor alt forbundet med din hjemmeside bliver kopieret, geninstalleret og genkonfigureret på din nye server med minimal indvirkning på din hjemmeside og e-mail-tjenester.

Premium Hosting Support

Premium Hosting Support

Our team is specially trained to not only solve technical issues, but to help you with all aspects of getting online. Contact us at any time. We work for you in round the clock mode. For projects which need special care, you can use the additional option of priority maintenance.

Maximum Server Control

Maksimal serverkontrol

Full root & shell access (SSH) for maximum control. Reboot or power-cycle your server whenever it's needed. Manage all the domains, websites, and email addresses you own.

Fast, Managed VPS Server

Fast, Managed Argentina VPS Server

UltaHost administrerer dine systemer på dine vegne, frigør mere tid til at fokusere på din virksomhed. Få en ydeevne, der overstiger dine forventninger til priser, du vil elske. Nyd ultrahurtig Nvme SSD-lagring og ubegrænset båndbredde med alle vores Cloud-hostingplaner VPS.

UltaHost Argentina VPS vs. VPS Hosting Competitors

Valget er klart. UltaHost har mere at tilbyde! Du har ekstra nøglefunktioner, som du måske stadig ikke har lagt mærke til endnu

Ultahost Logo dreamhost web hosting Logo BlueHost web hosting Logo contabo web hosting Logo gdaddy-tlogo
Starting From $5.50per måned $15.00per måned $6.99per måned $29.99per måned $7.99per måned
Hjemmesider Op til 7 Ubegrænset hjemmesider 1 hjemmeside 1 hjemmeside 1 hjemmeside
Diskplads 30GB NVMe 30GB 150GB 30GB 20GB NVMe
RAM 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB 2 GB 1 GB
Månedlig båndbredde Ubemålt Ubemålt Begrænset Begrænset Begrænset
BitNinja sikkerhed table-tick-gray - - - -
Snapshots Unlimited Betalt Betalt Betalt Betalt
Gratis sikkerhedskopier free-daily-backups paid-daily-backups - - -
Node.js Socket table-tick - - - -

Argentina VPS Hosting Use Cases and Purposes

  • Nothing could ever get through the defense of UltaHost. While using shared hosting, your data may not be completely secure. VPS servers in AG and other locations in South America provide you access to 100% of their resources.
  • There are many applications for virtual private server hosting, which is used by a wide range of businesses and people. Using Argentina virtual private server hosting, rather than a shared hosting option, can increase the safety of your online business.
  • Easily expandable; customers can begin with a small set of resources and add more as needed without experiencing downtime or requiring a complete website migration.
  • Several websites can share a single server with VPS hosting. Businesses and individuals that want to host many websites under different domain names can do it affordably with this solution.
  • Virtual private server hosting Argentina provides a safe and isolated setting ideal for testing and development purposes. This means that developers can try out their code without worrying about breaking anything in the real world.
  • Virtual private server (VPS) and virtual dedicated server VDS hosting are common solutions for businesses and individuals that want to host famous websites. Due to its dedicated resources and flexible environment, VPS hosting is ideal for high-traffic websites.
  • VPS hosting is not just suitable for websites, but it can also be used to host game servers. Powerful and reliable hosting for online multiplayer games is now possible with the help of virtual private servers.

The Benefits of UltaHost Argentina VPS Hosting

  • VPS hosting is a good option for WordPress users who want more control over their virtual environment than is available with shared hosting.  It's also an excellent choice for those that work in the realm of web development, e-commerce, and server-based video games using AG VPS server by UltaHost
  • VPS hosting Argentina guarantees 99.9% uptime for your website. This ensures that your website is always available to your customers, which helps to increase your online presence and customer base.
  • UltaHost VPS hosting in AG provides high performance and speed for your website. The VPS hosting uses the latest hardware and software to ensure that your website loads quickly and runs smoothly.
  • Argentina VPS hosting provides high-level security to your website, including advanced firewalls, anti-virus, free DDOS protection and anti-malware software. This helps to protect your website from any cyber-attacks and keeps your sensitive data safe.
  • With Argentina VPS hosting, you can customize your server environment as per your website requirements. This includes the ability to install custom software, applications, and scripts, which can help to optimize your website's performance.
  • Cheap Argentina VPS hosting is available on UltaHost and is  cost-effective compared to AG VPS hosting competitors. This means that you can get all the benefits of a dedicated server, including high performance, reliability, and security, at a fraction of the cost.
  • Argentina VPS provides 24/7 technical support to its customers. This means that you can get help with any server-related issues at any time of the day, which can help to minimize any downtime for your website.

Argentina VPS Hosting FAQs

You can find here a list of frequently asked questions and answers on Argentina VPS Hosting.

Argentina VPS hosting is a type of web hosting service that uses a virtual private server (VPS) located in Argentina to provide hosting services for websites and applications. VPS hosting providers in Argentina offer virtual private servers located in data centers within Argentina, which can provide faster access to websites and applications for users within the country. This can be particularly beneficial for businesses or individuals who want to target the Argentine market and need a fast and reliable web hosting solution.


Ultahost Argentina VPS offers four types of VPS hosting plans: Basic, Standard, Professional, and Enterprise. They are all budget friendly.

All VPS hosting plans come with a choice of Linux operating system, SSD storage, 24/7 technical support, and a control panel. The higher-tier plans also include more CPU cores, RAM, and bandwidth.

Yes, Ultahost Argentina offers 24/7 customer support via phone, email, and live chat.

Yes, Ultahost Argentina offers fully managed VPS hosting plans where they take care of server maintenance, security, and software updates.

Yes, Ultahost Argentina offers a money-back guarantee for all VPS hosting plans and you also have free trials.

Ja, al vores VPS-hosting i Argentina inkluderer SSD-lagring, hvilket sikrer hurtigere dataadgang og forbedret overordnet ydeevne. SSD'er er ideelle til hosting af websteder, der kræver hurtige indlæsningstider og effektiv ressourceanvendelse.

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