China VPS Hosting

Experience lightning-fast and reliable China VPS hosting with flexible payment plans and 24/7 customer support only at UltaHost. Our China VPS are affordable and ready to go after purchase.
  • Nem at administrere
  • 24/7/365 Support
  • Gratis DDOS-beskyttelse
  • Gratis at prøve i 30 dage
  • Ubemålt trafik

Starter ved $4.80per måned

Ideel til mellemstore virksomheder at starte med

Nvme SSD-lager

Flexible VPS hosting plans in China for businesses

Get our Chinese VPS hosting at the most competitive pricing and experience outstanding virtual server dependability and performance.

Mest populære

VPS Basic

Det ideelle udgangspunkt for vps-hosting!
$4.80per måned

$7.99 Spar 40%

Faktureres for 24 måneders løbetid.


  • 1 CPU Core
  • 1 GB RAM
  • 30 GB NVMe SSD
  • Managed China VPS
  • 1 IPv4 Dedikeret IP
  • 4 IPv6 Dedikeret IP
  • Free SSL Certificate(s)
  • Free 30-Days Money-Back
Mest populære

VPS Business

Alt hvad du behøver for at drive en succesfuld hjemmeside online.
$8.50per måned

$13.99 Spar 40%

Faktureres for 24 måneders løbetid.


  • 2 CPU Cores
  • 2 GB RAM
  • 50 GB NVMe SSD
  • Managed China VPS
  • 1 IPv4 Dedikeret IP
  • Ubegrænset båndbredde
  • 6 IPv6 Dedikeret IP
  • DDOS beskyttelse
Mest populære

VPS Enterprise

Avanceret løsning, der nemt kan håndtere flere websteder med høj trafik.
$17.99per måned

$29.99 Spar 40%

Faktureres for 24 måneders løbetid.


  • 4 CPU Cores
  • 6 GB RAM
  • 100 GB NVMe SSD
  • Managed China VPS
  • 1 IPv4 Dedikeret IP
  • Ubegrænset båndbredde
  • 8 IPv6 Dedikeret IP
  • DDOS beskyttelse

China Windows VPS Hosting Plans

Windows-servere til ASP.NET-, ASP-, .Net Core- og SQL-serverbrugere og Remote Desktop RDP-servere

Mest populære

Basic Windows VPS

Det ideelle udgangspunkt for vps-hosting!
$13.99per måned

$23.50 Spar 40%

Faktureres for 24 måneders løbetid.


  • 2 CPU Cores
  • 2 GB RAM
  • 50 GB NVMe SSD
  • Managed China VPS
Mest populære

Business Windows VPS

Alt hvad du behøver for at drive en succesfuld hjemmeside online.
$20.99per måned

$34.99 Spar 40%

Faktureres for 24 måneders løbetid.


  • 2 CPU Cores
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 80 GB NVMe SSD
  • Managed China VPS
Mest populære

Enterprise Windows VPS

Avanceret løsning, der nemt kan håndtere flere websteder med høj trafik.
$42.50per måned

$70.80 Spar 40%

Faktureres for 24 måneders løbetid.


  • 4 CPU Cores
  • 8 GB RAM
  • 200 GB NVMe SSD
  • Managed China VPS
Mest populære

Premium Windows VPS

Få det bedste ud af alt, hvad du behøver for at køre en vinduesserver.
$124.80per måned

$207.99 Spar 40%

Faktureres for 24 måneders løbetid.


  • 8 CPU Cores
  • 32 GB RAM
  • 400 GB NVMe SSD
  • Managed China VPS
Mest populære

Ultra Windows VPS

Mere kraft, ydeevne og hastighed. Forbedret sikkerhed inkluderet.
$204.99per måned

$341.50 Spar 40%

Faktureres for 24 måneders løbetid.


  • 12 CPU Cores
  • 64 GB RAM
  • 750 GB NVMe SSD
  • Managed China VPS

*Kampagnepriser er altid gyldige. Gratis domæne tilgængeligt kun for årlige hostingplaner. Planer fornyes i samme takt.

Tjek vores Kina VPS-planer eller leder du efter mere kraft? Tjek vores VDS Servere

All our affordable China VPS Plans Come With

  • 24/7/365 Support
  • Teamledelse
  • BitNinja sikkerhed
  • Staging Environment
  • SSH- og SFTP-adgang
  • Ubegrænset båndbredde
  • Gratis daglige sikkerhedskopier
  • Gratis domæneoverførsel
  • Gratis SSL-certifikat
  • 30-dages pengene-tilbage
  • Dedikerede firewalls
  • Auto Healing
  • Optimeret med avancerede caches
  • CDN Add-on
  • 24/7 realtidsovervågning
  • Regelmæssig sikkerhedspatch
  • Ubegrænset applikationsinstallation
  • Gratis migration
  • Automatiserede sikkerhedskopier
  • HTTP/2-aktiveret server
Vores kunder siger Fremragende stars4.9 ud af 5 baseret på Anmeldelser stars

Our China VPS features and benefits are hard to beat

Your VPS Hosting in China is the perfect solution for your website needs. Our China VPS server gives you control, flexibility, and lasting performance.

VPS fuld root-adgang

Complete root access gives you complete control over your China VPS hosting environment, including custom installations and configuration with virtual private server hosting.

SSD NVMe-diskdrev

A solid-state drive (SSD) is a new generation of computer storage device. Our Chinese VPS servers SSDs have taken the place of traditional mechanical hard disks.

VPS 99.99% Uptime

Our business-class track record translates into some of the finest uptime performance for VPS in China. Our infrastructure is so reliable that we offer a 99% uptime guarantee.

Prisbillig VPS-hosting

The most affordable price to run a Chinese VPS server. You can save hundreds of dollars per month when you compare our prices with other VPS hosting companies. We are the best VPS provider in China.

Fleksibel DDR4 RAM-skalerbarhed

Is your Chinese business or website growing quickly? Start with 1GB of RAM and easily scale up, quickly and effortlessly from within your VPS China control panel, just let us know when you need it.

Ubegrænset båndbredde

With UltaHost, the volume of traffic that your China VPS-hosted website or application can receive is unrestricted. We only ask that you behave appropriately and adhere to our unrestricted policy.

Brugerdefinerede VPS-servere

UltaHost China VPS gives you the freedom to customize your server according to your website requirements. Choose your preferred operating system, number of cPanel accounts, server location, and server protection. Tailor your hosting experience to fit your unique needs with VPS in China.

Daglige sikkerhedskopieringer

Automated daily backups with full server snapshots and 1-click restore for your China VPS server available upon request. Our commitment to keeping your server up-to-date with the latest security patches, OS updates, and more, you can rest assured that your website is in good hands with China VPS.

Managed China VPS

We understand the importance of reliable and efficient China VPS technical support. That's why we offer world-class assistance from our friendly and knowledgeable team of experts. Whether you need help with server setup, troubleshooting, or general inquiries, our team is always ready to assist you.

Instant OS Setup for Your VPS Hosting in China

Har du behov for et specifikt operativsystem? Du kan installere enhver .iso-fil ved hjælp af den dedikerede ILO/KVM-grænseflade fra vores servere.

tabs-icon Debian
tabs-icon Ubuntu
tabs-icon CentOS
tabs-icon Red Hat
tabs-icon AlmaLinux
tabs-icon Fedora
tabs-icon Windows Server


Debian er et Open Source Linux-operativsystem baseret på Debian, sammenlignet med Debian tilbyder denne distribution 5 års langvarig support. UltaHost tilbyder version 11 og 12.

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Ubuntu er en Linux-distribution baseret på Debian og består for det meste af gratis og open source-software. Ubuntu er officielt udgivet i tre udgaver: Desktop, Server og Core for Internet of things-enheder og robotter.

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CentOS er på nogle måder open source-versionen af Red Hat OS. UltaHost tilbyder version 7 og 8 af CentOS.

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Red Hat
Red Hat

Red Hat

Red Hat er et licenseret virksomhedsoperativsystem. UltaHost tilbyder Red Hat version 8.

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AlmaLinux OS er et open source, fællesskabsdrevet Linux-operativsystem, der udfylder hullet efter afbrydelsen af CentOS Linux stabile udgivelse. Det er et af de mest populære virtualiseringsoperativsystemer, og UltaHost tilbyder version 8 af AlmaLinux.

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Fedora er et open source-operativsystem udgivet af Red Hat, Red Hat er selv baseret på Fedora. UltaHost tilbyder version 33 af Fedora.

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Windows Server
Windows Server

Windows Server

Med et enkelt klik kan du få adgang til 6+ pålidelige Windows-operativsystemer og vælge det, der passer bedst til dine behov. Ydermere tilbyder vi automatiske sikkerhedskopieringsmuligheder til alle vores servere - hvilket sikrer maksimal beskyttelse af dine værdifulde data!

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Comprehensive Service and 24/7 Support

Our China VPS hosting platform is a state-of-the-art platform that is fully equipped with everything you need to ensure that your website runs smoothly, including top-notch speed, security, and support.





24/7 Support

SSD & NVMe Hosting

SSD-diske tilbyder maksimal hastighed og pålidelighed end traditionelle diske, mens de imødekommer moderne websteders krav.

Indbygget cache

Vores indbyggede cache-mekanisme inkluderer Varnish, Memcached og Redis, hvilket øger hastigheden på dine hjemmesider.

Optimeret Stack

Vores stak inkluderer Apache og NGINX som webservere, PHP-FPM og MySQL/MariaDB som databaser for bedre ydeevne.

PHP versioner

Vi understøtter PHP 5.6.x og de nyeste versioner af PHP 8.x, så du kan teste kompatibilitet og skifte version i overensstemmelse hermed.

99.99% Uptime

Ægte hosting uden et enkelt fejlpunkt. Vores hosting flytter, afbalancerer og tuner dynamisk klientens instanser for at garantere en ekstraordinær oppetid.

Ultra optimeret

Vores servere drives af ultraoptimerede 14. generations Dell-servere. konfigureret til at tilbyde maksimal redundans med hensyn til netværk, strøm og harddisk.

Dedikerede firewalls

Vi udfører jævnligt firmwareopgraderinger og patches, så dine websteder forbliver sikre mod potentielle trusler.


SSL-certifikat vinder besøgendes tillid og sikrer, at deres data transmitteres krypteret. Implementer det gratis med et enkelt klik.

Login sikkerhed

Vi leverer tofaktorautentificering, registrerer mistænkelige loginforsøg og sender meddelelser for at holde din konto og server sikker.

IP Whitelisting

Du kan oprette en liste over hvidlistede IP'er for at blokere eller tillade IP-adresser for SSH/SFTP-adgang til din konto eller database.

BitNinja sikkerhed

Vi sikrer din online tilstedeværelse ved at beskytte dit websteds omdømme og dine besøgende mod cybertrusler, vi scanner dit websted for malware og andre sårbarheder.


Vores indbyggede databasesikkerhedssystem forhindrer uautoriseret adgang til dine data og beskytter dem mod sårbarheder.

Mange OS-valg

Vores tilbud inkluderer et bredt udvalg af Linux og Windows OS og muligheden for at installere din egen ISO.

Understøttelse af flere sprog

Du kan vælge mellem forskellige programmeringssprog: PHP 5-8, Perl, Python. Du bruger den teknologi, du foretrækker.

Vertikal skalering

Opskaler dine serverressourcer med blot et klik, når det kræves, så din hjemmeside forbliver oppe og køre 24/7.

Ingen kontrakt

Vi begrænser aldrig vores kunder til at underskrive nogen kontrakt eller betale et fast beløb for de hostingressourcer, de ikke bruger.

Flere lokationer

UltaHost opererer ud fra flere datacenterplaceringer, hvilket giver mulighed for mere lokaliseret hosting, hvilket resulterer i bedre hastighed for dine brugere.

Ubegrænset hjemmesider

Du kan være vært for så mange websteder, som du har brug for, ved at registrere eller bruge lige mange domænenavne. Dette er yderst nyttigt for dine virksomheder.

Brugerdefinerede opsætninger

Din online digitale forretning opsættes øjeblikkeligt med en gratis installationsproces med hjælp fra vores ekspertsupportteam, vælg scriptet og overlad resten til os.

SSH, SFTP-adgang

SSH/SFTP giver dig en høj grad af sikkerhed og muliggør adgang til din server/hjemmeside, så du kan udføre operationelle opgaver.

24/7 overvågning

Ultahost Monitoring er en gratis funktion, der giver dig hidtil uset indsigt i din infrastruktur. så du får mere tid til at fokusere på at vækste din virksomhed.

Team samarbejde

Vores indbyggede teamsamarbejdsfunktion hjælper dig med at dele begrænset til fuld adgang til din server eller applikation blandt teammedlemmer for bedre produktivitet.

Høj tilgængelighed

Vi har implementeret Floating IPs, så vores kunder kan opbygge høj tilgængelighed opsætninger og fleksibelt tildele hostingtjenester til IP-adresser.


Tilføj brugerroller, der giver dine teammedlemmer adgang til din server/hjemmeside uanset deres geografiske placering.


Vores hold af eksperter er tilgængelige 24/7; Du skal blot indtaste din forespørgsel, og vores supportteam vil med glæde hjælpe dig via live chat.

Engageret samfund

Vores aktive fællesskab består af kunder og eksperter, som konstant deler deres viden og færdigheder med UltaHost-fællesskabet.


Vi har skrevet en omfattende række af vidensbaserede vejledninger, som du kan henvise til for at få hjælp relateret til vores platform.


Du kan altid oprette en sag for at holde styr på din specifikke forespørgsel. Vores supportteam vil svare på den hurtigst muligt.

Support tilføjelser

Udover standardsupport kan du vælge en Advanced- eller Premium-supporttilføjelse, hvor vores Senior Support Engineers arbejder som en forlængelse af dit interne team.


Vi har integreret server- og webstedsovervågningsværktøjer til fejlfinding. Du kan også kontakte os, og vores team tager sig af det.
Free Web Hosting Transfer

Gratis webhostingoverførsel

China VPS is now providing a seamless and stress-free migration to UltaHost absolutely free of cost. With UltaHost China VPS, your website and email services will experience minimal downtime and your data are safe in a migration.

Premium Hosting Support

Premium Hosting Support

Our China VPS hosting team has specialized training to assist you with all elements of getting online in addition to resolving technical issues. You can reach us at any moment. We are here 24/7 to work for you.

Maximum Server Control

Maksimal serverkontrol

Experience full control over your domains, websites, and email accounts with VPS hosting in China with a Chinese VPS that provides SSH shell access and complete root privileges. With this powerful tool, you can reboot or power cycle your server as needed, ensuring maximum uptime and performance.

Fast, Managed VPS Server

Fast, Cheap China VPS Server

With UltaHost, you can say goodbye to the hassle of managing your systems and hello to more time to focus on growing your business. Our China VPS plans also come with ultra-fast SSD Nvme storage and unmetered bandwidth.

UltaHost VPS Hosting in China vs. VPS Hosting Competitors

In this case, picking one option is easy. UltaHost has additional features available. You now have access to some additional options.

Ultahost Logodreamhost web hosting LogoBlueHost web hosting Logocontabo web hosting Logogdaddy-tlogo
Starting From$5.50per måned$15.00per måned$6.99per måned$29.99per måned$7.99per måned
HjemmesiderOp til 7Ubegrænset hjemmesider1 hjemmeside1 hjemmeside1 hjemmeside
Diskplads30GB NVMe30GB150GB30GB20GB NVMe
Månedlig båndbreddeUbemåltUbemåltBegrænsetBegrænsetBegrænset
BitNinja sikkerhedtable-tick-gray----
SnapshotsUnlimitedBetaltBetaltBetalt Betalt
Gratis sikkerhedskopierfree-daily-backupspaid-daily-backups---
Node.js Sockettable-tick----

China VPS Hosting Use Cases and Purposes

  • VPS hosting in China is a versatile solution employed by a diverse range of entities, each with unique objectives. For example, if you happen to operate or host an eCommerce , or wordpress platform, China VPS hosting can grant you an added layer of security that surpasses what a shared hosting alternative can offer.
  • Looking to host a website that attracts a massive influx of visitors? China VPS or VDS hosting might be your go-to solution. Among the many hosting options available, UltaHost VPS hosting in China is a business favorite, especially for those with high-traffic websites. Its dedicated resources and dynamic environment make it an ideal choice for handling heavy traffic with ease.
  • Rest assured, your security is top-notch. Shared hosting can leave your personal information vulnerable, but with a China VPS, or an Asian VPS server, like Phillipines, Japan, Hong Kong all resources are exclusively devoted to your use.
  • China VPS hosting can also be used to host game servers. By virtue of the dedicated resources of China VPS hosting, online multiplayer games may be hosted with the strength and stability they require.
  • Scalability is achieved without the need for downtime or website transfers, allowing customers to begin with the very minimum of resources and gradually add more as their needs grow.

The Benefits of UltaHost VPS Hosting in China

  • VPS hosting in China enters the picture for those who are interested in studying Linux in order to run their own business, make their own website, or work in web hosting. In addition, it is a fantastic choice for e-commerce sites, game servers, and web-based applications
  • Free website migrations, a free SSL certificate, free DDOS protection, free virus scanning, and 24/7 Ultra Support are all features included in all of our managed China VPS services.
  • Our VPS hosting plans include frequent backups, so you won't have to worry about losing anything. All Chinese VPS will be provided following your purchase and instantly installed with your chosen OS.
  • One of the benefits of China VPS by UltaHost is Whether you are moving from a shared or eCommerce hosting plan, the amount of server space you have will surprise you. High bandwidth capacities can accommodate very high traffic volumes without any issues.
  • Apart from the world-class data centers of UltaHost's VPS hosting, VPS hosting is available in numerous countries like Italy and other countries in Europe, such as the Germany, Sweden or France, is very dependable, for maximum uptime and dependability, the data centers contain numerous resources, power, and internet connections.

What sets Ultahost China VPS hosting apart?

  • Køb din China VPS med Instant Setup, alt det tager er et minut.
  • Data centers are available coast to coast offering cutting-edge features, including fast and reliable networks.
  • Our Chinese Virtual private servers are provided by KVM.
  • Værktøjer som WordPress, som bruges af millioner af websteder, er forudinstalleret på vores systemer og kan startes med et enkelt museklik.
  • Host your China VPS where your customers are, and save money!
  • We offer managed China VPS server features so you can concentrate on running your business.
  • For special Chinese websites and traffic needs, we have special plans.

China VPS Hosting FAQs

You can find here a list of frequently asked questions and answers on China VPS Hosting.

UltaHost offers 24/7 customer support for their China VPS hosting service, with a team of experienced technicians available to assist with any issues or questions. Support is available via live chat, email, and phone, and UltaHost also provides a comprehensive knowledge base and tutorials to help users troubleshoot common issues and optimize their hosting environment.

UltaHost provides great security for your China VPS hosting. Ensuring the security of your China VPS hosting environment involves several steps, including keeping your software and applications up to date, implementing strong passwords and user access controls, regularly backing up your data, and monitoring for suspicious activity. You can also consider adding additional security measures such as firewalls, antivirus software, and intrusion detection systems to further protect your hosting environment.

UltaHost offers you a free migration. Migrating your website to a China VPS hosting service typically involves several steps, including transferring your website files and databases, configuring the server environment, and updating your domain name settings. Most VPS hosting providers offer migration assistance or tools to help simplify the process. Before migrating, it is important to backup your website files and data and test your website on the new server to ensure everything is working properly.

When selecting a China VPS hosting plan, it is important to consider your specific needs in terms of server resources, website traffic, and software requirements. Look for a provider that offers flexible plans that can be customized to your needs, with options for adding more resources or upgrading to a higher plan as your website grows. It is also important to consider factors such as bandwidth, storage, and backup options when choosing a VPS hosting plan for Chinese websites or audience.

When selecting a China VPS hosting service provider, it is important to consider factors such as server location, hardware specifications, network connectivity, customer support, and pricing. Look for a provider that offers servers located in China, with high-quality hardware such as SSD storage and ample RAM and CPU resources. Good network connectivity is also important, as it can affect website performance and user experience. Responsive customer support and transparent pricing are also important considerations.

Using a VPS hosting service in China can offer several benefits, including improved website performance and reliability, better security and privacy, and greater control over server configuration. By choosing a VPS hosting service with servers located in China, you can also improve website loading times and reduce latency for users located in China and other nearby countries.

China VPS hosting stands for Virtual Private Server hosting for personal or business use in China, which involves dividing a physical server into multiple virtual servers, each with its own resources such as CPU, RAM, and disk space. This allows users to have more control over their hosting environment, including the ability to install custom software and configure the server as they see fit. VPS hosting is different from shared hosting, where multiple websites share the same server resources, and dedicated hosting, where a single user has exclusive access to a physical server.

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