How To Install and Upgrade PIP To The Latest Version

Pip is a package-management system written in Python and is used to install and manage software packages. Pip connects to an online repository of public packages called the Python Package Index. Users of these online repositories, however, are sometimes targeted by hackers. As such, accessing these online repositories anonymously is the best course of action. Make use of Ultahost’s anonymous hosting service to access these online libraries safely and anonymously.

Because it is so simple to use, it has become one of the most effective Python package managers. It is a preinstall package with Python only to update or package versions. It does not play any role in the installation or uninstallation of Python.

Although Pip is already included in most Python versions, this tutorial will show you how to install Pip manually, check its version, and execute a few basic Pip commands.

What is Python?

Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language. It is an open-source programming language used for software development and an excellent choice for web development. Python is available on several operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. 

How To Upgrade PIP

It is essential to regularly update PIP to take advantage of new features and security patches. While Pip can update itself automatically, you must know how to update Pip on Windows and Linux VPS manually. To update Pip, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Open Command Prompt on your Windows system, macOS, or terminal in Linux.

For Windows: Enter Windows+R and type CMD and enter.

For Mac: Press command + space key, type terminal, and hit the enter button.

For Linux: Log in to ssh with Putty or any other terminal software. 

Step 2: Execute the following command:

python -m Pip install --upgrade Pip

This will uninstall the current version of Pip on the system and replace it with the latest version.

How To Downgrade PIP

If an older version of Pip is required owing to compatibility difficulties, it is simple to do so via the Command Prompt. To downgrade to a custom version of Pip, open a command prompt and run the following command. (The version of PIP wanted should be specified)

python -m Pip install Pip==18.0

<Pip==18.0> (or any other version)

Pip will be downgraded to the specified version. After the execution of the above command, one can check the Pip version with this command:

Pip3 –version

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Managing Python Packages with PIP

1. To Install 

By using the Pip install <package name> command, we can employ Pip to add any new third-party package to our Python environment, and Pip will add the new packages from the PyPI repository. 

You can run the following Pip install command if you want to install NumPy for your Python environment.

Pip3 install numpy


Pip install numpy

2. To Update

If you wish to update the same package to a later version, you can do so by inputting the following command:

Pip3 install --upgrade numpy


Pip install --upgrade numpy

3. To Uninstall

If you wish to uninstall the same package to a later version, you can do so by inputting the following command:

Pip3 uninstall numpy


Pip uninstall <package_name>

How To Install PIP

Step 1: Install Python and PIP

You must first install Python 3 on your system before installing Pip. You can also install Python on the official Python website (recommended for Windows and Mac). Pip comes pre-installed with the most recent versions of Python for Windows and Mac. 

If you use Linux, you can install the most recent versions of Python and Pip exclusively through the terminal rather than through the official Python website.

To install PIP for your Linux system, input the following:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3 python3-Pip

Step 2: Check the Pip Version and Verify the Installation

To check if Pip is installed correctly, run the following command in the command prompt (for Windows) or Terminal (for Linux and macOS):

Pip3 --version


Pip --version

If PIP is installed correctly, you will get an output similar to the one shown below: 

Pip18.0 from c:users/administrator/appdata/localprograms/python/python37/libsite-packagePip (python 3.7)

Step 3: Managing Python Packages with Pip

Use Pip to handle functionalities once installed and configured in the system. To get a quick overview of the functions and syntax available for Pip, open a command prompt and type:

Pip3 help


Pip help

Check out this blog post if you want a deeper understanding of how to install Pip on Windows.


Pip can be useful for organizing numerous Python library packages, especially when handling Python development. This article shows how to install Python with Pip and manage Python packages with Pip.

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