How to Install NetBeans on Windows

NetBeans is a free open-source Integrated Development Environment (IDE) majorly used for developing Java applications. However, it also supports other programming languages such as PHP, C++, and JavaScript.

In this post, we will cover the step-by-step process of install NetBeans Windows operating system.

Getting Started

Before you start the installation process of apache NetBeans make sure you have the following:

  1. NetBeans is compatible with various Windows versions like 7,8,10 and 11.
  2. You will need an active internet connection to download the NetBeans installer.
  3. You will need administrative rights to install NetBeans on your system.
  4. The installation requires a certain amount of free disk space depending on the NetBeans bundle you choose.

Furthermore, If you need to install Java refer to our guide on how to install Java on Windows operating system.

Installing NetBeans on Windows

Visit the official website to download NetBeans installer. Choose the appropriate NetBeans bundle based on your needs.

netbeans website

There are different bundles available for Java SE, Java EE, C/C++, PHP, and other programming languages. Click the download link for the Windows installer.

Once the download is complete locate the downloaded installer file usually a .exe file. Double-click the installer to start the installation process.

netbeans installer

Read the NetBeans license agreement. To agree the terms click “Next” or “Accept” to proceed.

netbeans license

The installer will suggest a default installation directory. You can choose to keep this default or select a different location.

netbeans directory

It’s recommended to install NetBeans in a directory without spaces or special characters to avoid potential issues.

You will be presented with a list of components that can be installed with NetBeans. Select the components you need based on the programming languages you plan to use.

customize intallation

For example, if you only want to develop Java applications you can select the Java SE bundle. Click “Ok” to continue.

The installation process will begin. This may take a few minutes depending on your system’s speed and the selected components. Wait for the installation to complete.

download netbeans

During the installation process you will usually be given the option to create a desktop shortcut. Check the box to create a desktop shortcut for easy access to NetBeans.

Once the installation is complete click “Finish” to exit the installer.

netbeans installation

To verify that NetBeans is installed correctly double-click the desktop shortcut or navigate to the installation directory and run the NetBeans executable. The NetBeans IDE should launch successfully.

java application

Additional Consideration

Following are some additional considerations while NetBeans download for Windows operating system:

  • If you are planning to develop Java applications make sure you have the Java Development Kit (JDK) installed before installing NetBeans. NetBeans requires the JDK to compile and run Java programs.  
  • NetBeans provides regular updates with new features and bug fixes. It is recommended to keep your NetBeans installation up-to-date.
  • NetBeans offers various customization options to configure the IDE to your preferences. You can customize the appearance, keyboard shortcuts, and other settings.


By following these steps you should have successfully installed NetBeans on your Windows system. With NetBeans you can start developing your Java applications and explore its capabilities for other programming languages as well.

Installing NetBeans on Windows can be a straightforward process but it might involve managing dependencies issues. Upgrading to an Ultahost virtual dedicated server empowers you with greater control and flexibility which grants you root access allowing you to streamline the installation process and configure NetBeans precisely for your needs.


What is NetBeans?
Where can I download NetBeans for Windows?
What are the system requirements for installing NetBeans on Windows?
How do I install NetBeans on Windows?
Do I need to install Java before installing NetBeans?

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