How to Install phpBB on Ubuntu 24.04

phpBB is a free and open-source forum software that is used to build a PHP bulletin board website where users can share threads and messages. It offers a user-friendly interface, which makes it a good choice for beginners. Users can use different add-ons to add new features to their forum without writing any code. They can also change the appearance of their phpBB site by using pre-made templates.

Moreover, phpBB serves as a place for communities to communicate, work together, and share information on different topics. In this tutorial, we’ll demonstrate how to install phpBB on Ubuntu 24.04. 

Installing phpBB on Ubuntu 24.04

phpBB stands for “PHP Bulletin Board”. It lets people create and manage online discussion forums easily and efficiently. To install phpBB on Ubuntu 24.04, you must go through the below-listed steps:

Step 1: Update the System

It’s a good practice to update your system before installing new software to ensure compatibility, enhance security, and benefit from the latest features and bug fixes:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
updating system repositories

Step 2: Installing LAMP

Now run the following command to install LAMP on Ubuntu as it is the prerequisite for the php bulletin board:

apt install apache2 mariadb-server php libapache2-mod-php php-gd php-curl openssl php-imagick php-intl php-json php-ldap php-common php-mbstring php-mysql php-imap php-sqlite3 php-net-ftp php-zip unzip php-pgsql php-ssh2 php-xml wget unzip -y

This command installs Apache, MariaDB, PHP, and the required PHP extensions. It also installs utilities like wget and unzip for downloading and extracting files:

installing lamp for phpbb

Step 3: Starting and Enabling Services

Let’s start the Apache2 and MariaDB by executing the following command:

sudo systemctl start apache2 && sudo systemctl start mariadb
starting services

After this, enable both the services using the command:

sudo systemctl enable apache2 && sudo systemctl enable mariadb
enabling services

Step 4: Creating a New Database for phpBB

To set up a database for phpBB, we need to access MySQL using the below command:

sudo mysql
log into mysql

Next, we create a database named ultahost:

creating new database

Let’s switch to the newly created database named ultahost using the following command:

USE ultahost;

After switching to the desired database, run the below command to create a new user:

creating new user

Next, give the new user full access to the database you just created:

GRANT ALL ON ultahost.* to 'user1'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '1212';
granting permissions to new user

Refresh the privileges to make sure MySQL applies the changes you made:


Then exit the MySQL database:

refreshing permissions

Step 5: Installing phpBB Ubuntu 24.04

After setting up the database, execute the command below to download phpBB on Ubuntu:

installing phpbb

Now extract the downloaded phpBB file using the unzip command:


Now move the phpBB3 directory to the /var/www/html/phpbb location, which is typically the web server’s root folder for hosting websites:

sudo mv phpBB3 /var/www/html/phpbb
moving phpbb directory to web

Step 6: Changing File Permissions

Run the following commands to change the ownership of the phpbb directory to the Apache web server user:

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/phpbb

Next, set the permissions of the phpbb directory to allow the owner and group to read, write, and execute, while others can only read and execute:

sudo chmod -R 775 /var/www/html/phpbb
changing permissions

Step 7: Creating an Apache Virtual Host for phpBB

Now create an Apache virtual host for phpBB:

sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/phpbb.conf

In this file, specify the following lines of code to configure Apache for phpBB:

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin admin@domain_name
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/phpbb
<Directory /var/www/html/phpbb>
Options FollowSymlinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/phpbb_error.log
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/phpbb_access.log combined

Step 8: Restarting Apache

Now run this command to enable the phpBB site configuration, activate the rewrite module, and restart Apache to apply the changes:

sudo a2ensite phpbb && sudo a2enmod rewrite && sudo systemctl restart apache2

Accessing phpBB Web Interface

Once you’re done with the installation, you can access the phpBB web interface by specifying the domain name or IP address:


You’ll be navigated to the following page:

accessing phpbb web interface

Switch to the Install tab and then click on the Install button to begin the phpBB installation process:

installing phpbb

Specify all necessary configurations, like administration configuration, database configuration, and click on the submit button to complete the installation:

installation panel

Click on the Take me to the ACP link to redirect to the phpBB dashboard:

phpbb dashboard

Now you can post messages, engage in discussions, and interact with users.


phpBB provides a simple way of creating and managing online communities and discussion platforms. Its easy-to-use interface and wide range of features let users build and customize forums to fulfill their needs. You can install phpBB on Ubuntu 24.04 by setting up the LAMP stack, creating a database for phpBB, configuring file permissions, and setting up Apache for hosting. Once you complete the installation, phpBB offers a user-friendly interface for managing and moderating discussions. In this article, we explained how to install and access the phpBB on Ubuntu 24.04.

We hope this guide has helped you successfully install phpBB on Ubuntu. For the best performance and control, use Ultahost’s Ubuntu VPS hosting. It provides the highest level of control, full customization, and guaranteed uptime, ensuring your phpBB forum runs smoothly and efficiently.


What is phpBB?
Why should I use phpBB for my forum?
How do I install phpBB on Ubuntu 24.04?
How can I customize my phpBB forum?
How do I access the phpBB web interface after installation?
What permissions should I set for the phpBB directory?
What is the purpose of an Apache virtual host for phpBB?

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