Install LAMP on Ubuntu 18.04

The LAMP acronym, which stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP/Perl/Python, represents a dynamic and widely-used software stack renowned for building and hosting websites and web applications with exceptional capabilities. In this enlightening blog post, we embark on an exciting journey exploring the intricate process of installing the magnificent LAMP stack on the ever-popular Ubuntu Server 18.04, a highly regarded and dependable Linux distribution adored by web developers and system administrators alike.

Behold Linux, the bedrock operating system that serves as the sturdy foundation for the majestic LAMP stack. Ubuntu 18.04, revered for its unwavering stability, ironclad security measures, and unparalleled user-friendliness, bestows upon us a rock-solid platform brimming with an extensive repertoire of features and packages meticulously tailored to satiate the needs and desires of ambitious web developers and meticulous system administrators.

What is LAMP?

Now, let us back in the radiance of Apache, the esteemed “A” in the illustrious LAMP acronym—a venerable web server that exudes reliability, breathtaking performance, and an impenetrable fortress of security. With the installation of Apache, behold the gateway to a realm where you can effortlessly host and elegantly serve your web applications with utmost efficiency, guaranteeing an unparalleled user experience.

Turn your attention to the captivating “M” in the remarkable LAMP stack, none other than MySQL—a captivating, open-source, and highly versatile relational database management system (RDBMS). This remarkable marvel bestows upon you an unyielding and scalable solution for deftly storing and effortlessly retrieving data for your magnificent web applications. Armed with MySQL, you can effortlessly navigate through the intricate labyrinth of database management, seamlessly execute queries, and preserve the sanctity and integrity of your invaluable data.

The “P” in the spellbinding LAMP stack—a trio of powerful programming languages: PHP, Perl, and Python. Brace yourself as you enter a world where you can sculpt dynamic web content with finesse and breathe life into your creations. These extraordinary languages empower you to craft interactive websites that elegantly handle user input and seamlessly connect your applications with the formidable MySQL database. The choice between PHP, Perl, or Python rests in the hands of your discerning preferences and unique project requirements.

System Requirements

  • A machine running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (or a later version).
  • A non-root user with sudo privileges for executing administrative commands.
  • Stable internet connection for downloading and installing the necessary packages.

Install Apache

To install Apache on Ubuntu 18.04, follow these step-by-step instructions:

code to install apache2 in lamp

Update Package

Before installing any software, it’s a good practice to update the package repositories on your Ubuntu system. Open a terminal and run the following command:

sudo apt update

Install Apache

Once the package repositories are updated, you can proceed with the installation of Apache. Run the following command:

sudo apt install apache2

This command will download and install Apache along with its dependencies. You may be prompted to confirm the installation by entering ‘Y’ and pressing Enter.

Enable and Start Apache Service

After the installation is complete, Apache is automatically started as a service. However, you can run the following commands to ensure it is enabled and started:

  • To enable Apache to start automatically on system boot, run the following command:
sudo systemctl enable apache2
  • To start the Apache service immediately, run the following command:
sudo systemctl start apache2
  • To check the status of Apache and verify that it is running without any errors, use the following command:
sudo systemctl status apache2
  • If Apache is running properly, you will see an output that indicates its status as “active (running)”.

Test Apache

To ensure that Apache is working correctly, open a web browser on a device connected to the same network as your Ubuntu system, and enter the IP address or domain name of your Ubuntu machine in the browser’s address bar. You should see the default Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page, indicating a successful installation.

To install MySQL on Ubuntu 18.04 and secure the installation, follow these step-by-step instructions:

Install MySQL

code to install mysql server
  • Open a terminal on your Ubuntu system and run the following command to install MySQL:
sudo apt install mysql-server
  • During the installation, you will be prompted to enter a password for the MySQL root user. Choose a strong password and remember it, as you will need it to access and administer the MySQL database server.
Mysql installer in lamp
  • After the installation completes, it is recommended to run the MySQL secure installation script to enhance the security of your MySQL installation. Execute the following command to start the script:
sudo mysql_secure_installation

Start and Enable MySQL Service:

Once the MySQL installation is secure, start the MySQL service and enable it to start automatically on system boot. Run the following commands:

sudo systemctl start mysql
sudo systemctl enable mysql

Test MySQL Connection

  • To verify that MySQL is running and accessible, you can test the MySQL connection by running the following command:
mysql -u root -p
  • You will be prompted to enter the MySQL root password you set during installation. If the connection is successful, you will be presented with the MySQL command-line interface. This is a process of installing lamp on ubuntu.

Install PHP

To install PHP and its necessary modules on Ubuntu 18.04, follow these step-by-step instructions:

code to install php in lamp
  • Open a terminal on your Ubuntu system and run the following command to install PHP and some commonly used modules:
sudo apt install php libapache2-mod-php php-mysql
  • This command will install PHP along with the necessary module for integrating with Apache (libapache2-mod-php) and the module for MySQL connectivity (php-mysql).
  • After the installation completes, you can verify that PHP is installed correctly by creating a simple PHP test file. Use the following command to create the file:
sudo nano /var/www/html/info.php
  • This command will open a text editor. Enter the following line in the file:
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
  • Save the file and exit the text editor.

Restart Apache

  • To enable PHP integration with Apache, you need to restart the Apache service. Run the following command to restart Apache:
sudo systemctl restart apache2
  • This command will restart Apache and load the PHP module, allowing Apache to process PHP scripts.

Test PHP Installation

  • To test if PHP is working correctly, open a web browser and enter the following URL:
  • Replace <your-server-IP> with the actual IP address or domain name of your Ubuntu server. If PHP is installed properly, you should see a page displaying detailed information about your PHP installation.
  • Remember to remove the info.php file from the web server’s document root directory after verifying PHP installation for security purposes:
sudo rm /var/www/html/info.php


In this blog post, we learned how to install and test the LAMP stack on Ubuntu 18.04. By installing Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP, we created a powerful environment for web development and hosting in process to install LAMP on Ubuntu. With the LAMP stack in place, you have the tools needed to build dynamic and interactive websites and web applications. By harnessing the power of Ultahost VPS hosting, you can fully unlock the potential of the LAMP stack and create exceptional websites and web applications. Enjoy exploring the capabilities of the LAMP stack and unleash your creativity in the world of web development.

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