How to Create a WordPress Child Theme

Have you ever wanted to modify your WordPress theme without putting at risk future updates? Consider the concept of child themes, a powerful tool that allows you to customize a theme’s design and functionality while leaving the core files unchanged. This enables an easy upgrade and keeps modifications from being overwritten.

In this post, we will discuss how to create WordPress child theme with the knowledge to create and control your website effectively.

Why Use a Child Theme?

Here are points described below on the benefits of WordPress child themes and why child themes are effective for developers:

  1. Safe Updates: Theme updates often introduce bug fixes and security enhancements. With a child theme, your customizations remain intact even after updating the parent theme.
  2. Flexibility: Child themes offer a designated space for your modifications. You can edit styles, layouts, and even specific template files without altering the parent theme’s core code.
  3. Organization: Child themes keep your customizations separate promoting a cleaner and more manageable codebase. This makes it easier to collaborate with other developers.

Understanding Parent-Child Theme

The child theme is an extension of its parent WordPress theme. The child theme inherits all the styles, layouts, and functionalities of the parent. Any modifications you make within the child theme override the corresponding elements in the parent theme.

Creating Your Child Theme

There are three main approaches to create child theme in WordPress:

1. Manual Creation

This method offers the most control but requires some familiarity with code. Here’s a brief guide on how to make child theme in WordPress:

Navigate to your WordPress theme directory wp-content/themes using an FTP client or file manager. Create a new folder and name it using a descriptive term followed by “-child” for example twentytwentythree-child.

child theme

Inside the child theme folder create a file named style.css. This file contains essential information about your child’s theme. Here’s a basic template:

Theme Name: Your Child Theme Name
Theme URI:
Author: Your Name
Author URI:
Template: [parent-theme-slug]  Version: 1.0.0
Description: A child theme for [parent theme name].

add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_child_theme_styles' );
function enqueue_child_theme_styles() {
    wp_enqueue_style( 'parent-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css' );
    wp_enqueue_style( 'child-style', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/style.css', array( 'parent-style' ) );

Replace the bracketed information with your details and the parent theme’s slug which is found in the parent theme’s style.css file. The enqueue_child_theme_styles the function ensures both the parent and child theme styles are loaded in the correct order like a parent first then a child.

2. Plugin Creation

For a more user-friendly approach consider plugins like “Child Theme Configurator” or “Create Block Theme.” These plugins guide you through the creation process and automate some steps.

For example, I am using Create Block Theme, Navigate to your WordPress dashboard then the “Plugin” section. Click “Add New Plugin” to install the plugin, and search for the respective Plugin in the search bar as described image below. Click on “Install Now” and then the “Activate” button.

child theme plugin

This plugin allows you to:

  • Create a blank theme
  • Create a new theme based on the currently active theme
  • Create a child theme of the active parent theme
  • Create a new style variation
  • Export a theme
  • Save user-changed templates and styles to the active theme

3. Direct Theme Conversion

If you are using a block theme as your parent theme WordPress itself offers a convenient way to create a child theme. Similarly, as described above activate the “Create Block Theme” plugin and then head over to your WordPress dashboard then choose “Create Block Theme” under the “Appearance” menu.

The plugin will automatically detect which theme you are using for example, as the given image shows that I am using Twenty Twenty-Four and it gives me the option to create a child of Twenty Twenty-Four. Click the “Create child of Twenty Twenty-Four” option.

create child theme

After clicking it gives the option for child theme setting according to your preferences For example write your own theme name and description.

child theme information

Scroll down it will show the features that are extracted from parent theme, choose according to you are preferences then click the “Generate” button.

child theme generate

Customizing Your Child Theme

Once your child’s theme is in place you can start making modifications:

  • Style.css: Edit the style.css file to add custom CSS rules that override the parent theme’s styles.
  • Template Files: Copy specific template files for example header.php and footer.php from the parent theme’s folder into your child theme’s folder. You can modify these files to adjust layouts and functionalities within your child theme.

When modifying template files it is recommended to only edit the specific sections you want to change. Avoid rewriting the entire file as it can lead to conflicts during updates.

Additional Considerations

Following are some additional considerations on how to create a WordPress child theme:

  • Consider using a version control system like Git to track changes made to your child’s theme. This allows you to revert to previous versions if needed and collaborate more effectively with other developers.
  • Always test your child theme on a staging site before deploying it to your live website. This ensures your modifications function as intended and don’t introduce any unintended consequences.
  • Since child themes involve editing code prioritizes security. Regularly update your child theme and WordPress core to address any vulnerabilities.

When NOT to Use a Child Theme

While child themes offer a powerful solution for customization there are situations where they might not be the best fit:

  • If you only need to make a few minor tweaks to the theme’s styles you can often achieve this by adding custom CSS code directly in the WordPress customizer.
  • If you are not comfortable working with code creating a child theme might cause difficulties


Child themes empower you to personalize your WordPress website without compromising the integrity of the parent theme. By following the steps outlined in this guide and adhering to best practices, you can create a child theme that meets your specific needs while ensuring a smooth and secure website experience.

Creating a child theme in WordPress offers customization flexibility but it requires some coding knowledge and ongoing maintenance. For a user-friendly interface consider Ultahost’s Envato hosting service. If you are using an Envato theme this can help you set up a child theme easily ensuring your customizations are preserved through future theme updates.


What is a WordPress child theme?
Why should I create a WordPress child theme?
How do I create a child theme?
What should I include in the style.css file?
Can I update the parent theme if I use a child theme?

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