How to Install Zenmap on Ubuntu

Zenmap the official graphical user interface for the powerful Nmap security scanner empowers you to explore networks with ease on your Ubuntu system. It allows users to visualize and analyze network types to detect vulnerabilities and perform security assessments.

In this guide, we will navigate you through how to install Zenmap Ubuntu by providing you with knowledge and different methods to explore in depth.

What is Zenmap

Before diving in, it is important to understand the relation between Nmap and Zenmap. Nmap, a command-line tool, offers unparalleled flexibility for network security assessments. Zenmap serves as a user-friendly front end, translating Nmap’s commands into a visual interface. This allows you to perform scans, analyze results, and visualize network types without using complex command-line syntax. If you are comfortable with the command line interface you can switch to Nmap, check out the post on Nmap essential commands and options for flexibility.

Installing Zenmap on Ubuntu

There are two primary approaches to install Zenmap on Ubuntu:

  • Using the Package Manager: This is the recommended method for most users as it’s straightforward and based on Ubuntu’s built-in package management system.
  • Compiling from Source Code: This method offers more customization but requires a deeper understanding of the build process and potential troubleshooting.

Method 1: Package Manager Installation

This method is efficient and ensures compatibility with your Ubuntu version. Here’s what you need to do:

1. Update Package Lists

Open a terminal window from Applications then Terminal and execute the following command to refresh the list of available packages:

sudo apt update
update command

2. Install Zenmap

Now, use the following command to install Zenmap:

sudo apt-get install zenmap

The system will download and install Zenmap along with any necessary dependencies.

apt zenmap

3. Verify Installation

Once the installation is complete, you can verify it by typing:

zenmap --version

This should display the installed Zenmap version.

Method 2: Compiling from Source Code

This method provides more control but involves additional steps:

1. Install Build Essentials

Ensure you have the necessary build dependencies in your Ubuntu system:

sudo apt install build-essential checkinstall zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev

2. Download Zenmap Source Code

Navigate to your preferred download directory for example Downloads in the terminal using the cd command. Then install Zenmap latest version source code from the official Nmap GitHub repository using a tool like wget:

cd Downloads
wget -O
zenmap sourcecode

3. Extract and Compile

Unzip the Nmap downloaded archive from the terminal in the Ubuntu system:

unzip nmap

Then navigate to the extracted directory by typing cd command, for example:

cd nmap-master

Configure the build process and adjust flags as needed:


It is essential to compile the source code using make command, then install the compiled Zenmap application with administrative privileges:

sudo make install

This should confirm the successful compilation and installation of Zenmap on your Ubuntu system.

Launching Zenmap

After installation, you can launch Zenmap from the Applications menu or by typing zenmap in the terminal.

zenmap GUI

Exploring Zenmap Features

Zenmap boasts a range of features that simplify network security assessments:

  • Target Specification: Define the network segment or specific hosts you want to scan.
  • Profile Selection: Choose from pre-defined scan profiles for example quick scan, intense scan, or create custom profiles.
  • Scan Results Analysis: View detailed information about discovered hosts, ports, services, and potential vulnerabilities.
  • Visualization Tools: Utilize network topology maps to visualize the scanned network layout.
  • Exporting Results: Export scan results in various formats for further analysis or reporting.

Additional Considerations

Following are some additional considerations on how to install Zenmap on Ubuntu system:

  • Running Zenmap with administrative privileges might be necessary for certain scan types or advanced features.
  • Always scan networks with proper authorization and avoid intrusive scans on systems.
  • Network scanning can be misconstrued as a malicious activity. Gain explicit permission from the network owner before conducting any scans.
  • Intrusive scans can potentially destabilize or damage systems. Stick to non-intrusive scans that gather information without disrupting normal operation.


With Zenmap in your collection, you possess a powerful tool for network reconnaissance and security analysis on Ubuntu leads to you in network testing. Remember to utilize it responsibly, following ethical guidelines and obtaining proper authorization.

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What is Zenmap?
Is Zenmap compatible with Ubuntu?
How do I install Zenmap on Ubuntu?
Do I need any special skills to install Zenmap?
Can Zenmap help me with network security?

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