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Create an email account using HestiaCP

To create an email account using HestiaCP, follow these steps:

Log in to Hestia Control Panel: Access your Hestia Control Panel by navigating to the login page and entering your credentials.

hestia login

Navigate to the Mail Section: Once logged in, locate and click on the “Mail” section in the control panel. This section typically allows you to manage email accounts.

hestia mail

Select Domain: If you have multiple domains configured in HestiaCP, select the domain for which you want to create the email account.

Create Email Account: Click on ‘Add Mail Account’

add mail account hestia

Enter Account Details: You’ll be prompted to enter details for the new email account, including the email address and password. Additionally, you may have options to specify mailbox size, enable auto-reply, etc.

hestia add mail

You can click on ‘Advanced Options’ for more options

hestia mail advanced options

Save Changes: Once you’ve entered the necessary information, save the changes to create the email account.

hestia mail creation

Verify Email Account: After creating the email account, verify that it’s working correctly by accessing it through your preferred email client or webmail interface.

That’s it! You’ve successfully created an email account using Hestia Control Panel.

If you encounter any issues or have further questions, feel free to reach out to Ultahost support.

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Create an email account using HestiaCP

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